Does friendship have to be everygreen?

@gabbana (1815)
August 17, 2008 12:02pm CST
my answer to this question is no, not necessary. we have differnt friends at different stages of our life, sometimes we part because of distance, job change, immigration, etc. i only value the days we had.
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4 responses
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
18 Aug 08
Of course we have different friends at different times in our lives based on different interests or things we are doing at the time that we meet them. Then we outgrow that stage in our life or stop that activity and we don't see them so much anymore. However, true friends can survive changes in circumstance, location, or whatever because they are committed to being there for the other person.
@gabbana (1815)
• China
18 Aug 08
look at you, i really like your response, sounds so rational ! many thanks
@SHAMRACK (8576)
• India
17 Aug 08
Dear friend, I do value friendship and for some friends are evergreen as we are going better even now for many years may be from my childhood days onwards. Hence I do believe good and trustful friendships are evergreen.Some friendship just vanishes as they may go far for their livelihood or may be they get busy with other works. Still some friends lasts forever. I hope it entirely depends how well we go with our friends how far they be with us contacted without any absence or with continuity.
@gabbana (1815)
• China
17 Aug 08
hi, you have a point there, thumb up for you. quite agree with your point of view regarding friendship.
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@SHAMRACK (8576)
• India
18 Aug 08
Thanks for BR and also request to please accept me as your friend
@vidhyavini (6111)
• India
17 Aug 08
May be they are just passing clouds. Not really friends. I just value my friends and the days I have spent with them. You know. I have a friend named Lakshmi. 11 years friendship. We don't rather speak with each other daily. But still the word FRIEND reminds me of her. If anyone asks her who her friend is, definitely she will say me. I am just proud to get a friend like her. Its all basically the understanding between us. Just worked for us. Happy mylotting.
@gabbana (1815)
• China
17 Aug 08
well , i don't have a high standard about my friend and don't count on the saying "a friend in need is a friend indeed". thanks
• United States
17 Aug 08
although i do agree with your statement that some friends just come and go, i'd have to say that my friends that have stuck around (some of them years on end), are some of the most appreciated people in my life; closer than family.
@gabbana (1815)
• China
18 Aug 08
thanks 4 the response. and since you are a man, you can make lifelong friends earier than girls do. don't you notice that?