Why do so many still think women are always weaker than men?

United States
August 12, 2008 6:50am CST
My father once told me "No matter how tall or strong you are you'll never be a strong as a man" my very own aunt made the comment "I know I'm weaker than men who are smaller than me because I'm a woman" and this pattern disturbs me, see, I am 6 foot one, good muscle structure, able to throw most of my male friends over my shoulder with ease and have been able to take down men even larger than myself without taking a cheap shot! (I use to do backyard wrestling against my male friends because none of the chicks wanted to fight me, it was all friendly compitition but we still didn't hold back). So eedless to say, every time I hear the "Women are weaker than men" line I go off on the jerk who says it, don't care if the person is male or female, Igo off because I find that generlization highly insulting to not just myself but to all women. Why the hell does that misguided belief still exsist in the USA? I thought we had proved that claim wrong! I thought people would realize that there are women who are indeed stronger than men! Maybe not all are just as not all men are stronger than women but we do indeed exist and there are more of us than people think, we just normally don't go picking fights to prove it.
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23 responses
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
13 Aug 08
So eedless to say, every time I hear the "Women are weaker than men" line I go off on the jerk who says it, don't care if the person is male or female, Igo off because I find that generlization highly insulting to not just myself but to all women. LOL GO TEAM!!! and I do too...My brother has that sort of a negative view of women and I have put him in his place 100xs over....which is actually very entertaining since he's only abut 5'7" and weighs maybe 150 soakin wet AND is a laidback, stoner, passive type...unlike myself..I'm 5'9", 170 and a former street kid with a violent mean streak in me that HAS put men to the ground LOL...Of course my brother also thinks that women should ONLY be barefoot and pregnant, speak when spoken to and are here to serve men adn do as they are told...Needless to say, we've had many a "discussion" about it over the yrs LOL I think that anyone with that sort of "women are weak" attitude needs to go a few rounds with women like us and see what the end result is LOL...I have gone rounds with men both in a friendly fashion AND in not so friendly ways as well...I use to play tackle football with the boys as a teen..I AM NOT a passive "oh poor me" woman..I take care of me and mine and have since I was 13....I DARE some dumbarse to step to me with the assumption that I'm some wimpy girlie girl who is "less than, weaker than".....they'll learn the hard way and eat some serious crow LOL
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
13 Aug 08
LOL Hell my brother is in his 40s and hasnt changed yet so I doubt he ever will..He's definately in his own little snowglobe...Probably explains why he never has been and will never be married...Few women these days will put up with a guy like him....
• United States
13 Aug 08
LOL, I've noticed most guys with a view like his do end up single their whole lives!
• United States
13 Aug 08
Go ahead! You know, your brother is the same hieght and wieght as my fiance....my fiance however loves stronger women, he once told me that he knows he's safe because he knows I'll take down anyone who tries to hurt him. Hmmmmmm, maybe your brother will end up feeling the same once he gets a taste of real life and has a woman save his rear........
@ronslove (481)
• Philippines
13 Aug 08
The traditional roles of men and women are changing. Eventhough men have not been freed from being the principal breadwinnders, they are also expected to help with household chores. Women too are making money outside the home, but they still operate under the assumption that childrearing is primarily their function. Men and women alike cry under the load and insist they are overworked and underappreciated. Both are probably right. But women still have more of the housekeeping burden falls on their shoulders than on their husbands' and at work they are paid less and promoted less ofetn. What may be worse, the stress being placed on them may be taking its toll on their childre and spouses; society needs to understand that women are just human, not superwomen.
• United States
13 Aug 08
Very true. I think that is why so many women within the last ten years have started businesses of their own, so that they don't have to worry about being paid less due to their gender. In 2002, 6.5 million bussinesses were owned by women, the number has gone up to over 10 million within just a few years! The traditional roles are being torn down, most of us think it's happening slowly, but in all truth the change is very rapid, just most people don't keep up with female owned business numbers, most health care businesses are owned by women yet most who think a woman should follow traditional roles don't even realize that the hospital they go to could in fact be owned by a woman.
