would you trade your flip flops over jewelled stilettos?

August 13, 2008 8:44am CST
i havent tried wearing a pair of stilettos. i think it would kill my feet and strain my calves. flip flops are comfortable but stilettos are dashing.
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3 responses
@Bobbysox (224)
27 Sep 08
Love high heels and if I was able to I would always wear them,but lol my feet and legs do not care fir them,my feet swell as they are tilted at a weird kind of angle,and then in turn it affects my legs too,and the calves start to feel tight.I think the new killer heels look soo good on the younger girls,but lol they are the ones with the good legs to show them off.
@Ina926 (172)
• United States
24 Aug 08
No, I would keep my flip flops, the last thing I need is a broken bone. I do have a collection of heels, just not stilletos heels. They are too high and dh is too short. lol
@iskayz (5420)
• Philippines
13 Aug 08
Hi there! Since I have many flip flops maybe I can trade one of them for a jewelled stilettos. It would be nice to have a variety of shoes. Anyways I can use the stilettos when I have to go to a party or formal event. Ciao!