I'm not going to be that guy....
By DarkDancer
@DarkDancer (1011)
Dayton, Ohio
August 18, 2008 6:13pm CST
You know that guy (or girl) you may even be that guy (or girl). You know the one, they always have their radio tuned to the oldies station (whatever that might be, the 40's 50's, 60's 70's or 80's, whatever music they grew up with). They may have an mp3 player, with a selection of...that music they grew up with.
Some of my younger friends are turning into that person. Not me, I refuse. My computer helps (apparently it randomly downloads things without me know about it...sentience I guess), as I was listening to music one day and suddenly this song I had never heard of from a group I had never heard of came on. It was really good. I got the album, it's good too.
Anyway, Do you know that person? Are you that person? If not how do you avoid it. This is of course more for the older crowd...

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22 responses
@sanjana_aslam (4187)
• Malaysia
19 Aug 08
i like new songs and old songs equally ...i have my own selection of songs and music that i like ...they have their own style and uniqueness. not all the old songs were good and not all the new songs are good either ..i am not able to accept them , my brain just shuts off when i listen to those songs. I am more fond of the lyrics of the songs .. i cant accept songs with wierd lyrics, where do they get it from .. anyways ...Old songs reminds me of my younger days .. new songs keeps me young always .. wow that rhymes 

@DarkDancer (1011)
• Dayton, Ohio
19 Aug 08
I am also a big fan of sing lyrics. "Sing me something soft, sad and delicate, or loud and out of key. Sing me anything."
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@sanjana_aslam (4187)
• Malaysia
19 Aug 08
oops ... simon will kick me out at the first note ...
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@Fryediddy (127)
• United States
19 Aug 08
I can't say I know a person like that but I understand how that person comes about. I feel like it's kinda of like a music rut, when people aren't open to listening to other types of music. I've found myself in certain moods and that happens but for the most part I like to keep my playlist wide and all encompassing. Especially as a musician I like to listen to a jumble of styles and artists so my stuff doesn't come out sounding like one specific artist.
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@DarkDancer (1011)
• Dayton, Ohio
19 Aug 08
Sound like a good strategy. That's what I like to do, my musical tastes have always been rather eclectic. I am trying to make it more eclectic. What have you been listening to recently?
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@Fryediddy (127)
• United States
19 Aug 08
I've been listening to a lot alternative rock and acoustic rock lately. I've also been listening to quite a bit of Aerosmith as well as Led Zeppelin. I'm trying to get back to the roots of rock. I know I've missed way too much that just needs to be heard.
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@DarkDancer (1011)
• Dayton, Ohio
19 Aug 08
Augustana and Straylight run have been on my mind a lot lately. They are very good, at least I think... 

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@travibabiesgirl (1690)
• United States
19 Aug 08
My aunt is one of these people. When I was a teen we would all party together and she would play those songs from the 50-60's. It was fun at first we would dance and have a great time. She had one tape she would play over and over and over......
Now I can not stand some of that music. I try to listen to stations on the radio that offer new music. I don't want to be like her and think that was the only era of music.
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@DarkDancer (1011)
• Dayton, Ohio
22 Aug 08
Wow, one tape??? No disrespect to your aunt, but that's sad......
@tessah (6617)
• United States
19 Aug 08
i know people like this. stuck in the past and refusing to even sample the new music out there. my sister in law is one of em. wont even turn on the radio but plays her bon jovi tapes over n over again. sad really.. to stagnate yerself when there is so much wonderful NEW music all the time. how do i prevent being "that girl" ? i keep my radio tuned to a station that plays the newer music 

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@Barbietre (1438)
• United States
19 Aug 08
You have just decribed my husband. I hate that, I do not nor ever will get hooked on oldies. They have their palce once in awhile, but not a steady diet of it. I try new things all the time.Some I like some I do not. I will not be a stagnant person, I am always evovling and growing.
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@DarkDancer (1011)
• Dayton, Ohio
19 Aug 08
Sounds like me! I refuse to only listen to the same songs over and over without ever hearing anything new...

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@moondrop824 (241)
• United States
19 Aug 08
Yep that's me. Music is very important to me, the songs I choose to listen to bring back memories, I love the old ones... I know all the words! lol I'm always open for new tunes though.
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@DarkDancer (1011)
• Dayton, Ohio
22 Aug 08
Well, you see, there you go! You are still open to the new ones! 

@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
19 Aug 08
Well being a huge music fan and lover all my life I of course still listen to the music i loved when I was a kid and a teenager BUT I also love listenign to new music and of course having teenaged and young adult aged kids in my life I'm always hearing of new stuff..I dont listen to the radio so I have to rely on them and my other music loving friends etc to turn me on to new stuff....of course I find new tunes all the time on T.V as well like during a movie or series i'm into etc etc..
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@DarkDancer (1011)
• Dayton, Ohio
19 Aug 08
Oh, don't get me wrong, I still love the stuff I grew up with, I just would hate to be limited to that. It doesn't sound like you have that limitation... 