• Philippines
13 Aug 08
Just don't think about it, it's just gender discrimination that is present on our society. You should have looked at the Beijing Olympics Woman's weight lifting competition. The woman there are so awesome, it's not something all males can do. Even my male gym trainer who is so big and bulky told me that he can't lift 130kg.
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• United States
13 Aug 08
He can't lift 286 pounds? My father wieghs almost than and I can pick him up (he wieghs 250 pounds, still not light...) now I can't pick him up over my head but I can throw him over my shoulder......
• Philippines
12 Aug 08
geez... you're tall and definitely strong. i tell you what, some men will acknowledge that you are stronger than them. but some just stubbornly disagree because like what strawberryrain said pride is what it is. they still think they were naturally born to be stronger and yet women are emerging and overthrowing them slowly, so they'll blab about that line, "women are weaker than men." women became more empowered and some men are fearing we'll dominate them like the way they dominated us. anyways, good news is not all men think this way. BUT, the "misguided belief" will always exist. i was thinking you're lucky enough since women from the west are more empowered than us, women from the east. so yeah, don't think too much about these blabbering, it'll never get away. what's important is you know yourself that YOU ARE STRONG.^_~ you don't have to be compared to men, you don't see them as a special group. men and women, they're all the same, and you are stronger than some of them (put altogether). by the way, i envy your physical strength, because i'm physically weak. but it didn't made me feel weaker than men around me. and whether they acknowledge it or not, i know cause i feel they fear me especially once i use my brain. i can't beat men in a hand-to-hand combat like what you do, but i know a lot of men and women around me who never wanted to get involve in a fight with me. so cheers to all strong women.^_^
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• United States
12 Aug 08
Hey, a good mind is better than strong fists, I happen to be born with genetics that make me strong physically yet, though I am intelligent, I got the backlash of dyslexia. It sort of sucks because men can get hired due to pure strength (manual labor jobs) yet bosses are less likely to hire women for manual labor even if the woman is highly qualified and able. Wmen normally get hired for their smarts, but due to my dyslexia it takes me longer to read things, I learn fast I just read slow because I have to read things twice to make sure I saw it right. Oh my, I've gone on a mini rabble there, haven't I?
@jaffna (778)
• India
13 Aug 08
me too agree that women are weaker than men always...the reason could be their emotions...when people get emotional,they tend to become weak...this is what the case of most women around...
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• United States
13 Aug 08
Try telling that to a woman who's survived a rough life face to face, I bet she would be able to prove you wrong.
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@3cardmonte (5098)
12 Aug 08
my boss's husband told me that pound for pound women are actually stronger than men,its only because men are taller that people think they are stronger.I am only 5 foot 3 and i have taken down a 5ft11 guy when he tried to steal my handbag,(it was fun!)
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• United States
12 Aug 08
GO AHEAD! I bet there was a look of shock on his face!!!!!!!!!!
@academic2 (7000)
• Uganda
12 Aug 08
I know of a woman in my village who wrestles down a half of the men in the entire village-dont tell me that is a sign of weakness!
• United States
12 Aug 08
Nice! She must be well respected! That or shunned, depending on the culture that you live in, though I hope she's respected.
@applefreak (3130)
• Singapore
22 Aug 08
well physically women are weaker than men. it is not anything but our genes. from the moment we are born, women are made to be weaker than men. all else being equal, a man's gene directs more of the energy towards building muscles. a woman's gene directs the energy towards building fats. this is the reason why when doing a body checkup, the body fat index is different for men and women. there are women who are stronger than men after training. however, given the same amount of training, men will be stronger than women. just look at sports event, the world record for men events is always faster/farther/higher than women events. doesn't this already tell us something? cheers ;p
@djoyce71 (2511)
• Philippines
12 Aug 08
Physically, men are really stronger than women. The difference in the muscular structure of men and women makes the other stronger and the other weaker. Mentally, however, no one can say that women are always weaker than men because sometimes women outdo men in terms of intelligence and maturity. That's just my opinion.
• United States
12 Aug 08
But what about those of us who are physically stronger? We do exsist bu it seems people just over look us, they seem to forget that we're still part of the female demographic!
