No one will ever respond!

Mylot cup - This is the infamous Mylot cup
United States
August 15, 2008 9:53am CST
I have seen some discussion that seem to scream. PLEASE DO NOT RESPOND. Why in the world would people write discussions that they know no one will respond to? Do you ever do this? Do you ever write a whole discussion knowing that more than likely no one will EVER respond? What is the purpose of having a discussion with no one? If there is some logic to this let me know? How manay discussions have you seen that you know people more than likely won't respond to?
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25 responses
@Wizzywig (7847)
15 Aug 08
I suppose we all have our own view of what's worthy of a response. I wouldn't start a discussion that I wouldn't respond to myself. - Well, thats not strictly true...I started one on shoes and on chocolate just as an experiment because I felt that people were more likely to comment on what I considered trivial... So, I have started half a dozen that no-one's responded to but I didnt set out to that. Does that make sense?
3 people like this
• United States
15 Aug 08
You are funny. :) I don't know if I have ever started a discussion that I didn't think people would respond to. I think sometimes I did not have a title that attracted people. The discussions that I started were masterpieces though. (Ok I may be a little bias.) :)
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@Wizzywig (7847)
15 Aug 08
Perhaps we have to put certain key words into the title?? Or, as I've seen several times, re-arrange the words in someone elses title (oh, do you think that's harsh of me??) Maybe I'll experiment a bit more....
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• United States
15 Aug 08
Good luck rearanging the titles. Perhaps spelling all the words backwards and do a discussion on dislexia. :) My brother inlaw has that. Maybe he would respond? lol
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• Philippines
15 Aug 08
this one made me laugh. caught my attention. ;) lol. i agree. there are really some discussions here that i can say not making sense at all, and much better to just keep it to themselves. lol. but we have our own points of view here, we dont know whats bugging on their mind when they post. maybe they think that they really need to post it and ask some help or just pieces of advice that other can give. so if we can give them a little help on that, we are that kind. ;)
3 people like this
• United States
18 Aug 08
lovely welcome to MyLot. The ones that actually ask something are not the ones I am talking about. There are one that people will write nonesense. Like "auhgiurpireg" and the call it a discussion. Or they will just use a bunch of symbols or one word or one letter. Then there are some that ask you to not respond. :)
• Philippines
18 Aug 08
thanks for the welcome doubleloveyou. ;) oh yes i've read soe posts here that you're talking about. they're funny, but most of the time annoying. LOL. maybe they just want some attention. and then we dont give them that. ;)
@paid2write (5201)
15 Aug 08
I think some people do use myLot as if it was a blog, or a messaging service, and they just post to tell us what they did this morning, or to tell us it's late now, they're tired and off to bed... If I get them in my email notifications, I just read and delete, but they don't really help the website, as they are not active discussions. If it's a rant, then at least we can respond by agreeing, offering our sympathy or sharing our own experiences.
• United States
15 Aug 08
Very true paid. Once again why start a blog on a site that is not a blog site. Speaking of which may I ask you a question? (of course that is retorical) Your name paid2write...Do you have site (beside Mylot) that are paying you to write? My wife writes articles and books and is looking for a place where she can do some legit freelance writing.
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15 Aug 08
Funnily, I have just responded to your discussion about that subject, and you can find more about where I write from my blog. There is a link on my profile page.
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@liquorice (3887)
15 Aug 08
Well, I think that most people on here have experienced starting discussions that haven't been answered. I've certainly had a few with no responses, but I haven't done it deliberately! I can't imagine that many people would actually set out to do this. I'm not sure what sorts of discussions you're talking about here, but I guess that the authors must believe that somebody will reply when they're posting it. Otherwise why bother? Sometimes you might think that a subject is really interesting, but it's easy to misjudge other peoples' reactions to things, I suppose. It's sometimes difficult to realise that not everybody is passionate about the same things that you are (for example a discussion on baby-weaning or potty-training isn't too scintillating for somebody without kids, and one about your local football team, however amazing you think they are, might not draw in too many people in this world-wide discussion forum, lol!) I haven't really noticed any discussions that I think won't get any answers. I find it hard to predict really. Maybe you're a better judge of this than I am.
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• United States
15 Aug 08
The ones that I'm really talking about are the ones that start off with "I don't want anyone to respond" Lol Then why write it. Usually it is just venting. Or they may be used to blogging as opposed to a discussion format. Dunno really. What I do (as you can read in my other responces) is go to the No Response section and find an old one and respond to it. I have actually gotten several BR that way. Mainly because I was the only one to respond. :)
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• United States
15 Aug 08
It may be a ploy but seldom do I fall into it. I feel they may have a reason for not wanting a response. No need to stir the nest. :)
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@liquorice (3887)
15 Aug 08
Oh, I see. No, I haven't seen any that say 'please do not respond', lol! Yep, that's an interesting way of getting BR! It's nice to help people out who don't have responses though. Do you always obey the people who ask others not to respond to their messages? What do they do if people do respond? Do you think that it could be a ploy to get more responses (in a strange reverse-psychology type way)??
