do you buy clothes from garage sale?

August 18, 2008 7:02am CST
there are a lot of best buys from garage and second hand stores from appliances, furnitures, utensils, home decors and even clothes that are really nice and not well worn. in going to garage sale do you buy clothes in there? or you only limit yourself from buying the other stuff and not taking a second look to used clothing. i know a lot of people are too picky and doesn't want to wear clothes that other people have used. do you or you don't? I do, i just make sure that i wash it well and disinfect it before wearing. :)
5 responses
@babykeka80 (2084)
• United States
18 Aug 08
In a perfect world I wouldnt have to. However, in our current situation I will buy clothes from garage sales, or take hand me downs. I do not care if they are slightly used. If you judge a person by their clothing you are rather shallow anyways. Therefore, I do not care if someone does not approve of my apparrel. I do not find anything wrong with it. If people didnt buy them they would just end up in a landfill and at the rate the world is deteriorating at we definitely cant afford to throw anything away.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
19 Aug 08
i agree, i agree the economy is really bad lately in my country and if we do not change our lifestyle where we like buying branded stuff it is hard on the pocket. what is important is we eat three times a day. we just have to buy our wants if we have enough budget and must always thing of saving for the rainy days. :) i just learn that other countries were also experiencing economic challenges like we do. thanks for the post and have a great day. happy mylotting.
@sudalunts (5523)
• United States
18 Aug 08
Yes, I have bought some very nice things from garage sales. When I was doing the garage sales, big time, my husband and I would go to the better neighborhoods, because they have really nice things. I have bought a very nice Louis Vitton bag for $2.00 A suede jacket, still in the cleaner's bag, for $3.00 My husband has gotten really nice, name brand suits for $5.00, this past year he got a leather jacket for $10.00, all of these things were in tip top shape. We just had them cleaned and we were good to go. Cleaning was free, because one of our church member's worked at a cleaners.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
19 Aug 08
wow, best buy huh. i truly agree with you that there are a lot of best buys in garage sale. thanks for the post? how often do you go to garage sale in a months time? great to hear that your church member cleans the stuff. :) thanks for the post and have a great day.
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
18 Aug 08
Usually I don't unless it's a jacket or something that I can try on.....If I can't try it on I won't buy it. I have an odd shape and like my clothes to fit well. I have a friend that buys almost all her clothes at garage sales and second hand stores! And they look wonderful on her!
• Philippines
19 Aug 08
hi there, thanks for the post. i think what you can do when you go to garage sale so that you can try some of the goodies without worrying that it wasn't disinfected is that you can wear thin fabric clothing so that when you fit in the stuff it will give you a nice fit and not bulky. :) happy mylotting. :)
@dani27 (544)
• United States
18 Aug 08
I haven't gone to a lot of yard sales, but I have to admit it does seem weird want to buy clothes. They do have great sales though. I know people who go and find awesome things at yard sales.
• Philippines
19 Aug 08
thanks for the post!!!
• United States
24 Aug 08
I have never bought anything used from a garage sale or anyone else. I was going to look into buying used maternity clothes, but my husband would not let me, and I bought new clothes instead. I'm not really comfortable with wearing someone else's clothes. I mean, there are a lot of low cost clothes out there, there really is no reason to buy used. But I'm hoping somebody out there will buy all of these clothes that I have, because I can't fit them anymore.