"Gay Rights Court Victory."
By Rozie37
@Rozie37 (15499)
August 18, 2008 8:49pm CST
I know that by now most of you have heard about this so called victory for the woman who sued to Christian doctors because they refused to artificially inseminate her. If I were a doctor, I would refuse to perform this procedure on a lesbian also. In fact, now that I think of it, I really don't know where I stand as far as this procedure is concerned at all.
But I am certainly sure of one thing, I would not want to be the woman standing before the judgement seat of Christ and answering to him for suing his children for not doing something that they felt was morally wrong and against God's law. I also would not want a doctor to perform a procedure on me thathe did not want to or feel was right.
I know that you will say that is not the point, but to me it is. I look at it like this, in order to give her freedom, it infringes on the doctor's personal freedom of religion. And religion just happens to be one of those things that is important enough to also carry over to your profession. If I were these dotors though, I would simply go into another area of medicine. I feel that either you give birth naturally or not at all.
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12 responses
@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
19 Aug 08
Hi Rozie37! I support the doctor's rights for exercising their beliefs and religion. I have nothing against the lesbians and gays and I respect their rights too. However, it is not right that they will demand respect for their rights at the expense of other people's rights. If the Christian doctors refuse to go against their religion just to please them, why don't they just go to those doctors who are not Christians and are willing to perform the procedure? It is unfair if you force people to do what you want when it is against their beliefs. If they want to be respected, I think they should respect other people too. I think that is what equality means and not favoring just one side.
Take care always..God Bless!
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@spiderlizard22 (3444)
• United States
19 Aug 08
You don't decide what is god's law. Only God can decide what is god's law. Only god is allowed to make those kind of decisions. Only god is allowed to judge not you.
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@Angra_Mainyu (377)
• United States
19 Aug 08
Rozie the bible plays on both sides of the fence when it comes to homosexuality.
It says abomination and detestable. That is what most people point out.
There is also homosexuality in the bible that is unpunished. So how do you explain that?
I am not a supporter of homosexuality but there are 2 different sides in the bible. And it isn't one of the 10 commandments. So an adulterer is worse than a homosexual as far as the bible goes.
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@bonbon664 (3466)
• Canada
19 Aug 08
How dare you say to people who desperately want children they can't get artificially inseminated! What about married infertile couples? What about them? You're saying they can't have kids either becasue the man was knocked in the gonads when he was a kid? I'm glad my God is not the same as yours, because mine gives us the ability to use the brains he gave us to use the technology that's available to us. If it were up to you, we'd still be living in caves, not having advanced past fire, because ooooh, the wheel is soooo scary.
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@bonbon664 (3466)
• Canada
20 Aug 08
I did read clearly. Here's what you said, "I feel that either you give birth naturally or not at all."
@snowberries (399)
• Australia
21 Aug 08
Hahaha "the wheel is so scary" bonbon664 you made me laugh. So funny! Thanks for that, i needed it. Thankfully i'm not the only one who is creeped out by rozie.
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
19 Aug 08
Rozie, I will never ever agree or accept gays lifestyle no matter how much or how hard they try to shove it down my throat. It IS against God's will and so therefore, I will NOT accept it. Doctors should have the right to do what they feel is ethically correct in his own feelings and not have to do anything that doesn't feel right to him/her. So now if a doctor disagrees about something, does that give me the right to sue him too? Hell no! So what gives this low life the right to sue him? Stupid "B" could've gone elsewhere but nooooo she had to make herself known to the world and make herself look like she's somebody. Yeah, she's somebody alright, a low down rotten dirty bag!!
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@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
19 Aug 08
I understand where you are coming from. I have always wanted to make a name for myself, but I do not want to accomplish it by doing something negative. If I were her, I would have simply left these two doctors alone. The Bible clearly states that even as you have done it to the least of them, you have done it unto me. I myself am a child of God, but you better believe I am very careful about how I treat his children. God was not making a suggestion when he said, Touch not my anointed and do my profits no harm.
