How do you motivate yourself to write.

@dani27 (544)
United States
August 14, 2008 1:29pm CST
I have so much that I always need to do, I can't get motivated to write. I could be cleaning, going outside, cooking dinner and so many other things. What do you do to get motivated?
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7 responses
• United States
22 Aug 08
For me, having a deadline is always motivation to write. For me, finding the motivation isn't the problem. I think that there is a financial reward at the end of the tunnel for anyone who can manage to find the right words to say. The problem for me is... finding the words, finding the topic, finding the audience. But I understand that life can be busy. There are always other things to do. Perhaps you could follow the suggestion of other writers who set aside a particular time of day - one hour in the morning first thing after getting up, or one hour in the evening before going to bed (or even fifteen minutes - if that's all that you think that you can spare!) Finding a regular time can be helpful, so that you know that you still have the rest of your life that you will be able to fit in the remaining 23 hours of the day (or 23 hours, 45 minutes...) and you can still manage to get a little writing in as well. Thanks for the discussion!
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
20 Aug 08
It's an act of discipline. I wake up in the morning, I eat breakfast, I stare at the computer. Even if it's just myLot, I make myself write something just to get the muse started. It also helps to go out to an event with an eye on writing about it. This is especially good if you can't get inspired. The key is to make time for writing if it's really vital to you. Set aside 15 minutes a day when you just write and nothing except severe emergency should interfere with that time.
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
14 Aug 08
i have written and sold stuff as well and what i did was took a 5 minute break when i needed a break. someone told me that writers are the only ones who would rather be cleaning toilets than writing and i have to need to WANT to write (but dont put so much pressure on yourself!) also, a book you might want to read is called 'bird by bird' by anne has very good advice for the struggling writer!
• United States
17 Aug 08
Usually a topic approaches me instead of the other way around. Sometimes I just get these ideas in my head and I try not to let them go. And then I just start writing or typing. Sometimes after watching a well written movie inspires me to try and get my feelings and ideas out there. And sometimes it doesn't take much at all to get me motivated.
@reckon21 (3479)
• Philippines
14 Aug 08
I just think of some happy memories then I will be inspired by my pleasant thoughts. If i am feeling sound and healthy that means i am already motivated to do everything.
@Robin55 (225)
• United States
19 Aug 08
Hey, Dani! Something that helps me is picking out a certain time of the day when I feel the most creative. In my case, it's at night but for others it's in the morning or middle of the day. Another thing you can try is to pick a small block of time out of the day to just sit and write, even if it's just in a journal for fifteen minutes. It may get the juices flowing for you. A last suggestion is to keep a small pad and pen handy when you're going somewhere like the doctor's office and write while you're waiting to see the doctor. You may also find that it's a great stress reducer, too. Just a few suggestions. I hope they help.
@Humbug25 (12540)
14 Aug 08
Hello dani27 I find it really easy in myLot, it's just like chatting to someone really! I joined gzyn as I enjoy writting but it is too hard for me and I only wrote a few articles. I find it easier to write a few sentences in hear it is much easier and it is down to you how much you earn where as with gzyn you are relying on other people to make your money!