if you saw someone drop money?

August 17, 2008 4:39pm CST
what would you do if you saw someone drop some money? would you wait until person has gone then casually walk over and pocket it or would you go over to them and tell them?? it did happen to me once and was an old age pensioner.. and i did tell her she dropped her money, she was quite thankful which made me feel good well that was someone maybe living on a small pension so maybe couldn't afford to loose it but what if person looked wealthy,, would you hand money to them or keep it?
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57 responses
• China
18 Aug 08
needless to say,if I saw someone dropping his money or anything else,I would retune it to him. but I had an other experence about it.once i saw rmb 100( this amount can exchang around EUR 10,not very big sum) lying on the ground where was nobody around,so I waited 5-10 minutes for a person who dropped the money and maybe would be back looking for it.at least,there was nothing happened.so I pocketed it.
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20 Aug 08
haha i sure you hoped the person wouldn't return.. sneeky thanks for sharing
@Reyah23 (640)
• Philippines
18 Aug 08
We got same experience. I got same situation as yours. Went im waiting for a friend in a hotel lobby. I saw a woman getting something in her pocket, went some of her money drop without her knowledge. I called her attention and told her that she dropped her money. Wow, its a nice feeling to help others in some ways. A simple word of thanks from her really make me feel fine.
20 Aug 08
yes it can be nice feeling if the good deed was appreciated thanks for response
@ronreyes (4724)
• Philippines
18 Aug 08
Nice! Keep it up. For me, yes, I would definitely tell someone if he/she had dropped his/her money. I believe in the old saying, do not do unto others what you do not want others to do unto you. When I'm the one who's in that situation, where I'd dropped or misplaced my money, I would be very thankful if someone will be willing to give it back.
@ronreyes (4724)
• Philippines
21 Aug 08
I was stuck in this kind of situation once. Unfortunately, my conscience just couldn't handle the devil's work. HAHA!
21 Aug 08
i know what you mean.. it would be tempting if you was really desperate for little money, and suddenly there is a nice note that someone so kinky dropped hahaha.. when comes to wallets and purses it id definitely different situation i think.. more personal
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21 Aug 08
It is easy for many of people to say would do the right thing, but i wonder.. if really desperate for money, surely many will be tempted to want to keep it.. we have a saying 'finders keepers, looses weepers' hehe. have a nice day, thanks for response
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
17 Aug 08
I would always give it to them. I hope that would be what someone would do for me. Treat others etc... It doesn't mater how wealthy they look. I would have to live with myself.
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18 Aug 08
wow its really nice to see so many that feel like this i couldnt live with myself for spending someone elses money, it just would not be right no matter whom it was.. i cant take from people id feel too too guilty.. thank you much for your response
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@raclie (1732)
• Singapore
18 Aug 08
i usually tell them. but when the person is gone and all i dont think i will go all the way to the police station to make a report of some missing cash. maybe give it to someone who needs it more than i do? or maybe just buy some sweet for my brothers and sisters
@zhaosonghan (1039)
• China
18 Aug 08
I will tell him,but mostly someone has gone when you found a wallet,i will pocket it and wait man who drop money come back,if he don't appear i just give police.
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@austere (2812)
• Philippines
18 Aug 08
Of course, I would return the money back to the owner.. the money is not mine, for one.. and of course, if it happens to me, I would want the owner to return it back to me of course!! If everybody would live in the saying “finder’s keepers” I don’t know what values we will be having. Children should be taught the value of honesty and it should be inculcated in them while they are still growing up. These will make them good and honest citizen in the future and in every dealings that they will be having when they grow up!!
@austere (2812)
• Philippines
22 Aug 08
no problem! i enjoyed reponding to your discussion. well some kids are really raised that ways but when i will have my own kids in the future, i will teach them that keeping what they do not own is bad.. as confucius day.. dont do unto others what you dont want others to do unto you!
