do you get tired of giving advices to your friends? or stubborn friends?

August 16, 2008 8:21am CST
i just heard one of my friends giving advices to a friend. she gave the same advice the last time she talk to her. she was calm though, for the second time. if she could just scream and say, "what's really wrong with you? won't you listen? dont be so hard-headed!" i wonder if you have felt the same towards your friends?
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4 responses
@rsa101 (38115)
• Philippines
16 Aug 08
Well I guess there are people who are good and patient with friends that are really stubborn. I think if you are really concerned about your friend you should be patient enough to understand her situation and be a good guardian nagel for her.
@pkraj111 (2458)
• India
16 Aug 08
Many times I get frustrated giving advices they dont listen to, but cant help it as they are my friends and I cannot see them lose something because they are not caring enough
@narayan2006 (2954)
• India
16 Aug 08
Advices can be more effective when given,if needed. An unsolicited and forceful advice creates negative impact and affect relationship. It is important that the advisor must be cautious in thoroughly understanding the nature,feeling and mindset of the receiver of the advice.One has to step down to the level of your frinds emotion and mindset,create a friendly atmosphere,before delivering an advice.Advice given through interactive discussion and role playing creates lasting impact. Have a nice day !!
@gemini_rose (16264)
16 Aug 08
I used to have a friend like this, she would always be in some scrape or another and would ask me what I thought. I would tell her and she just would not listen, she would just carry on with what she was doing and just end up in a right old mess. I used to hate being right all the time, I think she did not like me being right all the time either. She has moved away now and so I hardly see her, but the last time she visited she was in a mess and asked my advice and I told her, could see from her face she was not impressed with what I said and I know for a fact she wont listen. Who knows why people dont listen.