should students be given homework tasks to complete outside school?

@xialinye (1403)
August 20, 2008 9:54am CST
do you find such tasks pointless when you were in school? Five year olds are expected to do an hour a week, increasing to three hours a week at 11 and ten hours or more a week at 16. studies report the amount of homework being set for younger students doubling over the past twenty-five years or so, although some doubt these findings. Most children have never liked homework but from time to time it is also debated by politicians, parents and teachers. Sometimes there are demands for more homework, as part of a drive for “higher standards”. At other times there are calls for less homework to be set, especially in primary, elementary schools.
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29 responses
@Virgie60 (556)
• United States
20 Aug 08
I think homework is kind of pointless in grade school. My sons 3rd grade teacher was awesome. She had children herself and felt that home time should be home time and not spent doing an hour of a homework a night. About the only thing he had in that grade to do at home was to study for spelling tests and possibly work on a "big" project. Otherwise he did not have homework. Even in High School I think it should just be studying for tests and working on a project or report. But daily homework assignments I think no. Allow time for them to do it in class. I feel sorry for the kids that have after school activities or jobs and then they have 3 hours of homework to get done too. It doesn't give them time to relax. My daughter is only in the band but on nights when she has to go to an away game and doesn't get home until 9:45 how is she supposed to get homework done. Stay up until midnight and then feel awful the next day and can't concentrate in class. And my daughter can usually accomplish her homework quite quickly whereas my son was a slightly slow learner so he would have had to stay up until 2:00 to get his work done. Of course I understand that there are times when work can't get finished in class or as I said a project that you do over a course of a few weeks that needs doing. But to do 100 Math questions each and every night is not right. Let the kids relax and enjoy some home life. I will get off my soapbox now :)!!!
@xialinye (1403)
• China
21 Aug 08
i like the saying home time should be home time and not worth spending doning hours of homeworks at a whole night. slow learners have to waste too much time on doing homework.that'll do no good to them.enjoy some home life,helping community,meet more peers and experience nature,such as climbing ,diving and cycling. open mind and be sensitive.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
21 Aug 08
I like your soapbox, I feel the same way!
@Anne18 (11029)
20 Aug 08
i think the schools should give out homework to all children attending school. But htey should spread it throughout the week. My children get spellings, maths, english on a friday and it has to be in on tuesday, spellings in on monday. That is far too much and they should be given it more spread out and then i would agree.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
21 Aug 08
Nothing should ever be given on a Friday. If they are going to give students anything, I'd say one small thing per day Mon-Thurs with either ALL of it due Friday or the previous day's due the following day by the END of class. That way the kids would technically have all of that day's class time outside of teaching/lecture to complete it, time at home, plus the following day in class. That would be plenty of time. Some kids have activities in the afternoon after school and then family time and then bedtime, and heck if I'm going to cut out any of THOSE to sit and do work.
@xialinye (1403)
• China
21 Aug 08
i agree with you,anne. teachers should spread out the homework or give it ahead. students have too much pressure on dong them well.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
21 Aug 08
Well, personally I tend to think in a lot of schools they are overdoing it. Why do they give so much homework especially to younger kids to where they end up having to stay up late, or not being able to enjoy life due to having homework every night to do. They should be able to enjoy life as kids some, and not be pressured so much. Personally I feel that they are making it to where most kids give up even if they could have been Honor Roll kids in another situation. What ever happened to situations that if you were BORED in your classes, they could offer extra classes, or advanced style of classes, or offer more classes set for those who might need more help as well. I know here in Washington State they have even made a Wassel test as well a requirement not caring about the children that they have left behind. Who knows what it will take for things to change, but maybe when they realize they are often just hurting the kids, they can take a step back again as well.
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@xialinye (1403)
• China
29 Aug 08
too many outside-shcool class we must attend.that's not good to kids.i hope they all have a wonderful childhood. thank you.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
21 Aug 08
Kids should have an opportunity to be tested and have additional learning opportunities if the basic workload is too easy. This should only be something with child and parent approval together with an understanding there might be extra work. When they get older, like high school level, there are AP (advanced placement) courses which are more like college level and there is a tougher workload and presumably more homework involved. I took accelerated classes my freshman year but not AP classes, and I did not have more homework, I made sure to stay on task and get my assignments finished in class. The thing is - when I was younger, I had other things outside of school that I did, sports, hobbies, etc, and when I was older, I had sports and a part time job, so really, honestly, being bogged down by extra work would not have been a good thing at all. I also had chores and family stuff.
@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
20 Aug 08
Hi xia, There are advantages and disadvantages for homework...Like, students work hard already in the school and giving additional work at home will make them unable to enjoy their life as a kid as well as we are pressuring them too much on the other hand, it helps them also to enhance whatever they have learned in the classroom..I remember one time, there was a school who assign teacher for a particular days, like math, english will give an assignment every monday and so on and so forth..So, ,kids will not go home working for assignment for all the subjects!
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@xialinye (1403)
• China
21 Aug 08
totally agree with need to do all the subjects' assignments..pick the important and the urgent task.... setting homework does little to develop good study skills(like how to study well). homework ends up being done in a hurry and poor quality work is produced.students who have been up late trying to finish off their homeworks,then come tired into school the next day.
