Now tell me if your opinion has changed about giving money back??
By mandykaren
@mandykaren (2040)
August 18, 2008 4:12pm CST
"your a fool mate, if i had been walking behind you and you dropped it, i would have put it in my pocket and kept it"
how would that statement make you feel? a friend told me this today after i mentioned a discussion i made about what people would do if see someone drop money.
this is true and happened sometime back, the person, young and brash had dropped a bulging wallet of money, my friend picked it up and called after the guy and he was called a fool for giving it back.. took the wallet and walked away
Now my friend this happened to is a good person, known him since i was 17, and been like an uncle to me..
since that one time.. he would think twice about handing it back.. obviously if mother or old age pensioner be different..
now i am interested to know your opinions as in last discussion most say would hand it back, BUT i am wondering... wouldnt you be classed as a fool? do you honestly think a young brash big headed type of person would do same thing back?? think about that statement how that would make you feel?
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28 responses
@fwidman (11514)
• United States
18 Aug 08
Whether it made me a fool or not, I would most certainly hand it back
It wouldn't be the first time someone thought me a fool nor would it be the last. But, in the end, I am the one that has to live with himself and I'd rather go to sleep thinking I did the right thing 

@siberian88 (37)
• Philippines
19 Aug 08
If doing the right things makes you a fool, then doing the wrong thing makes you what?
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@phisha84 (286)
• United States
18 Aug 08
I think thats aweful of the person to have called him a fool, and he's a butt for saying that.....He did a very good thing by giving it back.
If I seen someone drop money of course I'd tell them, but if I just found money on the ground I would keep it......I've usually thought of it like this
If you lost your money, its because someone out there needed it more than you.
When I was working at a grocery store as a cashier. A woman and her three kids came in and was buying groceries, she had a good amount of food but not too much, and she was balling her eyes out, histerical.
I asked customer service desk what was wrong with her and the CMS told me that she had just cashed her husbands check and lost 400 dollars and had no way of paying nothing until next week......I felt bad for her, but without thinking about what I was doing I told the CMS to let her have the groceries and I would pay for them, not knowing the amount, just give them to her and I will take care of it.
The general manager told me that I was an idiot and did a stupid thing, I told her that I didn't care, if that would happen to me I would appreciate someone doing the same for me......
One week later at work I had an envolope with my name on it on the bulliten board...there was a note and money in it saying thank you for helping me, most people would never do that for a stranger, and now I'm repaying you.......She gave me double her groceries......
I couldn't of cared less if I never seen her again, but I did appreciate the kindness that she brought back to me....
I think that when you do something out of kindness your repaid by god too.
I'm just that type of person
Plus I did LOVE rubbing it in the general managers face hahaha sorry but I did.
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@capirani (2840)
• United States
20 Aug 08
That was really nice of you and unfortunately not many people will do that kind of decent thing anymore. Everyone is too afraid to get taken. But you did a good thing and you are right, God is the one who repays. Thanks for being one of the "good guys".
@mandykaren (2040)
21 Aug 08
wowww.. sorry i only just able to read this, busy week
really was nice of you, didnt know her but you must of though about the kids and what if they really wil go without.. there is not many people that would do what you did for her, and even nicer and amazing she did repay you.. you took a risk because of your warm heart and it ended nice..
in this scenario, yes it was a stupid thing to say.. and i would hope he loose money again to someone that will keep it, then who would be the fool, the man that pockets it, or the man that carelessly drops it lol
thnakyou very much for sharing, i enjoyed reading it 

@WhatsHerName (2716)
• United States
18 Aug 08
Who cares if they consider you a fool, you did the right thing and that's all that matters. This guy was the fool and very rare, most people would at least say thank you.
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@mandykaren (2040)
21 Aug 08
well he did the right thing yes.. it was a fat wallet.. who is the fool, the one that carries so much money and carelessly drops it, or the one that hands it back through being a good citizen and not thief.
yes most people would at least say thank you.. maybe the guy thought it be funny to act so ungrateful.
thanks for your nice words 

@spiderlizard22 (3444)
• United States
19 Aug 08
He should still give it back even if that person said it to him. What we don't need is another thief in the world. The world needs more honest people. Society will do better with honest trust worthy people.
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@cobrateacher (8432)
• United States
18 Aug 08
Not only would I still give it back; I'd lose respect for a person who would keep it.
@mandykaren (2040)
21 Aug 08
i would, i couldnt pocket a wallet.. just really bad when can not as much as manage a thanks. but then you get others that so thank you will want to reward you. funny world..
thanks for sharing 

