Do you think adopting babies from other countries is wrong?
By yukmizzee
@yukmizzee (329)
United States
42 responses
@magikrose (5429)
• United States
5 Nov 06
I dont think it is wrong to adopt a child who needs a home. Who cares where the child is from as long as there is love in the family where the child is from shouldent matter.
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@port_authority (200)
• United States
5 Nov 06
Uh, I don't see why anyone would think it would be wrong.
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@yukmizzee (329)
• United States
5 Nov 06
Mainly I meant like celebs. Like its the cool new thing to do
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@hariharan23 (1075)
• India
6 Nov 06
i agree with you, now coolest thing for celebs is adopting child from other country's. angelina and madaona are the latest flicks
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@athreyas3006 (358)
• India
9 Nov 06
Absolutely no. Babies are god given gifts. If there is responsibility to please god, by bringing up the child and making a responsible human being there is nothing wrong. But just adopting some baby to look after the wealth and manage is wrong doing.
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@yukmizzee (329)
• United States
9 Nov 06
I agree with you, thats what I was trying to say. If they do it for the wrong reasons then I think they are horrible people!
@tentwo67 (3382)
• United States
6 Nov 06
I don't think it is ever wrong to give a home to a child who needs to be loved, regardless of the country of origin. I think it is important to remember the child's roots as you raise him/her. I know some people who adopted a Chinese baby and they have been careful to respect where she came from.
When I think adoption is wrong is when it is done for the wrong reasons. If someone adopts just because it looks like a good thing to do without having a true desire to be a parent, then it is wrong. Whether you adopt or give birth to a child, you must really want it with all of your heart, because it will take all of your heart and soul to give the child what he/she needs.
@yukmizzee (329)
• United States
9 Nov 06
Thanks for the reply and your views! Yes children are gifts from the lord not little novelty items!
@BellasmamaTiff (2544)
• United States
9 Nov 06
I feel that there are A LOT of babies and children HERE in the US that we should be thinking about first. Children here that we need to find a place for before we bring more over here. But, no, its not WRONG.
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@amsharma (1860)
• United States
6 Nov 06
Why would anyone think it is wrong to adopt a child from another country? It doesnt matter where a child is from, what matters is there are children out there that need homes. If I was ever going to adopt, I would adopt outside of the US (which is where Im from)
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@yukmizzee (329)
• United States
6 Nov 06
No I just think the celebs do it for media attention. Thats all
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@AndreaLawStudent (287)
• United States
6 Nov 06
No, as long as the adopting parents are fit.
I would love to adopt! I would do anything to have more children. Sadly, I can't fly and it is preventing me from going and being able to adopt a child.
@the_vicar (1477)
• United States
6 Nov 06
No. America is a conglomeration of cultures and immigrants so if there is a person who can provide a good and stable home, then why not? (I wish sone rich celeb. had adopted me...but no one did....sigh!)
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@heatherpaint (146)
• United States
5 Nov 06
I do think that we have a huge amonut of kids and babies to adopt in america... however I know it is so much easier to adopt in another country and cheaper. So you can see wy people would want to.
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@Truewater2 (322)
• United States
5 Nov 06
No, I do not think it is wrong.
I think it is wonderful when a family opens its heart and home to a new family member. Raising children is such a huge responsibility, and I think anyone who adopts is to be commended and deserves the support of the community.
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@MercyGurL (112)
• United States
6 Nov 06
I do not think it is wrong, everyone has the right to care and love who ever they want to. If that person is from another country then i think it is great!
@tusharprabhu (638)
• India
5 Nov 06
Celebrities are humans too...and so are their babies, biological or adopted. Babies around the world are human too, deserving the same love, attention, care and parenting that any celebrity's baby would deserve. So, i see nothing wrong if anyone adopts a child from anywhere. The key to adoption though is that it should be done out of love for a human life, for a child that will henceforth be 'your' child. And NOT because it is a noble, fashionable or 'newsworthy' thing to do. To celebrities, my message would be: give your adopted child your love, don't give yourself publicity through adoption.
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@yukmizzee (329)
• United States
6 Nov 06
Yeah, I just feel that the celebs are doing it for attention. Thats all. And if they are I think thats wrong. Do it for love not for media coverage.
@mrszink02 (93)
• United States
9 Nov 06
no every child needs and deserves a loving home no matter what country they are from.
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@cajunmomma (624)
• United States
6 Nov 06
I don't think it is wrong. I do think that people should at least consider a child from their country before considering a child outside of their country. There are lots of children that need a good home every where, not just outside of the US.
@kruell_intentionz (1159)
• United States
6 Nov 06
no I know a friend of mine that adopted a baby from another country and he is the most beautiful baby I have ever seen. Just cuz they are from other countrys doesnt mean they dont have a right to grow up in a good home
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@mommygirlX4 (675)
• United States
6 Nov 06
I don't think it is wrong. A baby needs to be loved and taken care of no matter what country it was born in. As far as the celebs. doing it, I think they are just doing it to get attention.
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@Proserpine (248)
• United States
6 Nov 06
No. If someone can provide a child a loving and healthy life, I don't think it matters at all. The child's life is the most important thing.
@xJOVANIEx (36)
• United States
6 Nov 06
absolutely not! if i had the means, i would love to adopt children! my husband and i have talked about it a lot, and if we ever get into that financial situation, we would do it in a heartbeat! we would love to adopt a little girl from romania and/or china. my husband is romanian and i've always loved the beauty of romanian girls, not that other cultures aren't beautiful!
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