Back to school early! Does that give them a better Education?
@doubleloveyou (2466)
United States
August 20, 2008 9:23am CST
Here my children are already back to school. From where we used to live this is over a week earlier. So they went to school all last week and I have to ask myself "Are they getting a better education going back so early?"
The reason I ask this is becasue the school system did not even seem prepared for it. The High School my son goes to does not even have the books for the semester yet. One of the teachers, he said, pulled out one of her old books from the 80's just so she would have something to teach.
On the same note does staying in school an extra week make sense either. I have teacher friends who have said that the last week to 2 weeks of school is usually goof off weeks. My children say the same thing. They go to school and watch movies all day. I DON'T EVEN LET THEM DO THAT AT HOME!
I understand that teachers don't want to have to grade papers the last week of class but come on. Let them stay home...I have plenty of work they could do around the house. Or find a way to EDUCATE them without homework. It is possible to do that as well.
So what do you think? What experiences have you had with your children's education experience?
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11 responses
@carrieandjohn (554)
• United States
20 Aug 08
My children started back last week too. They got out June 1 at their old school. This school as got out at the same time. Their old school went back a week before this school. My girls seem to be learning more than we did at that age. My kindergardener can count to 1,000, say all abc's, can point and tell all of the upper and lower case ones. She also can tie her shoes. She knows every color in a 164 count box of crayons by its name. I also have two girls in third grade and one in fourth grade. My fourth grader can read 232 words in a minute with out mistakes. My third graders have brought home spelling words off a fifth grade level. So yeah I think children are getting a better education now days. I think the homework is to see if they are paying attention in class and learning it. I make my kids do their homework with out help. I will then check it and any that are wrong I will help them with. Doing it this way makes them think and learn. They have proven it works, because my oldest three are straight A students. Happy MyLotting!!
@doubleloveyou (2466)
• United States
20 Aug 08
That is great that your kids are doing so well. It is good to know that somewhere in the US there are school that push education ;-)
We too are very active in our childrens education. We have homeschooled them in the past and so we continue to watch closely how well they are doing.
Thanks for the response
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@newtondak (3946)
• United States
20 Aug 08
I really don't see much use in starting school before Labor Day - they just get started and then they have a long weekend. In a lot of areas, the schools don't have air conditioning and the weather is hot so they will let them out early because of the heat.
I think if they would start the week after Labor Day and go until the week before Memorial Day - that would be plenty and the timing would be good. Many of the school years were planned to start earlier and get out earlier in farming communities so that the children would be available to help with planting in the spring - of course then, a lot of the older children were held out of school in the fall for harvest as well.
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@doubleloveyou (2466)
• United States
20 Aug 08
I think we should go to the 1 room school like on Little house on the Prairie that way after school, Laura can come home and help pa with the horses and Mary can help Ma in the kitchen. :)
BTW that is my all time favorite TV show.
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@newtondak (3946)
• United States
20 Aug 08
Hey - it would be fine with me - but then I went my first two years of school to a one room schoolhouse. That was when, if you got in trouble at school - the teacher told your parents (usually your siblings told them first) and you got in more trouble at home! Now when you get in trouble at school, the parents go to school and rake the teacher over the coals!
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
21 Aug 08
LOL! When my kids got in trouble at school I would go to the school and whether or not I bailed them out or they got in more trouble was dependent on what the teacher or other administrator told me. I always listen to both sides and I can tell if my kids are trying to pull one over on somebody. 

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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
20 Aug 08
This is my sons second week of school. They are learning a bit, not sure how much. The school he is in now seems much more focused on education. At his last school he would come home a few times a week saying that they watched a movie. Worst part about that is the teach would complain that they only had time for teaching what was on the LEPA test and we had to pay extra for art, science, etc after school....
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
20 Aug 08
He is just this year in 3rd grade. I have been lucky enough to be able to spend the time - and money - on alternate education. This year he is in a different school and the curriculum is a lot strong. Sad thing is, his old school was the best in that Parish and a Blue Ribbon school. The schools he is in now is a blue ribbon school as well, but has a different curriculum. The differences are so big, you can't even compare the two schools. I don't get how they both qualify as "the best" school.
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@doubleloveyou (2466)
• United States
20 Aug 08
That would upset me. I want my children to learn. Not just to take a test, but rather to stand the tests of life. thanks for the response
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@sunshinecup (7871)
20 Aug 08
Well here my kids are expected to return to school two weeks earlier than they did when I was a student. However they are off from school 30 days out of the school year, that's 15 more days than we had off when I went to school. So to me it's ridiculous. It's like they want them to have more days in school, but the then they turn around and give teachers more days off or at least days without dealing with students, so what is the point?
