Do you buy fake bags?
By mimico
@mimico (3617)
August 13, 2008 8:52pm CST
During a trip to Hong Kong, I chanced upon a market that sold fake designer bags. The quality was really great and the price was nothing like the original price, but since I didn't have a lot of time to choose I ended up not buying any. :(
I think the good thing about having a designer bag is that it can add a lot of oomph and star power to one's outfit. Even if it's a fake, only you can tell right? But then again, some expert might notice that it's a fake and then you'll be embarassed in public. :(
So tell me, have you ever considered buying a fake designer bag? Or if you already have one, then do people accuse you that it's a fake?
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7 responses
@jairgirl (2877)
• United States
14 Aug 08
hello mimico,
i was in Hongkong 2 years ago we stayed there for a week and it was fun, i was thinking i will more of the stuff i often see in mainland china but it is not much compared to what i have seen LOL
we live in china for 5 years and i have to say that those bags are amazingly awesome haha.
i do buy a lot of them send them to friends and gave as a gift to some of my hubby's colleagues. for some reason i can bargain better than them - strange.
anyway, i like the bags that i found. it takes a while to find a good seller that really sells the ones that is almost the real deal
there are a lot of factories in china that really caters to the original ones so you will get lucky if you happen to find them.
i had a few when i was there and when my family came visit they are happy coz they thought they are all originals.
i remember most people who sees a few of my bags where amazed coz they dont see those style anywhere and if they do it is not as cheap as i often get.
anyway, i left them all when we move out coz the shipping company told us that the custom is very tight and we will end up having some problems out here.
we listened even if i dont want too
just to avoid conflicts.
btw, those foreigners who sees my stuff when we are in china cant hardly believe that what i have is fake.
i often bring them to the places i find is much better than the commercial ones that most foreigners are going.
i think that is the most we buy that is fake, the other stuff like clothes, shoes and appliances are left there not because we cant bring them but because they are no longer working or wearable at all. i guess that is what we get for what it cost LOL

@mimico (3617)
• Philippines
15 Aug 08
Well thanks so much for replying. You're so lucky to be living near the fake bag factory in that case. And if you give them as gifts to friends then it must be really cheap!!! Now I'll have to think twice before buying the original bag when I know that I can get even better deals for the fake ones. I hope I can make it to Hong Kong this year I can't wait to go shopping.
@jairgirl (2877)
• United States
16 Aug 08
you're very much welcome!
sorry to confuse you but we dont live near the bag factory just so happen that the district we're at at accessible to the flea market that the normal chinese people goes.
where ever you go out there you will lots of them either in the store or the street just takes time to find the one that is good quality coz there are those who looks good outside but if you really look inside it is very crappy.
i suggest that if you go to Hong Kong to double check whatever you want to buy.
it happens to me a lot that they showed something and then give you another thing, very sneaky indeed they didnt know i live near by so when i come back to complain they are very shy as they know what they did.
just be careful and you will end up buying what you really want.
i think the price range from US$5-25 per bag depends on how you haggle with it. i often trick them by living the their stall and move to the other one and then they will come get me and say they are willing to give it to me for the price i want.
i think that is the reason why i get it cheaper than most can do. if others get it for US$15 i get it to $5-7 and that is all i am willing to pay, just pick a not so busy day (another benefit if you live around coz you can go there during the low season and bargain as much as you want haha!)
anyway, i wish you all the best!
i hope you get a chance to go back in HK and find some bags and whatever you want out there.
just be careful at the airport as sometimes they confiscated any fake products you have.
have a good one!
@StarChild517 (657)
• United States
14 Aug 08
I dont have any bags to be honest but my cousin has fake bags which is kinda sad in my opinion when she HAS money
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@IInsanity (290)
• Malaysia
15 Aug 08
i don't have a fake designer bag but i was tempted to buy a few times.
whenever i want to buy a bag, i will try NOT to get a fake designer ones. because the fake things here in my country doesn't have a good quality. and a lot of people buy it.
i try to get a non-branded bag which is more chic and unique. =)
for me, if i want to buy designer, i'll buy the real thing ;)
happy mylotting!
@myliezl0903 (2726)
• Philippines
15 Aug 08
honestly, before i used to buy fake designers bag., but then i've noticed that it only last months.,well of course it was just a fake., then what do you expect ., i love to collect bags and since i want something that will last longer i already bought an original one and yeah, it will really last long.,it was kinda expensive in a way but if you will try compute the expenses for a fake that will last for 6months or less with the one which will last for years.,i guess you would realized that you save up more.,.
and aside from saving up money you could actually flaunt it without any hesitations cause you are really confident that it is a real one.,Ü
have a nice day ahead!
see you around!
manila, philippines