@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
19 Aug 08
I would always give money back if I saw who dropped it. It's happened to me at the check-out counter a few times. The person in front of me will drop bills on the ground and not notice. I always either tell the person or pick it up and hand it to them. If I find money on the ground - a few dollars or coins - and there isn't anyone around, I'll probably pocket it. If it's a big amount, or there's an whole wallet, I'll try to find the person to give it back. Or take it to the police station. Most will take your name and information, and if the person doesn't claim the wallet in 30 days, you can have it back.
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@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
19 Aug 08
At my age, I'm not worried about someone calling me a fool, especially over something like this. I would want someone to return my money if I dropped it. Besides, as someone else mentioned, I couldn't live with myself if I took money and knew who dropped it.
@emskoneko (805)
• United States
19 Aug 08
No matter what, even if a person said those exact words to me, I would just calmly reply back "I won't stoop down to your level."
People who choose to give the money to the rightful owner should believe in themselves and be proud of their choice. Everyone should follow what their heart tells them. And for the people that have hearts telling them to keep the money for themselves, I feel pretty bad for them.
This reminds me of the movie Edward Scissorhands. I loved that movie. For someone like Edward who didn't understand the honesty and righteousness that is grown with through society, I would understand if he chose to keep the money to give to his loved ones. But that is also why in the movie he couldn't live in society even though he was a person who listened to his good heart.
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@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
19 Aug 08
Hi dear
its really sad that people dont appreciate good tthings and i am really sad that he has to listen it. it was not only rude of him but shows his mentality.
But i am sure this must not stopp u doing ur work.
even then i will not keep the money
and if i am in too angry mood, i may give it to Charity
Take care
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@sutanhartanto (4122)
• Indonesia
19 Aug 08
hi mandykaren,
it is not your fried but the big headed boy who is a fool. i don't want to be another fool. i believe that if things which are actually not for me are with me by any way, they will be eventually taken back from me. i don't want they are taken back from me in the wrong time and wrong place 

@cbreeze (1205)
• United States
19 Aug 08
If I found money unattended, I would probably see it as a Godsend and put it in my purse and keep going. If I saw someone drop money, no matter how much it was, I would pick it up and immediately return it to the person. You never know what situation a person is in. That money could mean the difference between them eating or not eating. If it's just pocket change, it really doesn't matter, I saw who dropped it so I am obligated to return it.
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@faln_angel1205 (1192)
• United States
19 Aug 08
I would still hand it back, even if i dont think the person who dropped it would do the same. As for the comment of being called a fool, i would feel sad that the person who dropped it is so troubled that he would have such a negative outlook towards someone that was honest with him and helped him out.
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@mands61123 (2098)
19 Aug 08
yes i would hand it back because it's the right thing to do it is not my money and i would have no reason to keep it i haven't earned it. I don't particularily care what this person or other people think of me i believe in honesty and integrity and that means living by a moral code.
If you take it to me it's stealing i've handed purses into the police station before and i have also had mine handed back to me so i feel that what goes around comes around and by being that person i am looked after if you will! kama always comes back threefold and thats negativity i don't want.
I wouldn't have been able to stop myself responding though if i still had hold of it i'd have dropped it right back on the floor stepped over it and walked off and if i didn't i would have said "well i was brought up not dragged up!!! you were lucky today next time you might not be they MIGHT BE JUST LIKE YOU! Pr**K"
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@tosinoye (3)
• Nigeria
19 Aug 08
Well i would return the money back irrespective of what people may call me, bcos u never know when sumtin lyk dat would happen to u and i bliv in karma so i would have to return it back no matter my condition who knows what oppurtunity i may earn by doing such good deed
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@paid2write (5201)
19 Aug 08
If I dropped anything and someone calls out to me, or hands it to me, I am always extremely grateful to them. I would never call someone a fool for returning money to me.
I think if you see someone drop a wallet and you don't call out but you pick it up and keep it, that is theft. You are stealing the money.
If I find money in the street and there is no way of knowing who dropped it, that is different. Then it's mine to keep.
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@trulydreaming (139)
• United States
19 Aug 08
WOW...that sucks. I can't believe that guys said that to your friend. What a jerk. If I was your friend I would have said something like "yeah - I am a fool but an honest fool."
Don't get me wrong...I know it would hurt to hear those words...but I also would consider the source. Obviously the kid was a jerk. I would ask myself, "Am I really willing to get upset and change what I believe in because of what one jerk called me?" My answer is a big "NO."
Fool or not...honesty is the best policy (at least in my handbook it is). I do not think I could live with myself if I did not give the money back. I try to BE the change I would like to see in the world. And if I started to be dishonest...I would no longer be living that way...and I would be no better than the jerk on the street. And I do not want to live that way. Life is far too short and far too important to be that way.
It still would hurt and most likely the next time I saw money on the ground or the next time someone ahead of me dropped their wallet again, I would probably hear that jerks comment in my mind...but I would still give the money back...And be an even bigger fool yet a happy and content fool. :-)
Good discussion! Thanks for sharing!
@metalhalo (599)
• United States
19 Aug 08
It wouldn't matter to me whether someone thought I was fool or not for returning it. It wasn't mine to begin with and I'm the one that would have to live with that guilt. If being compassionate is foolish...well then I'm the biggest fool of all.
How can doing something good be foolish? So what if the person didn't say Thank You. What if the shoe was on the other foot? I would certainly hope that someone would be kind enough to let me know and return it. Of course I'd be the type to truely appreciate though.
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• India
19 Aug 08
inded i will giv it to the owner.not botherd about others saying. i know what im and what im not.
@millertime247 (198)
• United States
19 Aug 08
I am a honest person and I would give it back to the person I know if I lost money I would want it back I do it all the time at my store people droping money laveing keys and credit cards and cell phones on the counter and some even give me extra money but I give it back to them cause I am a honest person
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