what is wrong with mylot?

@izhuce13 (158)
August 15, 2008 9:09pm CST
what is wrong with mylot?yestoday i have more than 20 responses on mylot, but i have just 0.01 us dollar income. so what is wrong with mylot? my responses is not bad, i swear! but how can this happended? do you know?or do you have such experience?
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3 responses
@Ldyjarhead (10233)
• United States
16 Aug 08
You are not in the U.S.,so the time you did those posts may have been after the cutoff time here, so they will be in tomorrow's earnings. The cutoff time is somewhere around midnight on the east coast of U.S. and then the earnings are calculated and posted mid-morning, same time zone. If you posted after that time, even though it may have been the same day in your country, it may have been after the cutoff.
@Ldyjarhead (10233)
• United States
16 Aug 08
I just looked and it seems that all of your responses were made 17 hours ago, which would be 5:00 in the morning here. It was already today here in the U.S., so myLot didn't do anything wrong. They will show up on tomorrow's earnings, just like they're supposed to.
16 Aug 08
Hi izhuce, No I haven't but there again I have noticed it, because I forget to look at my earning and just kept MYlotting so reall cannot help you, but keep responding. Tamara
@scammerwear (1433)
• Singapore
16 Aug 08
You might find your earnings increase if you could get more interaction with others. I realized that my replies which end up stirring up a two-way conversion earn a lot more then just me commenting on a post :)