Then as you said, the first two weeks is about nothing but getting ready and the last two weeks, they have parties and are helping the teacher to pack up the classroom. That's another 4 weeks of nothing on top of the 30 days off.
But of course I am a parent that is now homeschooling her children. My kids both went to public school for 6 years but I just couldn't stand it any more and now I am educating them myself. Public schools do not make any sense at all and seem so backwards now a days.
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@doubleloveyou (2466)
• United States
20 Aug 08
Very true. We too have homeschooled our kids from time to time. When we do that we are certain that they are learning everyday. My wife, however, decided this year that she was in need of some time by herself. This is the first time in the last 15 years that she doesn't have a kid all day long. We will just have to make sure that we stay on top of the their education. if the school does not teach them then we will teach what we can here at home.
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@doubleloveyou (2466)
• United States
21 Aug 08
Taking away the extra breaks in the school year and increasing the summer break I think would be a great idea.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
21 Aug 08
I can't figure out why they have to have SO many days off and vacations. When I was in school, I remember starting right after labor day, so in Sept, and then getting out at the end of May. Compared to now, that sounds shorter, but it wasn't really. I didn't have all these extra days off, I think I had 2 weeks off at Christmas but only a weekend off at Thanksgiving, and one week in the spring. These days kids have a week off at Thanksgiving, 2 weeks at Christmas, and another week and a half off for spring as well as a large sprinkling of 'inservice' I want to say one or two of those days every other month at least. Then there's also a holiday nearly every month, so we end up having 3 day weekends either Monday or Friday. To be honest I would MUCH rather have fewer breaks and vacation days and consolidate the school year and have my kids start at the beginning of Sept and get out in the middle of May. If you cut out half of those days off, it would be possible to do that. I would also prefer they stayed at school an extra half hour or hour and in exchange never had any homework. My son, who is in high school ONLY seems to have homework if he did not finish something, and that takes all of 10 minutes to complete, or if it's a project, sometimes that takes a few days if he stays on task. My daughter won't be in kindergarten till next year and that will be dealt with when I enroll her.
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@cbreeze (1205)
• United States
20 Aug 08
I think going back to school earlier doesn't give then any advantage or additional learning. Even during the regular year, I have my doubts about the quality of the education they receive. I don't need a babysitter for my children. If you are not educating them, don't try to pacify me with keeping them in classes longer. Last year, I thought my son was lying to me when I asked why he never brings books home. He told me, "I don't have any books". I went up to school to meet with his teachers because he was failing. I kept asking them about the books because I wanted to help him in his studies but I had no material to refer back to, just homework worksheets that didn't give background information on what they were doing. They kept telling me it is school policy not to give the children books. I contacted the principle to find out what was going on. He fessed up and told me that the school district didn't have enough school books to go around. He allowed me to take text books home in the subjects my son was having trouble in. By the end of the year he was carrying a B average. But can you imagine how many other students may have been having the same problems who's parents didn't investigate. Their parents probably thought their child was just goofing off. I do not live in a poor or troubled district. I think the US School systems need a major overhaul.
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@doubleloveyou (2466)
• United States
21 Aug 08
In a neighboring county they have postponed school indefinately because the county was cut out $5 million from the states budget. Therefore they don't have money to pay for things for the school. That is what is so crazy, why in the world would you pick education to cut out of the state budget makes no sense to me at all.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
21 Aug 08
My kids get books for home but they don't need to use them as long as they are conscientious about using their books (and completing work) while at school. They have a set in the classroom that doesn't leave the classroom, and that is what each class of students uses throughout the day. Sometimes there will be a class that uses a lot of copied worksheets, but I think this stopped due to a 'paper crisis' - when I volunteered at the middle school, one of the teachers told me she was only allowed to make a certain amount of copies during a quarter and once she was out, she had to either provide her own copy paper (pay out of her pocket) or use overheads or the board and have kids write all the questions on notebook paper. I have to admit that as a parent, a list of questions and answers without any background doesn't make a lot of sense so I really prefer to have a book to tie it into when I look at what they are learning.
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@jonesy123 (3948)
• United States
20 Aug 08
Same here, as soon as state testing is over they goof off. It's time for field trips, field day, other entertainment. But also, if they go back to school earlier here, they are out of school earlier, too. Last year, they went back to school August 8th, and the last day of school was first set to May 25th, but then snow days were added on, which pushed it to June. This year they went back today and as of now the last day of school is June 4th. However, the other school district in the area went back to school first day of August but has longer fall, winter, and spring breaks. I think overall it all works out, it's just distributed differently.
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@doubleloveyou (2466)
• United States
20 Aug 08
I'm fine with all that as long as they stay on task of educating my children. There is no sense in sending them to schoo just to watch movies. Thanks for the response.
