McDonalds and Toddlers

United States
August 18, 2008 5:12pm CST
My son loves McDonalds. He loves his happy meal with nuggets, french fries, chocolate milk, and sweet and sour sauce. We make him eat everything before he gets his toy which is almost the only time he finishes a meal. I'm not to concerned about the food making him overweight because he is very tall almost 5 years old and only 39 pounds, he's like his daddy, he eats and looses it just as fast (wish i He gets Mcdonalds about 2-4 times a month. Are your toddlers like that as well.. When ever I say we are going out to eat he says "chicken and french fries, mcdonalds momma" I know I am not being a bad parent for letting him have it caus eI know he is eating the whole meal.. So my question is.. Are your kids like this too? How do you feel about toddlers eating McDonalds 2-4 times a month?
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15 responses
• Philippines
19 Aug 08
i have a toddler also he is 3 years old.He also loves to go to McDonalds, he likes to eat, french fries, chicken, mc flurry. But we limit eating in a fastfoods like McDonals coz i know foods in this fast food is not beneficial to our body.
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• United States
19 Aug 08
I hear ya...lately my body has been rejecting McDonalds.. thank and my son gets bored with food easily so I know he will eventually be tired of it and we'll switch to something else
• China
19 Aug 08
I go to McDonalds twice a week or even more. It is a shame. I know how bad it is to my health since my major is medical science. I feel guilty to eat McDonals. However, I really like it.
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@allurejan (197)
• United States
19 Aug 08
Kids likes fast foods especially McDonalds. I don't have kids right now but I experienced it with my niece and nephews when I was in the Philippines. They love to order chicken, fries, and spaghetti. And they eat them all. It was fun!
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• United States
19 Aug 08
spaghetti at mcdonalds really? thats interesting,, My son love spaghetti
• United States
19 Aug 08
Yes. McDonalds in the Philippines has spaghetti in their meals choices. We like to order them also especially the kids in the house. Whenever we talk about going out, they will suggest to go to McDonalds. I know what they want when they say that.
@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
19 Aug 08
My two year old daughter loves McDonald's and Jollibee... but at McDonalds... she love the breakfast hashbrown and french fries... and nothing else... these are the only two things she eats there... i don't think you are a bad parent because you feed your son McDonald's food 2-4 times a month... there is nothing wrong with giving him a treat once in a while...
• United States
19 Aug 08
thank you!! they do have the best hasbrowns and
@snowy22315 (186235)
• United States
18 Aug 08
I dont have any toddlers but my son went to McDonalds plenty when he was youger. He is a healthy eater for the most part today. He surprised me when he came here for mother's day. He even ate salmon. I was impressed. I think if you expose kids to a wide variety of foods they will eventually grow up to be healthy eaters.
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• United States
18 Aug 08
thank you for sharing, he does love salad and fruits as well so I think he will be ok
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@Barbietre (1438)
• United States
19 Aug 08
The French fries are the worst thing he can eat, no nutrition at all all empty calories. Get the apple slices instead.
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• United States
19 Aug 08
normally we get those as well as his Dessert since he doesn't like icecream cause it's to cold. and he doesn't eat the dipping sauce...and the fries are always without salt.. but I do understand fried food isn't good....thx
• Nepal
18 Aug 08
McDonald's is famous among toddlers, however; I don't think it offers any healthy food option. I don't recommend going to McDonald quite often. Atleast 2 times is ok. But the parents must make sure that toddlers are equally consuming healthy food like fresh milk, fruits and other nutritional items. Too much junk food will promote obesity and reduce body growth.
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• United States
18 Aug 08
thank you for your responce
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• United States
19 Aug 08
Two to four times a month is nothing to worry about. He is not eating McDonald food often enough for you to worry about it bothering him. It sounds like from what you said that it doesn't put weight on him. If he enjoys that I say go ahead and let him have it. No you are not being a bad parent. I no longer have any kids in the house but if I did I wouldn't hesitate to take them to McDonald the amount of time you have. That is by no means too often.
• United States
19 Aug 08
thank you very much!!!!!!!!! I didn't think I was being wrong, hey at least he's eating right.....and its mainly 2 times a month because of financial situations but the 4 times pops in there
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
19 Aug 08
I see nothing wrong with 2-4 times a month as long as he is eating healthy pretty much the rest of the time. 2-4 times a WEEK, not that would be excessive.
@gemini_rose (16264)
18 Aug 08
If he is active, and if he eats a balanced diet in his other meals then I think that its cool. I have four kids, but one is 16, so really we only have three that we still have to take out and about. We cannot afford to go mcdonalds on a regular basis, so only get to go for a special occasion or a rare treat, I know for a fact if we had more money we would go more often but my kids eat healthy at home, they exercise and they have no weight probs, they are perfect for their ages. I just think if your son likes it, why not as long as you know he is OK in his weight that is all that matters!
