Divorce - cause of divorce?
By brisk123
@brisk123 (2823)
11 responses
@tapnaroy12 (875)
• India
12 Aug 08
well, i guess that common cause varies with the persons and their cultures. Like muslims have a custom known as 'talaq'. For even a silly cause, if a drunken hubby says that word thrice, its a legitimate divorce in their community.
So it is very difficult to pin point a common cause. but in general, I think, lack of communication and misunderstanding, are basic cause of any kind of separation.
Do you have any other idea?
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@fleur_petal (883)
• India
12 Aug 08
the most common cause of divorce would have to be loosing out interest in each other or losing out on love for each other. although the most cited reason is difference in thinking which again can also be the case. sometimes extra marital affairs can also prove lethal to a marriage.
@granite_butterfly (448)
• Canada
22 Aug 08
I think that the most common cause of divorce would be that people tend to change and grow apart. Interests change, emotional responses change, life circumstances change, and I believe that in these transitions people can lose love for one another or grow in unrelated directions. Really, it is challenging to consider one common ground for divorce. There is probably no single divorce identical to another in circumstance.
@intimate36 (1415)
• Pakistan
13 Aug 08
Lack of tolerance , acceptance , and maturity.
Excess of expectations , demands ,and wishes..
I think , along with many , minor reasons.. these are the major reasons..
And , if we go in deep, money is also a major cause..
Simple thing , to avoid it ...If you are in a restaurant , place your order and enjoy it.If you look at the next table, you may think , that the food they are having is more delicious...
So , be in your limit, instead of comparing yourself with others...
@intimate36 (1415)
• Pakistan
19 Aug 08
thanks for supporting and appreciating my response...and for B R too
@iyah10 (4115)
• Kuwait
12 Aug 08
Some reasons that people give for getting a divorce, or wanting a divorce, are purely selfish and have no substance. An example of a reason for wanting a divorce that has no substance is not liking the fact that your spouse has constant unfounded jealousy. There is a deeper problem that exists here, and in the case of this example, it could be that the spouse who constantly feels jealousy has a confidence problem or some sort of 'fear of loss'. Whatever the case, the divorce reason in this example clearly isn't viable and should relatively easy to fix.
Often times when people give 'surface' or flimsy reasons for wanting a divorce, they really have much deeper feelings about something and they're just using the shallow divorce reason as an avoidance of some kind. Or, they give these 'foundation-less' reasons for wanting a divorce because they actually aren't aware that there are other deeper rooted reasons that are the cause of the way they feel now.
Common reasons that cause people to think about or want to get a divorce:
*Couple has conflicting personal beliefs
*Couple’s marital satisfaction decreases
*Cruel treatment
*Spousal Indignities
*Irretrievable Breakdown of some kind
Of course, you should add your own reasons to the list for wanting a divorce, better yet, make your own list of what may be 'valid' reasons. Solid divorce reasons for wanting or going through a divorce usually come from some sort of occurrence, behavioral pattern, and/or change in the viewpoint of the marriage itself.
In order to really make a smart divorce decision, you should first list the reasons that you have for wanting a divorce, then examine those divorce reasons for true viability. Then come back to it that list in a day or so. Chances are you will be able to scratch a few of those reasons for wanting a divorce off the list because they were identified purely from an emotional viewpoint rather than logic.
If you are thinking about getting a divorce, and haven't clearly identified what reasons you have for feeling the way you do, you'll be doing yourself a 'dis-service' if you act without carefully examining the viability each designated divorce reason. Everyone has their own reasons for wanting a divorce, make sure that you are certain that your reasons are truthfully viable to you before you act on them.
@kpmramani (23)
24 Aug 08
The most serious one is ego among partners. Give and take policy is mostly absent.
Sometime wife has to give leeway and another time husband has to give it up. Only when both the hands clap, sound comes. When one is anger and another wait and keep silent and respond at a time of coolng off, divorce will not come at all. Don't keep anything in heart and every thing has to be discussed among couple and reasons are to be found out for better understanding .
@brisk123 (2823)
• India
24 Aug 08
Yes absolutely!One of the main reason is "ego" whether the couple admits or not, it is always there most often and this is also the root causes of divorse and couple's ending up their marriage.When ego comes in between, it is difficult to maintain any relationship.
@bbsr13 (4196)
• India
13 Aug 08
Hello,Brisk! Marriage is a social institution.As in every institution there are certain regulations so also here there are some guiding regulations.the couples should understand these regulations properly and implement so that there will be no separations.In a married life the couple should love each other without any ifs and buts.they must regard the feelings and emotions of each other.they must compromise to circumstances and ultimately trust each other.where these factors do not work divorce is only the option.I am a married man.I have been with my wife for the last 39 years and we have three daughters.we never thought of bad for each other.rather we respect each others feelings and emotions.and that is why we are a happy family.thanx.
@Gesusdid (1676)
• United States
13 Aug 08
to me its either one of two things or mostly the main thing is , the attraction the love , well then there is the respectful factor also which can fall under money , daily living , anything you name it , say like a common thing is men always like to scawble over money expenses that their wives spend their money on , and mostly the man feels like hes not being respected where he told his wife to spend the money he gave her , you know , if she was told to spend it on food for the week , she does that , and also gets her nails done or something like that ,..a wife shouldnt be told to do anything i would hope i wouldnt have to tell mine ..like i could go on and on about the detail of the example but to me its respect and love thats all
@bamakelly (5191)
• United States
12 Aug 08
I believe that there are several reasons for divorce. Go ahead and pick one. I personally believe that finances do act as stimulus to a divorce as it gets stated a lot. I also believe that people lose the communication so vital to any relationship whether it is marriage or not.
I am a married woman myself. I am forty years old. This is my second marriage and it better be my last one. I say that being married is a job sometimes if you are doing it the right way. You just need to lean on your better half when times get tough, stay away from potential temptations and don't go looking for something outside of the marriage to make things better. It doesn't work that way. People tend to want something better and don't try to work it out first with their husband or wife.

@chenmeiyi (972)
• China
13 Aug 08
nowadays divorce really spread quickly in many countries.as far as i am
concerned,the culprit of divorce may originate from small conflicts and quarrels
first,they may involve different opinions on life,work,emotion and other small or
big aspects.then it accelerated to so big and great problems that makes couples
cant bear each other,so they make decisions on impulse,choose to split and
separate from the one house and live respectively.some couples will recover their
emotion ties and live together again.to make matters worse,some just separate
forever.thus,divorce has been increasing and out of control.so we should make
serious determine on marriage,never do things on impulse,or it will leave serious
fruits and we cant make up for the hurt scared both part.take care.
@sanjana_aslam (4187)
• Malaysia
13 Aug 08
Me and my husband have been together for 14 years prior to getting married. One thing that I know, both of us have changed alot for each other. We have given up almost to everything on our individual choices to accomodate each other. We do have lots of money related problem and we do have arguments but end of the day we make up. We decided that we will try to overcome any problems together. Another thing i learned along the way is not to have any expectation from my husband .. so what if he cant deliver something ? So what if he forgot our anniversary or my birthday ? One thing we know is we have matured together along the way. I too have learned not to nag him if he does not do anything .. i just leave it be and when the thing troubles him he will do it himself.