What have fibromyalgia patients done to lessen their pain?

@ali136 (199)
United States
August 14, 2008 5:11pm CST
I am in pain every day and would like insight on what methods/medications have worked for you. Please list your specific symptoms that have been alliviated.
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5 responses
@patgalca (18310)
• Orangeville, Ontario
16 Aug 08
I have had fibro for 11 years and it has taken a lot of trial and error to find what works for me. But I have always been on Tylenol 3's for pain. They work for me. Exercise is good as it keeps your muscles from atrophying. Another excellent aid is Magnesium/Malic Acid (also known as Mag-Citrate). Fibromites are severely lacking in magnesium so it is very important to be taking that. But when I started taking Mag-Citrate I felt much more relief. When I stopped taking it for a week (stores were sold out) my pain increased. It is a must-have for everyone, especially magnesium as it aids in over 300 bodily functions. Everyone with fibro that I know has taken Mag-Citrate has found some relief. But there is no cure for fibro and you are still going to have your bad days. I'm hurting right now because I decided to vacuum the house the other day with anticipation of hubby's return from vacation. I never vacuum (that's his job). I have done it twice in the last year and have paid for it dearly. So there will always be pain, but there are ways of treating it or at least easing it. When I'm really bad, Tylenol 3 and heat (hot beanbags) help a lot.
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@ali136 (199)
• United States
16 Aug 08
I haven't been taking the mag-citrate. I will have to try that. Do you know if I can get it at Walmart? I've been taking tylenol arthritis, which helps alittle. Heat helps, but doesn't last, and I can't do anything while I have a heat pad or bag on. Thank you for your response!
@patgalca (18310)
• Orangeville, Ontario
16 Aug 08
I can't see Tylenol Arthritis helping fibromyalgia. They are different diseases. Fibro affects the muscles while arthritis affects the joints. As far as Mag-Citrate, I live in a town of 27,000 people. There are only 3 stores that carry it - the two health food stores and Zehrs grocery store. You should be able to find it online. The brand I use is SISU, 250mg. 3 times a day. Good luck!
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@ali136 (199)
• United States
18 Aug 08
Fibromyalgia also affects the joints, that's why I had to go to a rheumatologist to get diagnosed, and why they thought I had rheumatoid arthritis at first. My knees are the main points of my pain. I looked at walmart, and they didn't have it, so I just got a magnesium supplement. If I find the Mag-Citrate, I will buy it, but I only found them sold separately, not together. Thank you for your info!
@dawnald (85147)
• Shingle Springs, California
14 Aug 08
Hi - I mainly have upper and middle back pain and don't sleep well. The things that help are: Ice heat stretching walking massage (very temporary) skelaxin (muscle relaxant) in combination with advil trigger point injections I was using synequan and flexeril but I went off them cold turkey two years ago and really feel much better for it. I use melatonin to help me sleep and I am seeing a naturopath to try and find natural ways of dealing with the condition. Good luck!
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@ali136 (199)
• United States
14 Aug 08
Interesting. Is skelaxin a prescription? That's what it sounds like. My knees are one of my main pain points so walking is out of the question. I've never heard of advil trigger point injections. Thank you for your response.
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@dawnald (85147)
• Shingle Springs, California
14 Aug 08
Skelaxin is a prescription. I didn't mean advil trigger point injections, they are two separate things. Advil is for pain and trigger point injections can be done by a doctor.
@ali136 (199)
• United States
16 Aug 08
Oh okay. I don't know if I could do the injections. They want to shoot me in the neck, but I've heard it's real painful to have done, and it's not a guarantee.
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
14 Aug 08
i dont have the problem of fibro but i am in constant pain due to severe arthritis of the knees. i use heat and a nsaid rub called pensaid (i am in canada and i dont know if its available anywhere else)but it does help. for pain, i take tylonel (which doesnt help much but my only other alternative are narcotics).
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@ali136 (199)
• United States
14 Aug 08
I understand the knee pain. That's where most of my pain is. There and my neck. I've never heard of pensaid. Heat helps but it's hard to keep it on my knees throughout the day. Thank you for your response.
@i12read (57)
• United States
16 Aug 08
I wish I could help you, but I haven't found anything to help yet. Sorry.
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• United States
17 Aug 08
Number 1, the pain never goes away!! But I have found that detoxifying the body with activated charcoal and a good detox tea, blueberry is one get the pain under control (weather conditions aggravate fibro). Also, I take vitamins multi a good one extra B-complex and COLLAGEN supplement. This is very important, because people with fibro are collagen deficient. And good old exercise and I don't mean running down the road, etc. Good stretching exercises help tremendously. It hurts I know but you have to buck up and not let it be the boss. I also find that stress is a great contributer to fibro. Adrenal gland supplements are great and it stops the back pain. I tried every pain med including morphine at high doses, it only caused more PAIN. Try to eat foods without preservatives, they are killers. no fast food, etc.
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@ali136 (199)
• United States
18 Aug 08
Thank you very much for your response. I have detoxed for a month before. Only ate veggies. Didn't seem worth the effort for me, since the pain only diminished a little. I go to the gym 3 times a week already and do more stretching exercises at home. I do not take collagen, though. That's something I would like to try. I don't eat much fast food. Pain medicine doesn't cause me more pain, but it just doesn't help much. I'm taking Tramadol, and I am only supposed to take 2 every 6 hours. But, it only takes my pain away for only and hour or so. I go to see my doctor on the 26th, so I will discuss all of this with her. Thanks again!
• United States
27 Nov 08
My doctor told me I am Vitamin D deficient. I also have Fibromyalgia. Are all Fibromyalgia patiants deficient?