my PC does not boot up

November 5, 2006 3:20am CST
To whom it may concern, Please be kindly aware that a few days ago my computer would not boot up, and I physically shorted the two positive and negative terminals of the BIOS battery after I had removed its original battery for 10 seconds and I was able to have the computer boot up, but now after a day , the computer did not boot up again, but after placing a new battery, I was able to reboot, however once again after shut down , it does not bootup again. Please guide me through technical procedures that might help or please refer to info on the internet that has this information free of charge. With best regards, BORZOO JAVAN
4 responses
18 Jan 11
show it to a computer technician as if something goes wrong it will harm you as well as your pocket
• United States
18 Jan 11
Try Craigslist. It probably would be under computer technicians. Also I remember when I had my Dell computer. They posted information on the back, side, or etc. of the computer for repairs. I don't know what brand you have. But for Dell they use to do it free of service. I do have some additional private repairman of my own. But I don't have their contact numbers on hand at this moment. I can look them up. Good Luck!
@istanto (8548)
• Indonesia
5 Nov 06
Try to reset your bios using jumper, use the genuine battery, check your fan, if you can change your memory stick with a new good brand. check the power suply too. maybe this can help you.
@androbot (89)
• India
17 Jan 11
Use a new CMOS Battery. Remove the RAM and replace it in another slot. Try resetting the BIOS or starting it in CONFIG mode by using the jumpers. There can be many possible reasons for your issue. More than likely, the PSU is acting up and creating power issues. Though, this may also be a RAM issue.