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@marina321 (4556)
16 Aug 08
I don't think people writing the discussion think others will not respond.. It is just quite unfortunate that no one responds. Can't say I have seen many not worthy of a response and the ones that I think that is because I know they will be deleted for violating a guideline.. We're all different with all sorts of cultures, languages and opinions and as you know 'one man's meat is another man's poison' and in this context, what one may think is a great discussion is not to another but someone will surely come along and think those discussions worthy of a response
• United States
18 Aug 08
I'm not talking so much about the discussions that make sense. More the ones that don't, like there are some that were out there that had only 1 word or 1 letter. Some was just a full page of letters and symbols that made no sense. I think some of those were started becuase they though they get credit just for starting a discussion.
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• United States
18 Aug 08
Thatis why when I went back to try to find an example I was having such a hard time. LOL
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@marina321 (4556)
18 Aug 08
Ok, those are the ones that are violating guidelines and will be deleted, so I wouldn't respond in that case. happy myLotting!
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• United States
16 Aug 08
I have never posted anything that didn't need responding. The only thing that I can think of is that some people just need to vent. They might not have anyone to talk too so they spill it out on the computer and don't really need a strangers advice or think that they need it. Sometimes it just feels good to spill out your worries and feel that you don't have to be told that how your feeling is right or wrong.
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• United States
18 Aug 08
That is correct, but it more to the discussions that are just one word or one letter or just jibberish. Those seem to be the ones that you may see.
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• Philippines
16 Aug 08
Hmm... this doesn't shock me since there are discussions that I think not worthy of my attention but to others they may find it really enjoyable and vice versa. I have made discussion that some dont like or some don't have any response..its because I don't make discussion if I think it will be a hit, I do discussion to what i really want to talk about and won't mind if no one respond as long as I tried to do a conversation that I like.
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• United States
18 Aug 08
you have been here a while so you have also seen the ones with only 1 word or even 1 letter and they start it saying that it is a discussion. Granted it the title says "Let's do word association then may I can see that. But some do that just thinking they get paid for a discussion start.
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@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
15 Aug 08
yes i too hate these. i have seen some that have just one letter or just one word and i am thinking, what the heck are these people trying to prove? and no, i always hope that people will respond to mine. i have had a few legitimate ones that no one has responded to (such as what to pack for lunches for kids going back to school!) :-(
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• United States
18 Aug 08
Finally someone who has seen these! I have had people wondering why I would judge someones discussion. :) But when you open a discussion and it says "hi" or ":)" or "k" How else are you suppose to judge a discussion like that. LOL
@vaishalik (237)
• India
15 Aug 08
You are correct, there are so many dicussions with no response. Everytime when i start a discussion i think, i will get some responses but bad luck. I also can't find what will make the discussion interesting & will get some responses.
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• United States
15 Aug 08
Those are good questions. I sent you an add friend invite. When you accept it send me a message telling me to add you on my "Notify" list. Then you me to Notify and watch for some up coming discussions on how to make the most of Mylot whether you are looking to make money or friends or maybe you just want to talk.
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@Wyldrose (1216)
• United States
16 Aug 08
When I first joined here, I put up a couple of discussions that only got two or three responses but I didn't know what the heck I was doing. I still don't but that's beside the point. Anyway, I read through them and some of them just don't make sense to me or don't interest me so I don't respond to those. I start new ones sometimes and am now getting pretty good results, but sometimes I can't think of a good discussion that I think might go over well. I did notice that someone started a discussion similar to one I had (and got lots of responses to). I try not to duplicate any. I've looked on the no response pages and went through them one day and after about fifty pages of them I quit.. I really try not to write one that I don't think anybody would respond to. I've seen too many here that don't make any sense. It's like they just started them to be starting them..know what I mean?
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• United States
18 Aug 08
I know what you mean. I believe they think that just starting a discussion will get them more money. I do the same thing going to the no response area. I try to find a really old one too and respond.
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• United States
18 Aug 08
Yeah I have a few discussions on here that have not gotten a response to it yet. I buggs me alot when people dont respond to my discussion. I write a discussion hoping that someone will respond. Other people just start a discussion to just start one just because. I think that the main reason on why some of these discussions are not being responded to is not just because they are not worthy of being resposponded to. Mainly because there are soooooo many people on mylot and with as many people on mylot everyone has a discussion that they want to be posted which is turn pushes the discussion someone else has already started back further and further to where no one else can get to it. That is what I am thinking what is happening. But, there are people on here that really dont care if anyone responds to their discussions or not others do.
• United States
18 Aug 08
I also have some discussions that no one ever responded to. That is just part of it I guess. I am fine with that, I move on anyway. Take care.