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@littleowl (7157)
25 Aug 08
Hi DD..hope you don't mind me shortening your name...my children well adults now have always kept me young at heart and I like most of the music nowadays and still get CD's too but I think its good to move on with the age of the times not still back in the 60's,70's etc I still like music from then but like the music today too...bb littleowl
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@DarkDancer (1011)
• Dayton, Ohio
25 Aug 08
No problem on the name shortening! ;) Sounds like your "kids" are keeping you young... 

@anawar (2404)
• United States
19 Aug 08
DarkDancer - hi. I think everyone older than me is stuck listening to the same music they have heard all their lives. I think I will die if I hear one more oldie coming from the radio.
Music today is not as good as before, which is a problem. I like the idea of hearing new music randomly selected by your computer. I'm not too sure I want a sentient computer though.
I'm attaching a picture of one of those old radios that people listened to before television entered the entertainment world. Sometimes the pictures come out good, other times you can barely make it out. so, we'll see.
To tell you the truth though, because I don't have an AI or sentient computer. I do frustrate myself looking new music and end up with a mixture of 80s and 90s.
It's the popularity of the 50s and 60s that drives me crazy!
anawar out

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@DarkDancer (1011)
• Dayton, Ohio
19 Aug 08
Hehe, there is a plethora of that. Lately I hgave been listening to Augustana and Straylight Run. I like them both quite a bit.
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@Xdrowninghavocx (3117)
• United States
19 Aug 08
This had me laughing. I don't think I'm quite that person. Are you saying that they only have songs from when that they grew up with? I have songs that I liked growing up, but they aren't the only ones taking up my Ipod. I listen to several things and I'm always learning about new artists.
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@DarkDancer (1011)
• Dayton, Ohio
19 Aug 08
Yes, there are some people like that, it is like thay are uncomfortable with anything new. It is a symptom of growing old I imagine. I don't plan o doing that either....

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@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
19 Aug 08
I'm an old fart - baby boomer.
And I do prefer listening to oldies - but that includes music from the 60s, 70s and early 80s. 50s are okay, but not my favorites. And I have a 24 year old who makes sure I get to hear some new good music as well. (He actually likes lots of old music too - even some before my time - like Frank Sinatra.)
In addition to my oldies music, I listen to old hymns, contemporary Christian music and classical. Some country - but NOT the old stuff.

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@DarkDancer (1011)
• Dayton, Ohio
22 Aug 08
Ah, your son keeps you in the mode....and I love Old Blue Eyes!
Some of the oldies stations play a top 40 variant basically, but the playlist never really changes.....

@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
19 Aug 08
The problem with oldies stations is that they play the same 27 songs over and over and over. And it doesn't matter what part of the country you're in, they all play the same ones!!! How many times can a person listen to, "Hooked on a Feeling" or "I Think We're Alone Now"?????
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
23 Aug 08
Well.... despite 80s being quite awhile ago, I can't consider it oldies. A lot of new artists these days are doing remakes of 80s songs - look at Fall Out Boy and 'Beat It'. It makes new life for these songs, our teenagers are rocking out to them.
Anything pre-80s is oldies... in my opinion lol. I don't listen to pre-80s. I have always listened to a variety and I like current music, so I guess I won't ever 'be' that person. I'll probably always like some current music unless it takes a giant turn for the worse within the next decade or two. I prefer to listen to things that don't SOUND dated, even if they ARE 30 years old.
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@DarkDancer (1011)
• Dayton, Ohio
23 Aug 08
"When did Motley Crue become Classic Rock?"
Bowling for Soup
Actually it amuses me to see people who probably wouldn't have any exposure to certain music, seriously enjoying it because of...Guitar Hero...

@mands61123 (2098)
19 Aug 08
i know some people like that it's nice to hear old stuff brings you back but i like discovering new stuff plus my music tatse is so varied i couldn't cope with just one type of music i'd get bored. Wish my computer did that it'd save me finding new stuff to listen to out od curiosity which band and album was it?
@DarkDancer (1011)
• Dayton, Ohio
22 Aug 08
Tha band was Augustana, the album, All The Stars and Boulevards. To be honest, my computer ahsn't done it recently. May I offer a suggestion though....
This is the address to the Music Genome Project (http://www.pandora.com/mgp.shtml). put in a song or group that you like and it will start playing music that it finds similar. Anfter only a few songs, it goes pretty far afield....

