If you could vote for anyone for president, Who?
@morethanamolehill (1586)
United States
August 17, 2008 2:52pm CST
Someone, I'm Not sure who, once said that they would rather be governed by the first 100 names in the phone book than by the entire faculty of Harvard U.
Will Rogers said, "Once a man holds public office, he is absolutely no good for Honest work."
If you could vote for anybody for president, Politician or not. Who would it be?
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5 responses
@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
17 Aug 08
I think that Warren Buffet would be a great president. No one would be able to buy him, he knows how to make money, but he also has a big heart. He treats his kids like most of us do, he lives a pretty simple life. Many international leaders know him, and like him. He is known for his ability to pick the best and the brightest talent in the world to run is divisions. People pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to have lunch with him every year, and he donates all of that to charity. He also has made plans to donate the vast majority of his money to his friend, Bill Gate's charity. He makes more decisions everyday that effect more American people in the country than Bush, McCain, and Obama combined.

@morethanamolehill (1586)
• United States
18 Aug 08
Hey Debater we agree on something! I think Buffet would make a great Prez. I have always said that we have too many lawyers in government and we need more Biz Men. I voted for Ross Perot Way back in 92 because I thought that anyone who could turn a $1000 loan into a $4 billion business is just what we need for this country. Unfortunately I was young and (politically) dumb and didn't even know who Bill Clinton was until it was too late (insert smilie of shame here). I did not repeat that mistake in 96. But I have long thought that WBuffet would be a good President.
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
18 Aug 08
I think Warren Buffet would be a great president, to actually have a business person run the country instead of a lawyer would do wonders for this country. An add bonus of having Buffet would be he actually know how to manage money and distribute is as well. I have posted a discussion about whether a president needs to be intelligent or not and the majority of Republicans responded that the president doesn't need to be intelligent, so Buffet lacking in a law degree would be no big deal (although I believe that Buffet is very intelligent). I'm sure that of course Republicans would move out of the country since Buffet is a firm disbeliever in Rageanomics lol. Really great point debater.
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@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
18 Aug 08
thanks for the response morethanamolehill. I wish that H. Ross Perot had won in 1992 (mind you I do think that Clinton did help the country more than either Bush, but it would have been interesting to see someone who couldn't be bought in the White House), but I also wonder how he would have delt with both parties. What really amazed me while doing some research on McCain, I couldn't believe the fact that H. Ross Perot paid for all of Carol McCain's medical bills. I really haven't done much research into this, but I was amazed that he would do this. Thanks again for the response, I hope we can agree again soon.

@anniepa (27955)
• United States
18 Aug 08
Wow, this is a tough one! Picking just one is tough so I hope you don't mind if I bend the rules a bit. You said "politician or not" so I'm going to say which politician I really wish I had the chance to vote for and that's Senator Joe Biden of Delaware and originally from my state of Pennsylvania, not too far from me, actually. Another excellent choice which I'll admit I "stole" from another poster here because I hadn't thought of it would be Warren Buffet. He's a business man but he also has a great heart, which I know has already been said but I sure think it bares repeating. I know many people especially here get angry about Hollywood celebrities getting involved in politics but there are some who actually do a lot of good. I remember when I asked my brother way back before the primaries started (What century was that again...?) who he thought should be our next President and he answered, without hesitation, "George Clooney." My husband has long said Bill Maher should be President. However, while I wouldn't cry if either of those two were in the White House, my choice from the "evil" world of entertainment is John Cusack. My reason is, he's not really "Hollywood" at all and he's never simply gone for the blockbuster hit types, instead he's used the "star power" he has - which could probably be a lot greater if he wanted it to - to do projects about things that matter to him.
When it comes right down to it, though, our best bet would probably be somebody none of us has ever heard of, some John or Jane Doe who's never been in politics but has learned a lot of life's lessons through hard work and sacrifice. Hey, maybe it's even a myLot member!
Great discussion, now tell us your pick!