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@NrgDfenZ (1810)
• Belgium
15 Aug 08
Well I think everyone has a different view on some discussions:D And sometimes there come so many discussions that yours gets kicked to the bottom of the list :D
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• United States
15 Aug 08
Yes I agree with you........I was going to say something when I saw your avatar I got so distracted that I lost my train of thought. LOL
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@payout (3794)
• United States
15 Aug 08
I'm guessing that the reason why the person said Do not Respond probably Because people are going to anyway and if thats the title of the discussions then yeah. It Catches users attention ha ha I know it would catch my attention so yeah. Well I do Type sometimes a lot on my discussions I start but usually they get at least 1 responses if I don't get none then thast sad and my lost right. But Yeah Take care and keep posting My Friend . Payout
• United States
18 Aug 08
Yes it may be a ploy. But when they say that, I usually do what they say, so I won't respond. :) I already have my list for todays discussions. So I will keep writing.
@vidhyavini (6111)
• India
16 Aug 08
Everyone will start a discussion in an idea to get more responses only. No one will start if they think there won't be any response. I don't find any sense in that statement what you are saying. Anyway its your opinion. The number of responses that you get will vary. Some discussions may go unnoticed and some stupid topics may get many responses. Its not in our hands. Happy mylotting. Have fun.
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• United States
18 Aug 08
Whether it makes sense or not, it really happens. There are discussions that have just one word or even 1 letter or just a page full of random letters. I think people bleive they get paid just to start a discussion not realizing they have to have responses to get credited for a discussion
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@sunshinecup (7871)
15 Aug 08
Yeah I have seen them, it's normally someone just wanting to vent about someone here or something someone wrote. It's stupid because if reported they are deleted and if you have enough posts deleted, your ratings drop which is a factor in deciding your pay. So in the end it's dumb. Plus if you do not get at least one reply, you don't get credit for that post. I don't do these kinds of posts myself and if they say don't respond, I don't, I just report it and move on.
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• United States
15 Aug 08
Exactly, what is the use of starting a discussion if you don't want to discuss. It may be people just don't understand the word "Discussion" thanks for the response. I was going to feel really embarressed if no one responded to this discussion. :)
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@Zelmarq (12607)
• Cebu City, Philippines
16 Aug 08
Hello there double love thats what you call, reverse psychology. LOL people just do the other thing around when we expect them to this. This just proves they always love doing whats prohibited. When you put please do not read, then people will start reading it. Have a nice day and take care.
• United States
18 Aug 08
True, it is nature to do what is prohibited. It is almost an invitation. :)
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
15 Aug 08
I have seen tons of it. Just look at the place NO RESPONSES. I will always go to this place and fish them out of doldrums. Somehow somebody got to start the ball rolling by responding first then they will be out of the cold and would slowly be seen.
• United States
15 Aug 08
Yep that is exactly what I do. Some of the people are not even on the lot anymore. Some people just started the discussion and it got buried in the mire of discussions.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
9 Sep 08
doubleloveyou yes I know the ones you mean, they are short, vaguely worded and lets face it, impossible to understand. Why the person did this i will never know. I saw one that went' Hi can you understand? that was all, and I have no idea what the poster was asking,it was like part of it was lost, but no all was there. Or the ones that for the zillionth time ask you like ice creams, what flavors you like? I have never written a discussion knowing that no one would respond, athough I wrote one a bout diabetes and how people felt about having the disease and got maybe six responses.Now I know damned well that we have lot more diabetics on mylot than six so it was because I was new I guess. my last discussion got 50 responses so go figure. I know thatmylot is a bit cliqueish until you get a set of your own friends.
• United States
9 Sep 08
Yes it took me a while to get into a "clique" I really don't know why they would write those type of discussions. I guess it is possible for someone to accidently hit the start discussion button prematurly. Not sure. Thanks for the response.
@sharay (2769)
• India
15 Aug 08
I have been here in mylot for the past 3-4 months, havent come across such a discussion yet...i am completely out of clue as to why someone would want to start a discussion when they dont need any response to them, may be, that depends on the stuff they are posting, which i have no idea of...
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• United States
15 Aug 08
I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that some people are used to blogging and not requiring a response. Usually a new member will do this more than the vetrans.
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@skenthal (1020)
• Turkey
15 Aug 08
well i dont know actually which one they are not going to respond to, there is really unique user who likely to respond to only original and good discussions but there are also users which only reply to easy and simple questions ,i can never guess how much responses will discussions recieve sometimes i think that i made really original and good discussion and then it recieves few response but sometimes i create a discussion which is not too much original to my opinion it recieves 30 responses , i really dont understand that anyway happy mylottings
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• United States
15 Aug 08
It really depends on who is online when you put your discussion in. Otherwise it may get lost in the volume of discussions. That is why it is always a good idea to get friends who respond to you. That is also why it is good to respond to friends as well.
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