Attack of the sweet tooth.... how do you handle it?
By ahgong
@ahgong (10064)
August 19, 2008 3:31am CST
To a person who is dieting to loose weight, the worst enemy is the sweet tooth.
When the sweet tooth attacks, there is some times no way to stop the craving of a sweet food till it is satisfied.
I know that there are lots of articles and books teaching one how to keep to a diet and an exercise routine to lose those unwanted pounds.
But more often than not, they require you to forgo a lot of your favorite foods. Many of which usually will be able to satisfy your sweet tooth when cravings strike.
So, my question is, when you get an attack of cravings for some sinful food, what do you do?
Do you eat a substitute of the thing that you are craving for?
If you do, what are they?
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21 responses
@vegegirl (828)
• Australia
19 Aug 08 raw chocolate bars - they only have healthy sweeteners or fruit.
2. fruit
3. dates and other dried fruit
4. I make rolls or balls just by homogonising the dried fruit, and may roll it in shredded coconut.
Sometimes I could mix raw chocolate powder with the rolls or balls above!
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@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
21 Aug 08
that is a wealth of information to digest!
It is very informative though!
I like it a lot! Best response goes to you!
Thanks for the eye opening info. Will try to see if I can get more blended drinks into my diet!
I too love to drink coconut drinks. But when I indulge in one too many, I get sick!
So end of the day, moderation is still the key to any diet!

@vegegirl (828)
• Australia
20 Aug 08
You only eat cholesterol in animal products. The fats in avocado and coconuts are good fats.
I just drank the water from 2 young coconuts this weekend and had the jelly type flesh from one (different aged coconuts have different types of flesh, young ones are very jelly like and have a less flesh than the older coconuts with harder flesh).
Some quotes from Ani's raw food kitchen...
"Coconut water is living water. Mineralized water from deep within the earth is sucked up by the roots of the palm tree, filtered up its trunk, and perfectly sealed inside a coconut. It takes the palm tree nine months to filter one iter of water up its trunk.....
The Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations' Chief of Agricultural Industries and Post Harvest Managment Service says, "Coconut water is a natural isotonic beverage with the same level of electrolytic balance as we have in our blood. It's the fluid of life, so to speak.
With the help of an Italian food technologist, they developed a cold sterilization processing method to bottle coconut water without losing the flavour and nutritional characteristic. However, I still opt for the fresh source from the whole coconut....
....during World War II, doctors discovered the water in your coconuts could be used as a substitute for blood plasma, because it's sterile, cool, easily absorbed by the body, and doesn't destroy red blood cells."
So coconut water is amazing for us! If it is natural or extracted via the cold sterilization process.
Probably a lot of tinned coconut cream and milk may be heated and processed and could have sugar in it and is probably a lot less healthier which is probably why it gets a bad name
I've never seen coconut products extracted by the cold sterilization process so I try and get raw coconuts and if I can't I might just use a little bit of organic cold processed coconut oil and add it to something for the taste or organic shredded coconut (that's just been dehydrated), even if I add the shredded one to my drinks.
The fruits I eat depend on how much time I have to prepare them, during the week I often eat more apples and oranges, because I can just pick them up and take them with me, eating an apple even on my way to work. I leave an apple beside my bed to eat it when I wake up after my glass of water, so i have had something healthy first thing. But this morning I had half a grapefruit as I had some at home and I just felt like it. The other morning I felt like an orange, so I had one.
When I have organic pears, I love to eat them, they are beautiful and juicy (I probably just have one a day as they are expensive).
When I have time to make a fruit salad I love pawpaw, kiwi fruit, passion fruit, orange banana and strawberries and coconut if I have them all- I may have this type of meal for my Saturday breakfast, or sometimes after work as my dinner meal.
Sometimes when I am lucky I have black sapote, which a lady in our markets sells when she has them on her trees, it is also called the chocolate pudding fruit. It doesn't really taste like chocolate, but looks a bit like it inside. I just cut these in half and sprinkle cinnamon or nutmeg on it, they are dark and creamy and pretty filling - different to most other fruits and high in vitamin C.
While I try and eat a lot of fruit, I still try and balance it a bit with salads/ veggies and seeds like flaxseeds and sunflower seeds in meals and sprouts, and lots of water.
Sometimes I have got a bit of an acidic tummy, but that was probably when I had lots of fruit juice and possibly a coffee or 2 that day as well. If you have a few pieces or servings of fruit a day, as well as fresh veggies and not too much other fatty meat or cow's milk dishes should go great.
Some people say to have warm water with a bit of lemon juice of vinegar in it first thing in the morning to start off your tummy or stop it being too acidic.
Something else you may be interested in , if you have a good blender is a green smoothy - they blend 60% fruit with 40% veges, so you get the sweet taste of fruit, but all the goodness of raw veges - if you blend it it is better than juice because you are getting all the fibre and goodness of the fruit. There are a few people on youtube showing you how to make these and I think some people might make a big one and drink it during the day so they get a big source of fresh fruit and veges!
So many good things but eating just one food all the time can possibly end up causing you a problem as you might end up getting an intolerance to it. So make sure you have a variety of good things. I got an intolerance to bananas - and I happened to be eating them all the time and always having banana smoothies, I have just started eating them again, and am going to have an allergy test tomorrow, so I hope I can eat bananas again - I like them a lot, just don't eat too much.
I'd say if you generally stick to one banana a day it will be fine (except for special occasions). They are probably more heavy and will put on more weight than other fruit and I think they are fairly high in sugar, but if you had to chose between a cake or a rich chocolate biscuit and a banana, banana would have to be the best!
hope this helps - and it's not too much information!
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@vegegirl (828)
• Australia
19 Aug 08
If you are eating a very healthy natural fresh diet, natural sugars in fruit shouldn't be a problem, but if you are eating lots of other bad stuff, then I suppose they would be problem.
It is more of a problem if you are having juice as then fruit juice tends to be more fattening than veggie juice.
But if you are eating a few pieces of fruit and drinking water, you should be fine. As long as you still eat fresh vegetables during your day.
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@emskoneko (805)
• United States
19 Aug 08
Since I'm trying to eat healthier foods, I'm trying to tame my sweet tooth too. I usually go for fruits with peanut butter to satisfy me. I know my family thinks I'm weird when I smother peanut butter on grapes and strawberries but it does ease the hunger.
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@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
20 Aug 08
That is some pretty neat combination you got there.
Peanut butter on fruits.
Interesting way to curb a craving.
I may give it a try some time.
Really interesting method you got there. Peanut butter on fruits. Heh heh heh...
So what are the fruits you usually smear the peanut butter on?