21 Aug 08
the saying 'finders keepers, losers weepers' haha.. yea i know saying and it really isnt a nice one actually and that is how many kids are led to believe, ' oh you drooped it, its mine now. i found it' even with other kids and toys, some think that.. thanks for response, take care
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
18 Aug 08
Hi dear it some times happen to me shopkeeper gave me more change in return, i count it and give him back extra money and sure if i saw some one dropping money weither poor or rich, i will call them and give them back as its NOT ME WHO EARN it, So i dont have any right on it, it must be given to person who dropped it Take care
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
19 Aug 08
Ha ha ha well if u get some thing short, sure u should say it, as its ur hard earn Money, Well, its not of being good, but i am sure i wont be feeling comfortable with that MONEY. And u r welcome, have nice time replying to all these wondeful responses Take care
18 Aug 08
wow, how nice you are then.. i cant say id be the same with shopkeeper lol obviously if short changed me id soon say something hehe. nice to see you cupid and thank you for response, you take care
@ltsaxcash (197)
• United States
18 Aug 08
I would just tell them that they dropped it because i would feel really bad if i didnt. If i had dropped some money i would hope that someone who help me instead of just keeping it.
• United States
18 Aug 08
If they thought that i was a fool for returning it i would think poorly of them. Most people in that situation would be grateful that someone else returned their money. I would still return the money even if the person wasnt grateful. Mostly because feel good about myself that i did the right thing.
18 Aug 08
yes i know and i feel the same way but not all people would in a real situation. and what if that person thought you was a fool to hand it back, how would you feel then? if saw someone drop money i dont think i could keep it, id feel too guilty no matter how much it could help me out.. thanks for response and you take care
@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
18 Aug 08
If I saw someone drop money, I would try to get it back to them. My husband and I were sitting in our car in the parking lot at WalMart a few months ago. This woman had opened her purse at the back of her car to get our her keys, we think. When she went to get into her car, we realized she had pulled out 2 twenties and they had fallen on the ground by her car. My husband quickly got out of our car and went across the way to hers, picked up the money, and knocked on her window and showed her the money. She wasn't going to roll the window down, but he made her understand he just wanted to give her the money she had pulled out of her purse when she got her keys out. She finally opened the window enough to get the money and NEVER even said thank you. My husband once found a billfold at a service station where he was delivering gas. This was late at night and the station was closed. He picked it up and brought it home. He looked inside to find a name of phone number. He found the number of this guy in New York and called it. Turned out the billfold belonged to his son who had come through here on the way to Louisiana where he went to college. He told my husband to mail it to the address he gave him for his son and he'd get a reward. My husband told him that wasn't necessary. He'd just like to know that he'd be treated the same if someone found his wallet one day. There was money and lots of cards in the billfold and it could have been found by a dishonest person. Well, in 2 weeks, my husband got a $25 check!
@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
19 Aug 08
My husband said, you know, I could have waited for her to drive off and picked up the money myself. He didn't know how much it was until he picked it up. He just knew she dropped the money from her purse. Apparently, she didn't care enough to say thank you. Tell your Mom Hello. Barbara is my first name, but I only go by it online. I've always been called my my middle name.
19 Aug 08
wow thats 2 amazing storys, so you had both, an ungrateful person that could have put you off even bothering to be so honest ( if see my further discussion of different situation. similar, a guy didnt say thank you and my friend was called a fool to give the guys wallet back) but then you was rewarded, that must of meant more then keeping the wallet, as it showed how thank ful he was to you for being so honest.. thank you very much for sharing, you have a wonderful husband [em]happy[/em you both take care of your selfs ( your name barbara hehe, that is name of my mum)
@syankee525 (6249)
• United States
18 Aug 08
i am the most honest person i think, i would give it back to them. i was waiting at a atm one day, the lady in front front of me forgot to canceal out, so i called out to her, told her you forgot to canceal out but i did it for you and wanted to show you and let ya know what u done. she was like thank you over and over again. i could have just taken money out of her account. i went and got gas someone who used the same pump as me paid with a credit card and forgotten to canceal out so i did it and reset it. the guy next to me was i would have gotten some free gas man. naw it wouldn't be right to do. i've been stolen from before by strangers, friends and family it made me feel like hell so i never do it to someone else
21 Aug 08
wow you are a good person they were lucky it was you that was next in queue.. And yes i know what its like to be stolen from a few times and really did put me in a bad way, meaning i had to really struggle.. one of those times was on holiday in turkey, 2 months ago.. All money robbed and camera.. well thanks for response, you take care
@czyuan (96)
• China
18 Aug 08
yes, absolutely i will. i have met this situations several times although i don't remember all the details of them. But what i remember forever is the thankfullness that they gave me when i picked up their money or something important. Through the behaviour like it, people will be more and more grateful. And there will be more virtuous new in the society which most of us expect to see. Thanks for all virtuous people. Have a nice day.