@anniepa (27955)
• United States
18 Aug 08
You're quite welcome, Hon. It's not to see we both agree that Warren Buffet wouldn't be a bad choice. Now, I'm not ready to concede that ANY business person would be better than ANY lawyer, but I will say I'd love to see someone really get somewhere in politics who is neither a lawyer nor a billionaire. Maybe if there were fewer lawyers in Washington every bill wouldn't have to contain thousands of pages and items that have absolutely nothing to do with the original bill. Biden is on Obama's short list and I think he's probably the "favorite" right now, even though possibly nobody knows who will get the nod. Hey, what's wrong with being clean and articulate...lol?
"Sorry, I would definitely NOT pick anyone from Hollywood."
So what are or were your thoughts on Reagan, Schwarzenneger (SP.) or Thompson? This is an honest question because I really don't know.
I really do try to see things from others POV and I respect everyone else's views whether I agree or not. I may be on the left but I don't think I personally could be said to be "in love with celebrities". I mean, I have my favorite artists and I love movies, TV and music as much as anyone but I'm not into the whole "can't live without getting the latest Hollywood gossip" scene and I'm sure not going to form my opinion on political matters or anything else just because of what someone who is famous has said. I DO have more respect for those entertainers that do more with their lives than make movies and go partying and bed-hopping. I like someone who cares about the work he or she does and isn't in it just for the quickest 40 or 50 million possible.
About Barack being a "celebrity" - isn't anyone who is in national politics a celebrity of sorts? I think that's always been true, at least since the advent of TV but even much more so since political candidates started making guest appearances on entertainment and comedy shows. I must say, one thing I learned from the whole Obama as a celebrity deal is that Paris Hilton may not be quite as empty-headed as some of us had thought her to be.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
18 Aug 08
"I remember when I asked my brother way back before the primaries started (What century was that again...?) who he thought should be our next President and he answered, without hesitation, "George Clooney." "
I find that so amusing since I have often said that if John McCain looked like George Clooney he would win this election in a landslide.
@morethanamolehill (1586)
• United States
18 Aug 08
Hey annie, I think that Biden is on Barack's short list for veep, isn't he? He would be a good choice because he is the first one who is clean, articulate...sorry, but you did ask for it. I am not sure of who I would choose, Like you, I think it would probably be someone we don't know of right now. Or Warren Buffet. I definitely think that what we need now is a businessman and not a lawyer. I just think that lawyers in politics is a conflict of interest. They always pass laws that benefit them more than US. Sure we need some in some positions, but the place is just overrun with them..
Sorry, I would definitely NOT pick anyone from Hollywood. And please annie, Can you at least see from someone else's POV how the left is in love with celebrities and that Barack Fits that template. He may not have started out as one but the press has turned him into one. "Star Power" Is rather an Oxymoron and doesn't appeal to me. I would rather have someone that has real power. Thanks for 'Lotting.
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@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
17 Aug 08
They would rather be governed by the first 100 names in the phone book than by the entire faculty of Harvard University was a quote from the late great William F. Buckley Jr.
For your second and main question it would be Pat Buchanan. I have always been a fan of Pat since I say his culture war speech at the 92 Republican convention. I voted for Pitchfork Pat in 96. I did not vote for him in 2000 because I did not think leaving the Republican party for Perot Reform party was smart.
Now just to see every Democrat live in misery I would like to see Richard Cheney as President. Imagine how many would actually leave the country, like all of those worthless actors and actresses from Hollywood.
@morethanamolehill (1586)
• United States
18 Aug 08
Thanks, I knew someone would know the source of that quote. I am sorry to say I don't know much about Buchanan except what the press tells me and they hate him so I figure their must be something "right" about him. xD I like your thinking on Mr. Cheney. And if those celebrities don't like it he can just shoot 'em in the face!
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@piasabird (1737)
• United States
18 Aug 08
Oh my Lord!
I'm just reeling from the last poster's response. I'm drawing a blank on who I would like to see as president but there is no doubt in my mind that I would shoot myself in the head if that Bill Maher person ever became president. I very nearly spewed soda all over my computer screen on that one! 

@anniepa (27955)
• United States
18 Aug 08
Relax, piasabird, it was my husband that said that, not me, and it was a situation where we were watching TV and Maher said something about politics and my husband made the off-handed remark, "He should be President." Considering who's in office and was in office when he said that, it really wasn't that outrageous.
Anyway, I'm really glad you didn't spew soda all over your computer...we don't need another Pepsi Syndrome...lol!
@morethanamolehill (1586)
• United States
18 Aug 08
LOL. Pbird you are a nutcase!! I hope you have recovered yourself and finished your soda without incident. xD check back if you think of someone.
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@trisha_nava82 (1379)
• United States
17 Aug 08
At this point I would vote for if Hillary Clinton was in running I would vote for her. I wanted her to be the one to be president, well since she is not in running and it is between Obama and McCain, I'd wouldn't want neither of them to win, but I'd rather McCain I suppose. I guess I just said this cause I can't think of anyone who would be good for president.
@morethanamolehill (1586)
• United States
18 Aug 08
I wouldn't count the Hill out yet. Obama is not officially the candidate until the convention, And the Clintons have weaseled two days out of it. She is a sneak and I think she is still trying to get the nom. She is just working underground. Sorry, I don't like the Clintons at all. But I respect your opinion. Thanks for responding.
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@morethanamolehill (1586)
• United States
18 Aug 08
Piasabird, I think I begrudgingly agree with you on this one. Remember when Anne Coulter said that if McCain was the nominee she would vote for Hillary? I wonder what she would do about BhO?
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