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@Grahamiscrazy (51)
• United States
21 Aug 08
As long as they get their education I think thats all it matters. Kids need breaks here and there so why not have a movie day once and awhile, you know? I also do agree that the last 2 weeks are goof off weeks and nearly nobody takes them 100% serious. I agree with you jonesy123, I do also think it all works out but its just distributed differently.
@SHAMRACK (8576)
• India
20 Aug 08
Dear friend,
I hope they need a mental rest and moreover they too need to relax after that long mental strain. I hope school students do need some rest for the mind and body too. Let them also enjoy their life in either way along with studies or not along with studies.

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@doubleloveyou (2466)
• United States
20 Aug 08
I do understand that slowing down some is ok. But just stopping the education process is a waste of time. Let them go on a field trip or something Not just sit there and talk for 8 hours a day for a week.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
21 Aug 08
MORE time spent at school does not equal a better education. Neither does homework. What they need to do is take a good hard look at what they are trying to teach in a year's time, take into account how many days they are required to have kids in school, and divide up those skillsets and qualifications to fit into those days. Only account for the time in school, do not 'add in' more time to force kids to do stuff at home. At home, kids need a break. They need time to play, time to see friends, time for other activities like sports or art and all the extra curricular type stuff they have totally cut out of the school day. If kids got to have recess and sports and art and music and everything that parents now have to find and pay for and shuttle kids to themselves outside school, then it wouldn't be at this point.
Anyway, I don't think they get a better education by going back early unless it means they get out early too. My son started on the 11th but he also gets out at the end of May. The last week for sure I know is kind of a goof off week, and I also know that they spend a lot of time preparing and teaching towards the standard tests, and the reason they do that is to make sure the schools 'show' better as far as how well the students are learning the objectives. This is not really fair though because they stop all the other teaching of normal subjects in order to prepare for these tests, sometimes it's 2 weeks or longer between the prep, review, and the several days for testing.
I think that too much is expected of kids except for high school. I find the high school curriculum and standards appropriate, but they also do not assign homework in high school unless you goof off and do not use your class time to do your work. In high school they also have PE every day and require at least 2 years of it, which is much better than what I've heard about elementary school, which is something like they have it twice a week if at ALL. I have a major problem with this, it is not fair to not let little kids run around and play and do things you'd learn in PE class daily.
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@doubleloveyou (2466)
• United States
21 Aug 08
Not bragging, but my oldest son has an IQ that is in the genius catagory. At the same time he has learning disability due to narcalepsy. (go figure) It used to be so bad and the school would give SOO much work that he would be from the time he got home to midnight sometimes 1 AM doing homework. Sometimes as you say the school pushes way too much.
On the other hand we have moved to a different state now and the differences in the education from state to state was so great. He was in 9th grade last year. He had received so many credits last year from our previous state that here at the new school we was a half of a credit away from skipping 10th grade. I think there should be a medium place where you don't have too much but at the same time you aren't undereducated.
@john3l6 (187)
• United States
21 Aug 08
No I don't think that they are getting a better education. I agree with you about letting them stay home rather than watching movies all day just to count as a day in school. I am a stay at home mom so I would agree. Some mothers are single parents or working to make ends meet. I suppose they would disagree since they would now have to spend more money that they are trying to earn to keep family afloat to care for the children while they are at work. So it seems a double edge sword.
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@doubleloveyou (2466)
• United States
21 Aug 08
There is probably a big difference depending on your point of view. My wife too is a stay at home mom. She really has enjoyed her time alone the last couple days. It would be different if you had to pay for child care for 2 extra weeks a year. Thanks for the extra insight.
@berrys (864)
• Singapore
20 Aug 08
well i recently graduated from high school a few years ago... and i remember that once the exams were over (sometimes the last moth of school) we'd just played or hanged out with our friends all day long basically we were free to do as we please as long as we remain in the classroom and no violence occurred(kids fighting) and the reason i think they start school a week earlier is so that all the students on holidays will come back and all the new students would be settled down i the new environment before the actual studying begins
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@doubleloveyou (2466)
• United States
20 Aug 08
First of all welcome to Mylot.
Yes I agree the last few weeks seem to be of little to no value at some schools. I am sure there are some that is not the case. But from my experience, those are few and far between.
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@usagi412 (39)
• United States
20 Aug 08
i would say, children should go to school when they should. but sometime school are too easy on the children. so the best way to prepared for your children is to help them at home. when u help them at home they can learn easyer at school. when i teach my little sister at home for a little her grades went up alot and she was happy for what i have done for her
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@doubleloveyou (2466)
• United States
21 Aug 08
First of all welcome to Mylot. :)
Yes working at home with them is a great idea. Since we used to homeschool we are very much willing to help with work. We also have several friends who are teachers so they help from time to time on subjects we as parents struggle with.