• Finland
12 Aug 08
I think that's complete bull****! Women can be very strong too, think about the world's strongest woman competition and everything like that. And why the best men in these kinds of competitions win the best women? That's because women have been raised to think that they shouldn't be strong, men the opposite way. So women can be just as strong as men.
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@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
13 Aug 08
No big deal to me! If men are stronger then so be it! In the first place God really made them to be stronger then women because they are to destined to head the women. If indeed there are strong women then well and good but to make a big deal about who is stronger against who does not make sense to me. Sorry but that is my opinion.
• United States
13 Aug 08
Not to be mean, but you kind of reinforced one of my beliefs, that much sexism is due to the bible. Men do not have the right to be over women, for a people to believe that is the very root of sexism.
• United States
14 Aug 08
No, I mean, if it's how you live your life then that's your choice, I live mine differently and that's my choice, I just don't fully understand how people can follow a book that tells them to be under men. That's one of the reasons why I rejected the bible, but hey, if you're happy living your life that way then more power to you, I just can't fully understand why. Again I run into one of the problems with the internet, being unable to hear someone's tone when reading.........I guess my first reply came out harsher than I intended.
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
14 Aug 08
Not to be mean as well but I believe you posted a question here and I am just answering. I believe anyone who posted a question must be ready to receive different view from viewers and not to expect that all responses should be in accordance with his belief. This is my personal opinion on the basis of my belief and I don't mean to change yours. I am just giving mine. Well if that has negative affect on you then I am very sorry!
12 Aug 08
Hi victoria, It was the men that invented those words because they know darn well that women are stronger in many ways then men thefore they want to keep women down. I always say men only have muscles but one brain if they have two it'll fighting between themsleves. Men are weak in every way but they only have strenght more then some women. Bright Blessings Tamara
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• Philippines
12 Aug 08
it's not only physically that strength is measured...that's just one part of it...if you know how to use your strength with your brains...sure you're stronger...regardless if you're a man or a woman...strategy is the key.
@fcangel9 (51)
• United States
13 Aug 08
people are always going to believe that men are stronger than woman because that is what is drilled into your head as a kid... dont hit girls because you are stronger than them... i even find myself saying that to my son sometimes. I believe emotionally women are stronger even tho it doesnt seem like it. I think as far as physical strength it can go either way, just depends on the person.
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• India
14 Aug 08
indian woman - indian woman in saree
may be the average body size denotes that. there are men who appear weaker in figure than women and there are power lifters women who look very composed and sturdy. may be it is just a misnomer. bye and happy my lotting.
@zhaosonghan (1039)
• China
13 Aug 08
This situation is always exist,it's a fast view of point in our mind although we know some women is really stronger than some men,men alwasy say this line beacause men think that they should guard women,it's men's duty.It is a true that some women are better than some men,they can do things which men can't do,now the modern younger don't think women are weak,at least i think so
• China
13 Aug 08
you are brave. in my opinion, I agree that in physiology, woman is weaker thatn man mostly. no body can change it. but there is no reason for discrimination. now, as same as man, woman works hard and earns much, even more than man. woman also supports family as same man, woman is no more a machine for washing and cooking, woman has her own job and salary. even woman is more staunch and laborious than man, woman can also areate fortune for her country. we can't judge a person by sppearance. the strength of heart is powerful.
• China
13 Aug 08
it is a harsh task to change people's concept.especially the traditional ones. actually, in the ancient time the so called men is superior to female just presented by the way of strength. But now many cases have showed that lots of women in fact are over that of men. So just watching, the world is changing, I do not mean that female exceeds in male,but making man and woman to be closer and closer equalarity .
• China
13 Aug 08
yes there is still existing this basis. i do think man ang woman should be the same .sometimes woman is more strong
• United States
13 Aug 08
i absolutely hate this stereotype. it is irrational and close-minded as far as i'm concerned. i mean, yes, on the average, men generally have larger muscle mass and stature, but in the incidents where that is not the case, we really have no advantage. women are equipped with a higher functioning intellect, a higher pain tolerance, and a better connection with their emotions. some may argue that that last one is a weakness, but its a lot harder to express and accept emotions than it is to shut them out.