@lyzabelle (1668)
• Philippines
19 Aug 08
Sometimes it's really confusing what is really the
right or wrong way. So many conflicting views and
opinions. If you listen to others they always say
that they are following the bible and many don't
even believe the teaching in the bible.

@snowberries (399)
• Australia
23 Aug 08
If god made women and men to be fruitful and multiply, did it explicitly say men with women and women with men? If not, it's open to interpretation then.

@soooobored (1184)
• United States
19 Aug 08
What were his grounds for refusing her? Was it just that she was a lesbian? Or does he regularly refuse patients this procedure on other grounds?
If it was just because she is a lesbian, I would disagree fully. Morality is relative, and just because the doctor thinks being gay is immoral doesn't give him the right to deny services.
If it was because he thought she would make an unfit parent, were there any other refused procedures to non-lesbian candidates? On what basis would he be making that determination?
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@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
20 Aug 08
Here is the link to the complete story. I forgot to include it in my post. If I remember correctly, this was his only reason given to refuse her this procedure. I admire them for taken a stand and not coming up with a lame excuse for his decission.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
19 Aug 08
I do not think a doctor should encourage immorality. I can see a doctor performing artificial insemination using the husband's sperm if the wife's eggs have to be extracted, fertilized, and inserted into the womb because her tubes are blocked. But it seems that is seldom attempted, but they will do it for a lesbian or a homosexual couple. Using someone else's sperm is adultery.
That would be the only reason a doctor should artificially inseminate a woman.
Some couples do need help.
If the doctor's religion forbids him to encourage immorality, he should not be fined for obeying his conscience. He should have a right to freedom of religion, but I guess the homosexual community think that they should get what they want and the Christians should not have any rights.
That is proof, that Satan is the ruler of this world.
@wachit14 (3595)
• United States
19 Aug 08
One of the major problems I have with religion is how it infringes on the rest of our lives. I understand that Christian doctors can make decisions based on their religion, but at some point people have to learn to separate their religion from the rest of their lives including their careers. It's a doctor's responsibility to do what's best for their patients and that includes perhaps performing procedures that go against their religious rights.
Also, who is to judge who can and cannot receive artificial insemination. I am a woman who was unable to conceive and give birth naturally. Artificial insemination was one way I could have become a parent, but at the time my medical insurance was not covering such a procedure so we adopted.
Thankfully, in our country everyone is able to practice religious freedom and I am grateful for that, but I think it is unwise to use that religion to unfairly judge how people should live their own lives.
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
20 Aug 08
I do not see these doctors as judging anyone. All they were doing is standing by their own beliefs. I am overwhelmed with admiration for their courage to stand and they will be greatly rewarded for it. People who do not uderstand what it means to be a child of God, think that it is something that you can put on and take off at will.
Being a child of God means having a relationship with God. He is our heavenly father and we are more interested in pleasing him than anyone else. If it means losing even our lives, we will stand with God no matter what. We know that without him we would not be able to breathe anyway, let alone do anything else. We realize that God is the beginning and end of all things and without him, we are nothing.
@snowberries (399)
• Australia
21 Aug 08
You can see that Rozie just started this discussion as a means to preach and bible bash. You can see she never responds to anyone else's differing views unless it's to tell us how much we are sinning or burning in hell.
You are so narrowminded Rozie, i'm sure that with a few more discussion like these you will have no friends whatsoever, (unless they're all judgemental people like you!).
@teapotmommommerced (10359)
• United States
25 Aug 08
Rozie you have never been in the situation where you want a child so bad and cannot have one. I believe god helps those who help them selves. I also believe that God did not give us the knowledge and the tools to impregnate women who could not get pregnant on their own and not to use what we have learned. Just because you do not agree with the life style who are you do say they can or cannot have a child. Why would Christ make gay and lesbian people if it was so wrong? I believe that being gay or lesbian is not a choice you are born with those feelings.
