Has anyone read the book of nicholas sparks' MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE?

August 16, 2008 7:59am CST
I was curious of this book. i've heard of this book years before but i did not take much notice of it. and so now we have crossed paths, i did not let it pass again. but i will be reading it next week. im excited to read this book. my friends gave great comments on the story of this book. so it really caught my interest. so how do you find the book? what was your experience with the book?
2 responses
• United States
16 Aug 08
I read this book. It was great. It made me laugh,Cry,Get mad everything you could think of. Its a great love story. If you have ever read any of Nicholas Sparks books this is one of his great ones. There is also a movie about it now. Its a wonderful book
@dani27 (544)
• United States
16 Aug 08
I have not read Message in a Bottle but I have read other Nicholas Sparks Books. He is a great author. He really knows how to get you into the story and feel like you are there. I suggest any book by him. Especially if you like romance.