@mands61123 (2098)
23 Aug 08
i knew your computer hadn't done it lol i do tend to get suggestions of majority of music sites that i'm in. I'm also on a panel for new music so i get to listen to new bands and give feedback on album, artwork etc which is pretty cool. I'l definately check out the site Have you been on muxtap and unforgettable sounds they are good sites! i don't hink we're allowed to post links here so pm me if you want the addresses.
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@lemayan (188)
• Germany
19 Aug 08
its always good to have a variety of music to listen to new music is good but also i think you should keep your mind open to old music too, you would be suprised at the quality of it and i will have you know that most current music is made from old music not all but some of the good ones come from old music, think about old is gold
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@DarkDancer (1011)
• Dayton, Ohio
22 Aug 08
I suppose that if you are stuck on only new music, you have a similar issue...
@mands61123 (2098)
23 Aug 08
i agree with that i listen to stuff now that i would not have appreciated a few years ago your outlook on life changes and you mature. A good mix of everything just like a variety of food is he way to go, enriches your experience. People are always comenting on how varied my taste is and i have songs from every genre on my ipod variety is the spice of life lol
@Bluepatch (2476)
• Trinidad And Tobago
19 Aug 08
Music is basically what I like.
I abhor the crazy out of tune music modes of these days and love the melodies of the past.
You're right if you're trying to avoid getting into old age stuff.
But, what do you personally really like ?
Stick with that.
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@DarkDancer (1011)
• Dayton, Ohio
21 Aug 08
Actually I haven't heard anything really out of tune, except maybe jazz fusion. The real experimental stuff.
My musical tastes are very eclectic, I like a lot of the current pop (not a hip hop/rap or country fan though) jazz, rock, alternative rock (that which they now call "new music") Prog/Trance, and others....

@setroc (853)
• Philippines
19 Aug 08
i think im that guy, haha, well you see, i think music era has its own personality, umm..so i guess, umm..you listen to what speaks to you, you know, speak to you in a way that you want it to speak, haha, im talking nonsense here, am i? i think im that guy, but its not that im not open to new kind of music, but what ive notice with the new songs that i like today is that it kinda has a semblance to what i use to listen and am still listening now, my songs, my old songs, yup it kinda similar only played differently, by the way im not that old im only 28, but im already getting stuck to my music era, the 90s and early 2000s

@bobbalooi (73)
• United States
19 Aug 08
Interesting thread..........
I'm not that guy or girl but I don't hold it against them. I see nothing wrong with being more comfortable with the music you grew up with. Everyone is different. That's what makes the world go 'round.
I grew up with classic rock of the 60's and 70's. I still love it as does my 29 year old daughter. However, I also love clasical, new age, 90's, adult comtemporary/altenative, R&B and even some new pop stuff. About all I don't like is rap, really heavy metal (I call it Cookie Monster music), and country.
My Dad grew up with Frank Sinatra and the like. He loves clasic rock from the 70's and some newer sounds, jazz - probably about like me. But he is that kind of person who is eternally young and always ready to try something new.
It's all just personality traits.
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@DarkDancer (1011)
• Dayton, Ohio
22 Aug 08
Oh, I'm not necessarily saying that there is anything wrong with being that person, it's just not for me!
I never want to be so, stuck in my ways, that I am not open to a new experience, especially something as unchallenging as a song....

@auntiedis (165)
• United States
19 Aug 08
Sadly, I *AM* that person. I listen to 80's music like it's going out of style, and I just went to a Poison concert last year. Although I LISTEN to it, I am not still LIVING it. LOL Now *THAT* is the person I refuse to be. When I went to the concert, there were still people there with leather pants and that flourescent green color tops, shoes, etc. Eeew. Ratted hair, 80's makeup.
I do, however, listen to new music too. I am a radio station flicker. I change it until something I know comes on. LOL Alternative, rock, whatever era. It's all good.
@angusthethird (515)
• United States
19 Aug 08
I can see why, given the quality of the majority of today's "music." Right now, as far as '08 jams are concerned...it's Coldplay or nothin.'
@DarkDancer (1011)
• Dayton, Ohio
19 Aug 08
Seems rather limited, but you are entitled to your opinion... 

@adsaige (6)
• United States
19 Aug 08
There is nothing wrong with being that person. It is simply what they were comfortable with and able to relate to. If they do that then that's a personal choice. Perhaps they are not taking the chance in trying to find new things to listen to and understand. It depends on the person, truly.
If you turn into that person, perhaps you could understand from their perspective. There are some songs that just touch you deep inside that it feels as if the artist sat down with you and just...took everything in you and poured it into a song. Maybe that's what it is...or the song is an extenstion of themselves. Helped them through some tough times...
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@DarkDancer (1011)
• Dayton, Ohio
19 Aug 08
Oh, that's fine. I just don't want to be that person, seems so...old and fuddy duddyish. If that is who you want to be however, that's fine with me.
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