How do you cope with the things that happen in your world???
United States
August 18, 2008 1:30pm CST
I have been gone for about 2 months...Life has been a bit more complicated for me if that's possible. My mother was diagnosed with cancer a while back and I have been
spending time getting her house in order for her. As well as trying to deal with the craziness of my own. I have been having money problems for what seems like forever and I sometimes feel quite overwhelmed. Fortunately my mom's chemo and radiation treatments are finished. She seems to be coping very well, we just have to wait at least 6 weeks for these to run their course so she can get scanned for progress in the treatments. The doctors are confident the treatments will be successful. I truely
hope they are right. As for the rest of my world I have many moments of worry and I just feel really tired. I wonder if things will ever get better than they have been.
I do understand that no matter how sad the situation is it could be worse. All I have to do is look around me to see that. This does make me wonder how the rest of the world copes with life's hardballs though. I would like to have as much input in this area as you san offer. Thanks...MAMABLAZE!!
3 responses
• United States
18 Aug 08
Thanks... well I've got the FULL EXHAUST part down pat. I just have to work on enjoying it more..MAMABLAZE!!
@rbailey83 (1428)
• Canada
18 Aug 08
things in my world took a turn for the worse when i was 11 years old, unfortunately i had no help from anyone on how to deal with what was going on, and didn't even fully understand what was wrong for a couple years. Because of that i picked up a horrible habbit of burying it, hiding it, and walling it up. There are things that are buried so deep it takes a lot of intense questioning to bring it up, because i did that for my own survival for so long it has become a natural habit for me. lol but not a good thing to do
@tapnaroy12 (875)
• India
18 Aug 08
hi friend
Your words touched my heart. When it happens I become philosophical. After all we are here for few days only with a specific roles to play. We love, laugh, hate, feel pain -- all are just part that drama named LIFE. I tend to look at this way when i find myself in a dire situations. I have to cope deaths of my two close relatives. I have realized, we are helpless actors, acting according to the direction of some great force. We'll be here as long as we don't complete our roles.