@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
22 Aug 08
IT's all about temptations and self control.. If one's will is strong enough, sweet tooth is nothing.. ONly those whom are nmot determined enough to know their priority in life, will succumb to temptation..
A tip for whenever sweet totth atacks, Think more about the thing, but also think more of the consequences too.. And so in a way, though we are deprived of sweet sancks, but at least we still can fantasize about them, but only with a much more serious ending.. hehe
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@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
26 Aug 08

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@janelleski (146)
• Philippines
20 Aug 08
i always dig in. i can't control my craving sweets.
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@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
21 Aug 08
Well, that is a good and a bad thing, ain't it?
The good thing is, you do not have to go far to find a source to satisfy the craving.
The bad things is, it is so easily available, you tend to get more craving attacks cos it is so easy to satisfy one when it hits.
Kinda like a dilemma whether to satisfy the craving or not when it happens.
@janelleski (146)
• Philippines
20 Aug 08
i usually crave for chocolates, cakes and ice creams. yes, they're very much available in every convenience store! hahaha!
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@doubleloveyou (2466)
• United States
19 Aug 08
Eat what ever you want! Just don't eat as much as you want. That is the key. So many people "fall off" a diet because they cannot have a certain food. If you change your point of view on what a diet is then you won't have that problem. Instead of looking at the diet as a diet, make a lifestyle change. Don't deprive yourself of something you know at this point in time you don't think you can do without. Just limit your intake of those items.
The key is this: We see a diet as a fairly quick way to loose some weight, but it took you a long time to get in that shape so take some time to get where you want to go. If you push yourself too much odds are you will fail. Instead change your mind and slowly limit those things that are problem foods
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@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
20 Aug 08
Yeah.. I too believe that loosing weight is a life style change. And not just the diet.
Moderation is key to losing weight.
Problem with people today is, they want results fast. They want results now.
That is why there are many people who managed to lose the weight. But gain it back almost as fast as they lose it when they are off the diet.
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
20 Aug 08
The trick with managing your sweet tooth and trying to change the way you eat, which is what I'm doing, (or go on a diet which is what I'm not doing) is to occasionally allow yourself to have sweets in moderation. If you completely deprive yourself of sweets, you become obsessed by them and then eat a whole box of cookies or an entire cake. This is not good for you or your body to ingest all that sugar at once. Also, I've discovered a great substitute for bad things like potato chips which I have a problem with more than sweets is to keep a bowl of berries by your computer. I tend to write at night which means I tend to eat at night because the muse doesn't work when you're hungry (at least not mine). So while I'll have chips sometimes, and I've found the baked ones or pringles are just as good but lower fat, you'll now find me with a bowl of blueberries or raspberries while I'm myLotting.
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@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
21 Aug 08
Berries do not come cheap in my hometown.
So getting berries all the time is a no no.
What I do is to indulge in an apple or two.
Some times I just try to get immerse in mylotting to get rid of that craving pang.
Most times it works. Some times it doesn't.
A on going fight and struggle between satisfying my wants and fulfilling my needs.
@rosedust82 (2066)
• Philippines
26 Aug 08
Whenever I get craving to eat something sweet, I'd usually go for a banana since most of the ones my mom buys are sweet. If none is at hand, I would eat either a piece of candy or a piece of chocolate to tame the craving. Usually that does the trick. 