21 Aug 08
i never looked at it like that, and yes i see what you mean and maybe things could change or improve others, by actions of the honest ones.. who knows thanks for sharing, take care
@prettyD (123)
• Philippines
18 Aug 08
Like what you did, I will also do the same thing because what if the other way around? you were that person who have lost the money? everybody needs money nowadays and God rewards the honest person.
18 Aug 08
well we would hope that they would do the same thing to us.. But not all people would and not hesitate to keep what is rightfully not theirs.. thanks for your response and you take care
@prettyD (123)
• Philippines
20 Aug 08
Thank you soooo much mandy for acknowledging my response to your post. I'm glad to hear from you again. :-)
17 Aug 08
Good for you that you told her that she dropped her money. As for me, if it happens to me, I will also tell the person that he dropped his money, no matter how he looks like, if he is wealthy looking or not, because sometimes looks are deceiving, there are people who only dress wealthy so as to feel wealthy. And also the joy that it will bring you is nonetheless priceless everytime you think of the kind act that you did to another.
18 Aug 08
that is very nice thinking and how i feel also.. i would not feel good about myself to pocket it.. a thank you is really a nice thing to hear which is why i love giving more then receiving.. I get such a buzz from giving if its appreciated thankyou um purple chocolat hehe purple? well anyway thanks for response
18 Aug 08
You're welcome mandy_karen :) Yes it's purple haha..i like purple and i like chocolates so I mixed them together. I also believe that it's better to give than to receive as when you give you were able to share and at the same time the happiness it brings to the receiver and to yoursels are really worth it.
18 Aug 08
ahh thanks. i often see most unusual nicknames here and wonder how got it i not so adventurous, i just used my first and middle name haha
@pitstop (14883)
• Australia
18 Aug 08
If I saw someone drop money I would take it and return it to them. If I saw some money around that is no-ones I would probably put it in a donation box or something. If it was a large sum of money I would inform the appropriate authorities.
21 Aug 08
wow you would be THAT good? even if what you found could really help you out, you would still give it to charity? obviously if i found wallet, id hand it over to authorities.. but just money laying around, maybe would keep thanks for sharing, you are a saint
@CarlHalling (3617)
• United Kingdom
18 Aug 08
I'd definitely hand the money over. Just because the person dropped it, it doesn't mean I have any right to it. A good conscience is worth alot more than money.
21 Aug 08
yea i feel that way also.. and its nice to see so many here that do have a good conscience.. And many are here because lack of money, spending hours of time just for few dollars. thanks for response and have a good day
• Philippines
18 Aug 08
This reminds me of an activity by a TV station where they threw a 200 hundred peso bill (about $4). Some showed care by telling the person that he left his money while others took the money for themselves. As for me, I won't say that I am a good person, but I can't take things that are not mine. I was taught the good nature of returning things. After all, I can't risk my face just for a few coins.
21 Aug 08
hehe who say it only be few coins, what if it was a bunch of notes rolled up eh then what, would you be tempted? hehe thanks for sharing and have a good day
@Bluepatch (2476)
• Trinidad And Tobago
18 Aug 08
Just pick it up and try to make sure no one is watching. I know what this sounds like but when you are seeing the stars of poverty and killing yourself for a few dollars this is what you do. I was once tempted by someone leaving an open wallet near a cashier in a supermarket and that is different. Its an actual wallet, but money on the street is okay and forgive me if I am so wrong.
21 Aug 08
not really wrong no, if just found money ofcourse i would pick it up, not going to hand in loose money to the police, but as say if a wallet it is different, its more personal and id feel absolutely terrible to even look in it to find some identity to whom it belongs to. thanks for sharing and have a good day
@hotsummer (13838)
• Philippines
18 Aug 08
definitely i will do the same thing that you did. cause i don't think it is right to use the money which others have lost specially if we know who have dropped that money. no matter how much is the amount of that money. we should return the money.
21 Aug 08
you are nice honest person i would return with NO hesitation and feel good afterwards for doing that thanks for sharing, take care
• Philippines
18 Aug 08
if i saw anyone who dropped money, i would tell them, honesty is still the best policya, and it really feels good when you do good right?=)
21 Aug 08
yes it do feel good when do right, more if its appreciated thanks for sharing and have a good day