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
26 Aug 08
I believe that I was born that way, however, that does not mean that God intended for me to ever act on those feelings. There are people who grow up all their lives with a strong desire to murder, but it is still wrong and God does not want them to act on it. There are babies that are born deformed all the time, do we neglect to do the best we can because we feel that they were meant to be that way?
The point is, we all have our crosses to bear and things that we need to overcome. If this lifestyle was alright with God, he would have made it very clear in his word. He made it very clear in both the Old and New Testament that he was against homosexuality. In fact, he called it an abomination to him.
One can pray and ask God to deliver them from such a lifestyle and then, like any other bad habit or addiction, they need to do whatever it takes to keep from falling back into that lifestyle of sin.
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@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
19 Aug 08
First of all, her sexuality was none of the doctors' business, as far as I'm concerned. A single woman who is NOT sexually active who wants a child can be impregnated by way of artificial insemination. There is no difference.
Secondly, the Old Testament appears to be clear on the subject, but the New Testament is just that - a NEW Testament. Christ Himself said, "let he who is without sin cast the first stone." Jesus was hated by the authorities because He didn't follow their discriminatory ways - he dined with "sinners", he touched the untouchable, he ventured into Arab neighborhoods and spoke not just to a Samaritan, but a Samaritan woman, something men of his time simply were not to do. You didn't converse with women and you sure didn't go into non-Jewish neighborhoods and associate with non-Jews. He pointed out rightly that no one is without sin and that we are love all as we love ourselves after first giving our hearts and souls to the Almighty.
Thirdly, if these doctors were fertilization specialists, they were legally wrong to deny fertilization procedures to anyone unless they were working for a church organization that only treated fellow believers. Since that does not exist, they are required by law and by oath to treat all. If they want to differentiate between their patients, they need to establish a clinic that only treats patients of like mind.
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
20 Aug 08
I believe that it is safe to say that sense God allowed Paul to write what he did, means that this is the way that God felt about it also. Remember that God is always in control. If I were those doctors, I would refuse to treat a single mother, lesbian, and whomever else I felt that the Lord would not want me to help in this way.
I am more afraid of God than man. The Bible says that man has the power to kill the body, but God has the power to kill the body and cast your soul into hell, so I think that it is a safer bet to side with God.
@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
19 Aug 08
Romans was written by Paul whose perceptions tended to be in sharp contrast to the other apostles.
And, yes, you can force a physician to perform services if he provides those same services to other patients upon request. If a physician refused to perform artificial insemination on ANYONE, that would be one thing; but to be selective about which patients would receive those services and to do so based on their private lives (does he also refuse to perform A.I. on unmarried women who are living with their BFs since that is equally sinful??) is not legal. Period.

@clstar08 (68)
• United States
19 Aug 08
I don't think that this woman's choice to get pregnant artificially was immoral, but I do agree with you on one point: These doctor's have the right to refuse to perform the procedure on religious or moral grounds if they want to. It is like some pharmacists choosing to not sell contraceptives if it violates their believes. The woman should have gone to another doctor who would have willingly performed this procedure.
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@snowberries (399)
• Australia
21 Aug 08
Ever heard the saying "judge not lest ye be judged"? Well you shouldn't judge other women just because they don't have the good fortune or good organs to get pregnant naturally. Also, god is the decider, you are not, so you can't decide for him what is right and what is wrong.
If any doctor decided to disagree with me i would just go elsewhere. There are so many doctors out there, it's really no point to sue one, just go somewhere else. Much easier.
Work is work, religion has no place in it. They are two separate things. If i felt that a professional that i used was religious and was going to possibly hold that against me when it came time to deliver those services, i would drop them like a hot potato.
I think organized religion is just like a cult, they brain wash you into thinking you are above everyone else, "gods chosen" or some rubbish.
Why would god make people just to judge them? At least i dont' have to make myself believe weird things like that, i can live my life in peace without fear of satans and judgement days...why bother living in the first place if everything you do is a sin? It's not a rosy outlook is it?
@snowberries (399)
• Australia
23 Aug 08
That judgement is not a righteous judgement. I don't believe others should judge when they don't know all the facts.