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@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
1 Sep 08
hmm... satisfying a sweet craving with a banana.
That is a good idea too!
The bulk of the banana comparing will also curb the emptiness that you feel after eating a small piece of chocolate.
That would mean having to keep a bunch of them bananas handy!
Problem is, bananas do not really last.
But that is a great idea!
Thanks for the info.
@naka75 (795)
• Singapore
6 Feb 09
Having too much sinfully sweet treats not only gives you the unwanted fat, but also burden our pancreas, kidneys and heightens the risk for cancer. I guess moderation is still the way to go, but sometimes we feel like rewarding ourselves, so in that case we must be diligent enough to go for exercise to shed off the extra calories and get back our balance. Never deprive ourselves of meals thinking that it will restrict calories intake, because our bodies are smarter than we think, and will find alternative ways to generate energy from the reserve, which means we could end up craving for more! I don't have a particularly sweet tooth, but I do like chocolates (only dark) and chocolate ice cream. I can't eat too much as I'm allergic to milk (not lactose intolerance but another form of allergy), the most I can is a bar of chocolate or 4 scoops of ice cream. And of course they can be replaced by alternatives, such as raisins, or dried longans flesh.
@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
9 Feb 09
Yes, depriving the body of food will only make it crave for more.
That is why is is never advisable to do that when going on a diet.
The key to a successful diet is still moderation and substitution.
By substituting certain foods we eat with a lower calorie alternative, we can still enjoy our sweet treats without all the guilt. Just some of it. :p
@applefreak (3130)
• Singapore
19 Aug 08
well i have my own theory about loosing weight. it's all a matter of output being greater than input. if i get an attack of cravings, i'll just deduct the calories from my other meal. i usually only take two meals a day. today i had a red bull with my lunch so i have to cut down on my dinner. that means no sweet drinks to accompany my dinner. overall, i still manage to keep within my calorie intake limit for the day. hope this will help satisfy at least some cravings. cheers ;p

@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
26 Aug 08
Again, that would require a lifestyle change.
I guess if we are discipline enough to stick to a certain routine of eating, we would make a habit of it.
Then that once in a while craving attack can be offset by eating something less later. I all boils down to how well we can control our intake.
@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
20 Aug 08
That is also another way to keep the weight in check.
But can you imagine, indulging in a can of coke or sweet drinks. And then forgoing a portion of dinner to make up for the calories taken earlier due to the drink?
Hmm... not a very good way to curb cravings.
Cos when hunger pangs strike, trust me, the number of cravings you are gonna get, is going to double or triple in the coming few days. Or even weeks if you are one who loves to indulge in food!
I still think it is better to find some substitute, lower in calorie count to munch on to fight that craving is better than reducing food portions when it is time for proper meals.
Using the substitute and trying to ride out the craving would be more effective in this case. No?
@applefreak (3130)
• Singapore
20 Aug 08
well I believe substitutes don't usually work. Looks at smokers who put on weight after quitting. The main cause is not the reduced metabolism but the snacking. The moment the cravings hit they try to substitute it with snacks. However it'll only make the craving go away for a while. It'll still come back as it was not satisfied. Same goes for food cravings, it'll come back if not satisfied.
Reducing calorie intake has nothing much to do with the portion. It has got to do more with food preparation. For example a bowl of noodle soup has much less calories than a bowl of noodle dry. Similarly laksa doesn't has that much calories if the gravy is not drank. So maybe after satisfying a craving you can have a bowl of fish soup without oil and a bowl of rice for dinner. Think that is enough to offset the calorie intake earlier. Cheers ;p
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@oscar6 (1938)
• United States
13 Apr 09
It is really hard when a craving strikes to not follow through with it. However I have been on a diet now for three months and have lost 22 pounds! The one thing that i crave a lot is chocolate. When that craving strikes I reach for my 60 calorie sugar free chocolate pudding cups. They taste awesome and wont ruin my daily calorie consumption. :)
@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
14 May 09
Congratulations to your weight loss!
22 pounds!
Wow! That is really an achievement!
I have been struggling to loose some weight!
What is your secret? Strictly diet? Or combination with exercise?
Sugar Free chocolate pudding eh? I will go see if I can get some this week during shopping. 

