Ever stayed awake all night?

@a3sachin (531)
August 16, 2008 1:51pm CST
Im not really a bat. Some of my friends stay awake all night long. I think its kinda crazy. Not sleeping at night not only makes the next day very unproductive, it also screws up your health. Maybe sometimes its OK but definitely not a regular basis. The last time I stayed awake all night long was a few months ago when I had a problem with someone and we had to stay awake all night long to fix it. When was the last time you stayed awake and for what reason?
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8 responses
@rocker21 (2716)
• India
17 Aug 08
Yeah i have but slept all day next! haha
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@sharay (2769)
• India
17 Aug 08
i think after some two to three months, i didnt sleep even a minute yesterday...i had more work pending which had to be cleared by the weekend and so, had no time to sleep...but i am sure i am going to have a good sleep today
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@vegegirl (828)
• Australia
18 Aug 08
I've been for days at a time where I could only get a tiny amount of sleep. I would be so tired that I couldn't sleep for hours, I would finally get to sleep, then have to wake up, I couldn't, but would have to . Then, the next night, the same cycle would repeat again... I was a bit of a mess, stressed etc which just gets worst because you haven't slept.
@lisa0351 (303)
• United States
16 Aug 08
I stayed awake all night last night...I work different shifts and last night and tonight are my nights on third. I came home at 7 am and tried to sleep....you don't sleep the same during the day as you do at night. I am so tired now, I feel like my brain is fried :( I hate staying up all night, if I didn't have to do it, I wouldn't.
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@vidhyavini (6111)
• India
16 Aug 08
Some few months back i used to stay awake the whole night. I had so many problems at that time and was unable to sleep. I will just start doing something rather than lying in the bed. One day i filled up the slam book throughout the night for my best friend and the only friend in college. Happy mylotting. Have fun.
• Indonesia
19 Aug 08
I always have to slept late at night for so many reason lol, but sometimes not slept too, and this mostly because I've got an insomnia, or just because my work reaching the deadline, so I will have to finish it right away... Well someone used to tell me to leave the work behind and better have some sleep, but if in the end you find it hard for you to fall to sleep because you know you havent finished with your work, what the difference? At the end, you didnt sleep anyway hahahaha :)
• Malaysia
18 Aug 08
It's impossible for me to stay up all night unless I've been sleeping the whole day. But I don't like sleeping during daytime so It's really had for me to stay up at night. hehe
@rbailey83 (1428)
• Canada
17 Aug 08
i have stayed awake all night many times, usually when i do that i end up not sleeping for about 3 days simply because i don't want to go to sleep so i won't take my sleeping meds. I find that the next day i am more energetic than i was the day before, almost hyper