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• United States
18 Aug 08
he's at a good weight for his size... And we go on Tuesdays when its 1.99 for a happy meal... You can't beat that....
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@penny64 (1106)
• Australia
19 Aug 08
I would take my four year old daughter to McDonalds about every 4 - 6 weeks. I don't have a problem with taking a toddler there weekly, as long as the child has a predominantly healthy diet otherwise. I deliberately always bought my daughter a fish burger at McDonalds from when she was very young, so now it is her meal of choice. A fish burger, small fries and an orange juice is her normal order, and I'm sure she burns off the calories in the play area before she even leaves the restaurant! I know parents who have carefully controlled their children and prevented them from eating anything unhealthy. The problem is that as soon as the child is out of the parents' discipline, they go crazy. I think we need to teach our children that it is okay to indulge in moderation. It's part of life. I must say that I have never forced my daughter to finish everything on her plate. I make sure that she gets a balance, but personally I think that weight problems can be caused by learning that you have to eat everything that is put in front of you. If my daughter fusses about eating, I make her have a little bit of everything, then she waits until the next meal (or has something small like a piece of fruit if I can tell she is really hungry in between meals). It works for us, and she is a very healthy kid.
• United States
19 Aug 08
i agree that when you are strict with what ure kids eat they turn.. I was like that, i was forced to eat healthy and such and now I am overweight....hmmmm.... So maybe by being a little leniant he will grow up healthy and make the right decisions on his own.....
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@penny64 (1106)
• Australia
19 Aug 08
Yes, I really think so. If he learns how to enjoy things he likes without overdoing it, what a valuable life lesson you have taught him! That's GREAT parenting.
@misty99 (736)
19 Aug 08
I don't think parents are bad when we treat them once a week to their favorite fast food.I am the same as you are with my kids who is 6 and turning 3 this September.Every weekend-usually Thursday--they get their treat of McDonalds happy meal--one nuggets and one burger.Both kids will share the food to the other and they have to finish it otherwise they cannot open their toyAfter that they can play in the play area
• United States
19 Aug 08
exactly, the kids get a treat out of the whole thing (meal, toy, and play) and the parents get to relax a bit and know that the kids are eating....thank you for your responce
@msedge (4011)
• United States
22 Aug 08
I also do that when my daughter was still a kid.Every weekend i treated her in McDonald.She really loves the chicken and french fries too.In our country we have kiddie meal where it includes a meal and a toy of their choice.So she has a collection of toys from McDonalds.She has grown now and i am happy to remember those days with her and your discussion made me smile.My little girl is now a lady.
• United States
22 Aug 08
awesome...Glad I could bring back some fond memories.....
@msedge (4011)
• United States
29 Aug 08
Yes, thank you!
@dagda24 (366)
18 Aug 08
I would never let a toddler eat McDonalds, or any other fast food. Even if they are not over weight there is still the salt content of these foods to consider, and he could be eating much healthier things instead. The amount of sugar in the milkshake alone is probably more than his daily intake should be. Even people who are not fat show signs of damage from unhealthy eating. Skinny people who can eat anything and not gain weight often have the highest cholesterol levels as they never stop to think about what they are putting in their bodies.
• United States
18 Aug 08
well we do get the fries with no salt... and I do like that he enjoys milk even though I can't have it being lactose intolerant, but I do see your point.....
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• Canada
19 Aug 08
You may not be concrned about his weight now,but he is only 5 years old and eating this crap?Also, as a parent you should take into account that if he is still groing his body is going to make changes.Maybe now he doesn't gain weight but in a few years he might.I am not a parent and even I know this.Also,i've always been the type of person who could eat fatty foods and not gain weight.All the while though my arteries were getting clogged with cholesteral and I had a heart attack at the age of 33.As a parent,have taken the time to give consideration to the amount of cholesteral your child is building up?I mean honestly,a five year old who is MADE to eat everything(which is:DEEP FRIED nuggets,DEEP FRIED french fries,CHOCOLATE milk,sweet and sour sauce) or he won't get his toy.THIS is how he's being raised? I find that disgusting to think of the future you are molding him for.
• Canada
19 Aug 08
One more thing.You say he only gets his toy(reward) if he finishes eating junk food.WELL WHAT KID WOULDN'T FINISH THAT KIND OF MEAL FOR A REWARD?When I was young it was more like eat your veggies before you get dessert.Also, I did not read the part you mentioned about only going a few times a monthI have really bad eyesight),so I appologize for my harshness in my first response. I've seen kids start off being skinny and being obese in their teens.This is just something to keep in mind.
• United States
19 Aug 08
well thx, but he gets a "reward" for finishing any mean he eats. thanks for your opinion...its been noted, I don't agree with you but thats my opinion
@vnp007 (83)
• India
19 Aug 08
no, being a responsible parent, i never allow dumping such junk material in my child's stomach. it doesn't show immediate effects but on the longer run our children suffer from obesity, kidney & heart problems.