@gemini_rose (16264)
20 Aug 08
I am pretty lucky in that I only crave chocolate and I go through stages where I am OK and do not bother with it but then I get the urge and will eat a bar a day for a few days. It is not the chocolate I crave just the sweetness, but I found that if I eat a red apple instead it satisfies my craving for chocolate!
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@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
21 Aug 08
Yeah, I know what you mean when you say you crave for the sweetness.
And the worst part of it is, even if you take other sweets, it just doesn't satisfy the craving for chocolates.
Ever crave for chocolates, but only a particular brand?
I too find munching on a fresh apple helps some what in curbing the craving.
And it takes a heck of a lot of apples over a few days, sometimes even weeks, to ride out the craving! I end up spending more on apples than I do on the craving if I succumb to it!
The other fruit I find helpful is guava.

@trendyclothes (294)
• Philippines
5 Feb 09
hmm i just stay away from them and avoid thinking on my favorite foods so that i would loose pounds..
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@kimmy01 (69)
5 Feb 09
One word- Weightwatchers!
I have a sweetooth myself, and want to loose weight. With weightwatchers you can eat your sweet choices like chocolate,cake,biscuits etc in moderation and still loose weight! Honestly!
You have a set amount of points per day depending on your height,weight,lifestyle etc.As long as you stick to this, you will loose weight.No matter what you eat!
Its great!
Happy MyLotting!
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@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
20 Aug 08
I recommend finding healthy alternatives to your favorite snack foods. Dried fruits, fruits, fruit snacks with the other ingredients reduced such as strawberry shortcake with only a half a cake under it more strawberries and very little cream. Lowfat cream is also good, as is using a sugar substitute instead of sugar for cakes and pies. Good luck with your diet.
@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
20 Aug 08
I did try using sugar substitute to bake before.
Trust me, it doesn't work!
Some brands ended up bitter after you subject it to high heat!
Other brands just cannot raise the cake the way natural sugar or cane sugar does.
It is failure one after another when using alternate sugar derivatives.
Instead, using less sugar is a better option.
Hmm...dried nuts and fruits eh? I gotta try that one out.
So far all the dried fruits I come across are all preserved in sugars. Which kinda defeats the purpose.
@magojordan (3252)
• Philippines
20 Aug 08
Well I just take a little of some of that sweet stuff. Although I'm not dieting I think the best way to avoid it is to actually limit the use of it rather than avoiding it, If you learn to appreciate the taste of the food even then even just a small serving of it would be good enough to satisfy your sweet tooth. 

@prettyD (123)
• Philippines
20 Aug 08
When craving attack strikes me, I follow my buds! lol :-) i'ts just that I can't help but eat..we all love to eat right? but the refusal of sinful food is very hard especially when that food is really tempting, when it's already there right in front of you, as if the food is calling you to eat him. :-)
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@seasons1981 (299)
• United States
20 Aug 08
I was "kind of" on the atkins diet before I met my man. What I did for the "sweet tooth attacks" was I would take ONE BITE of a candy bar or something of that nature (whatever I was craving) and then make someone hide the rest until I had that craving again. I did actually lose a lot of weight (33 lbs to be exact) and quite a bit of inches off my waste and "booty" lol
@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
20 Aug 08
That is good seasons.
I too was on the atkins for a short period. But I modified it to suit my needs.
Instead of only eating proteins, I added a lot of fibre to the diet to add bulk to my diet.
I did lose some weight. But I gave in during the festive season and ate to my heart's content. Then I found it an uphill task to get back on that diet.
@lira23 (208)
• United States
19 Aug 08
when your trying to loose weight, you might have to cut back on some things, but remember it's ok to treat yourself once in a great while.Buy things like grapes,carrots,bananas etc to snack on,healthy things and put them eye level in the fridge, this is what you'd see and are more likely to grab for those instead of something with more calories, grapes and things are sweet like if you get the green ones, those fix my sweet tooth right up, or maybe sugar free candy some of it still tastes great. Good luck.
@berrys (864)
• Singapore
19 Aug 08
For me I satisfy my sweet tooth and not gain the weight... how you ask?? Well approximately 20 minutes before every meal i drink at least 600ml of plain water and when i do eat i eat very slowly because it takes 25mins for your stomach to tell your brain that your full imagine how much you've eaten in that amount. And when i just cant help me self and HAVE to snack I'd just eat half of what i wanted and drink plenty more plain water to satisfy my craving and stay full. plus all that water helps clear your system more, helps your skin(not as oily) and therefore you will see a healthier glow and less acne. If you don't believe me try it once. you've got nothing too loose.
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@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
20 Aug 08
Oh yes, I tried that before. And it made me go to the toilet so often! I peed so much, I get weak in the legs!
Heh heh heh... I still do try that method now and then.
Problem is, when the water has passed through the system, and the actual amount of food is finally digested, I get hungry more often!
So, rather than just drink lots of water to curb the hunger pangs, I eat more often, in smaller portions through out the day.
Still not a good way to find a sweet tooth attack though.