Why do people mistreat them
@trisha_nava82 (1379)
United States
August 19, 2008 1:03pm CST
I am sitting here watching animal cops on animal planet. I like to watch this show and see how they rescue all the unwanted and abused animals. I am a horse lover, and it just tears away at my heart when I see on this show that people mistreat them and don't care for them properly. Why take on caring for a horse when you know in the long run that you are not going to be able to care for them properly.
I love horses, but I know at this time I don't have the finances or the appropriate shelter for a horse. So why take on one when you're not going to care for it properly.
Is there any one out there who feels the same way and is a horse lover like me and get hurt to see when people mistreat their horses or any animal for that matter.
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10 responses
@Sparkee73 (125)
• United States
7 Sep 08
I can't even watch that show anymore, it makes me so sick and so angry to see what things people can do to animals. Like many here, I am a horse lover. I've read that it takes a long time for a horse to get to the point of starvation that some get to on Animal Cops. Chronic, long-term neglect.
I'd love to operate a horse rescue one day where neglected, abused or unwanted horses (and other animals too, for that matter) could come to be rehabilitated and adopted out to loving, qualified families.
@trisha_nava82 (1379)
• United States
7 Sep 08
That would be really awesome to have something like that. I too am an horse lover and to see how some people just don't care for them is unbearable. And how they just let the horse starve for that length of time. I hope all works well for you when you eventually open up the rehabilitation center for those animals.
@thunderrun (15)
• United States
22 Aug 08
I am also an animal lover. I have numerous dogs and cats that were dumped out as babies. The youngest one I have right now is a kitten that is about a month old. I have had him for about two weeks now, raising him on a bottle. When he is old enough, he will have a visit to the vet to be neutered and live the rest of his life here with me and the rest of my "family".
I train horses and own several thoroughbreds. I have noticed that way too many people treat animals as a possession, never taking into consideration that animals have feelings just like people. They express joy, hunger, pain, sorrow, grief etc., all the same emotions as people.
One of my horses lost his best friend and grieved for months. He actually had tears running down his face for days after his friend passed away.
Many people think of animals as being dumb and treat them as such. I think that every person who has starved or abused an animal should have to go through the same treatment that they put that animal through.
@trisha_nava82 (1379)
• United States
7 Sep 08
I totally agree. I love all animals as well. I have a kitten that I adopted a kitten from an animal shelter. She was actually dumped on the street and the animal shelter found her. Husband and I adopted her at 2 months she is now 5 months old. She's been a joy. I do believe that some people who mistreat the animals should go through the same things that they have gone through the animals yes. Just so they can experience the pain that the animal is going through.
@trisha_nava82 (1379)
• United States
19 Aug 08
I have that hopes and dreams of owning a horse one day as well. I love to ride as well, but only a few times. It just hurts me so much to see what people do to them.
@buckskinlady (6)
• Canada
18 Sep 08
I always watched that show but I can`t watch anymore it upsets me to much \. I love horses and my husband and I horse sit when people want to go on vacation or have business out of town and we just love it.
@Chevee (5905)
• United States
19 Aug 08
I watch Animal Planet all the time, I like Animal Cops, I don't know why people abuse and mistreat animals, they get them and can't afford to keep them and instead of giving them up they let them suffer, Places like Houston, Dallas, Detroit, the ones on the show, are taking action and I am happy to see this. I wish I could foster animals, but we don't have that here where I live.
@trisha_nava82 (1379)
• United States
19 Aug 08
Yeah, they do take care of business. I know that I wouldn't have the time to foster an animal, and it would hurt me too much when it was time to put them up for adoption. I'd want to keep them all. But it is good that they have someone out there that are fighting for these animals that does not have a voice.
@ECHECH (45)
• Philippines
3 Nov 08
i just love horses! i haven't owned one, they're very costly, but ever since reading "black beauty", i kind of grow a fascination and sympathy for these often mistreated, highly intelligent animals. i read that horses are very sensitive and intelligent creatures, they can tell what kind of person you are by the way you touch them. they can easily tell if you're mean or kind. i believe horses can be man's best friend. the closeness between horse and rider is incomparable because they feel each other. i can say this not from my own experience, as i haven't actually ridden a horse before, but i sure wish one day, i'd be able to have my very own horse, and friend. that's how people should regard horses, as friends, not commodities, or merely transportation. when i was still a kid, i used to have a pet horse, one that i imagined from the pages of my animal book. i named that horse Trojan. that's the name i'm gonna give to my first real horse in the future. i hope!
@pinkpassion5 (351)
10 Sep 08
I am not a horse lover but I an an animal lover. People who intentionally hurt animals because they enjoy hurting things or because it makes them feel powerful. Many of these people would hurt other people if they could get away with it. They just choose to hurt animals because animals are more helpless than people.
@foxtrot91 (84)
• United States
11 Sep 08
I never have understood how people can treat animals the way that some do. I live in TN and the cases of horse neglect and abuse here are shocking! A friend of my goes to horse auctions all the time, she has a very large farm and is awesome with her animals. Anyway there is one auction she goes to that she calls the "bad" auction, the shape these horses are in are horrific! She's rescued several from this place, nursed them back to health, kept some and adopted others out. One that she currently has was practically a skeleton, she paid a whole $10 for him. The people tried sending this poor horse to the slaughterhouse but he was so skinny they wouldn't take him. When my friend saw this horse, she said "I am not leaving here without him". The previous owners had actually castrated him by wrestling him to the ground doing it without any medication for the horse and botched the whole thing. He has scars everywhere and was so terrified of people because the only people he had ever been around hurt him. You could see the fear in his eyes. I cried when I first saw him. But good news, he has now gained weight, is starting to trust people and they have halter broke him! I've got the land for horses, just not the extra $ right now, but when I do I am hoping to do the same thing as my friend.