@ElicBxn (63825)
• United States
21 Aug 08
I don't have kids, but I'm kind of 2 minds about homework. I do think it is important, especially for the higher grades, it is supposed to help teach the kids in preperation for college - didn't help me any tho. I do have issues with homework and people scheduling too much for their kids to do after school. I understand that kids need to do things after school to help make them a more balanced person, but the year I had horseback riding, girl scouts AND piano lessons, I was over whelmed by too many things and something had to give - in this case it was the girl scouts. Probably not helped by the fact that I had also changed troups and this one kind of had us sitting in a room like in class while the leader lectured us on what we needed to know to earn badges. Now, my sister swam competatively, had girl scouts and also rode one day a week and she handled it fine, but the swimming was before school in the mornings. When she got overwhelmed, the horseback riding went for her, you always let go what you value the least after all. So, I do think parents should consider after school activities and what their kids can handle around the homework, because the fun stuff will always come first!
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@ElicBxn (63825)
• United States
21 Aug 08
I'm not saying take out all the fun stuff by any means. I also know some kids need to work after school. What I'm talking about are these families that seem to have one kid inrolled in something that takes every day up and weekends. I don't think kids need to spend a lot of time in front of the TV, but I do think they need some time to be kids. Now, I have to say that the kids in my neighborhood really need to have some activities besides annoying the crazy lady across the street. I've also seen points where there were only 1 kid on the block with no playmates (well, I have lived here for 24 years after all.) I just feel that there needs to be sometime when the kid is allowed to sit down with a book or a puzzle and not have every minute schueduled within an inch of his life.
@teezerob (27)
20 Aug 08
I was always given homework as a kid. A lot of times after school given homework, I had to be tutored and had other work assigned from the home tutor. I spent most of my time after school studying and we, my siblings and I, did not even have the weekend off. Friends were not allowed to visit as they were termed "distraction" I remember I had to make various excuses for not completing school set hpmework and by the time I was ten, had learned to forge my parents signatures perfectly. There is only so much a child can do in a day without using its ever resoursefull mind to try to get out of doing any more. Children should not be overloaded with school work or homework.
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@xialinye (1403)
• China
22 Aug 08
children should not be overloaded with school work and homework.i hope the educators can hear the voice. i remember the time when i afraid to give the homework to make my parents's really a hard time.
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
20 Aug 08
Studies have shown that homework before 7th grade is useless. I know my son - who is 9 - thinks homework is a joke. He sits down and does his work in less than 5 minutes. I know the homework is difficult for some kids though based on the parents complaining.
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@xialinye (1403)
• China
21 Aug 08
less that 5 minutes....clever..... i hate doing homework when i was in high school.i just think they are boring,dull and repeat a job.if you understand the question,why need to write it down?
@nilzerous1 (2434)
• India
21 Aug 08
No. Students at Primary or Elementary schools should get rid of home works. There is no point in snatching their valuable times. They can get enough input from their school only. Might be during vacation period, they should be given some home work. But for High School Students - Home work gives them some extra practice.
@xialinye (1403)
• China
29 Aug 08
different age,different workload. thank you for your attention. i am sorry for commenting late. have a nice weekend.
@rawpoet (2045)
• United States
21 Aug 08
Each year, my kids have come home with more and more homework. It's getting a bit ridiculous. I can understand sending the kids home to study, but homework every night? That's insane! In my opinion, all the work should be done in school. That's why we call home home, and school school. I say, give the kids a break, and do your darn job as teachers. The kids need to have a life outside of school as well.
@xialinye (1403)
• China
28 Aug 08
totally agree with you ,rewpoet...^__^ as a student,i don't like doing homework in's so boring and dull when study almost cost most of our time,our outside school time.i think life should be colorful,not just study,study, Ross in "Friends",geeky.... thank you for your response.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
21 Aug 08
I so totally agree with you. I don't think homework every night is ever appropriate, and I would not accept it. Once in awhile maybe, but I always always tell (and told) my older kids that they needed to make use of any class time they got to do assignments at school. I will do the same with my little one, because if she gets 15 minutes to do something at school, I want her to use every bit of that 15 minutes to do as much of her work as quickly as possible so she is finished and doesn't have to waste her time at home doing stuff that should be done at school. I rarely if ever had homework, I was VERY good about doing everything at school, and I think that every student deserves at least a small block of time to do this. Some kids are better at time management than others and some work faster than others but overall, I really see little reason that kids should get work and NO time to do it in. 6 hours a day at school is plenty. I didn't bring work home with me from my job and school is a kid's job - so the same rules ought to apply. Before people who DO take their jobs home with them start griping at me, YOU chose that job field, so it's your own fault or choice that you do that. Doesn't make it what everybody should do. Most people don't do that because they can't, or it's a security clearance risk.
@polachicago (18716)
• United States
21 Aug 08
I think that people forget why homework is given for kids. Homework is just a test how kids understand information given in school. I wouldn't give homework for 5 years old. Homework should be given for 7 years old and older. It should start with easy and simple homework that kids are able to do without parents help. When I was in school I didn't have any problem with my homework.
• United States
21 Aug 08
yea when i was 5 i was in kindergarten, the only homework we had was for our parents to read 2 us for 20 minutes a night, or the smart kids who could read could read to their parents for 20 minutes a night. sigh... those were the days... :)
• United States
21 Aug 08
Homework is necessary because kids can't possibly learn everything in a classroom. This also teaches them discipline and prepares them for life.
• United States
21 Aug 08
I agree that all the things you mentioned are highly important but I can tell you from experience that in this day and age, if you don't have a good education, getting a job and keeping one is very difficult. You need all of the skills and if you're a mom and you aren't teaching your child that, you are doing them a disservice. I never got a degree in the area I have the most experience in, which is as a law librarian, and a few years ago the industry changed because of the internet and CD ROM and now I'm having a hard time at the age of 49 finding work that pays better than minimum wage. If you don't encourage your child to get a good education, you will be sentencing them to a life of struggling to make ends meet. Do really want that for your child?
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
21 Aug 08
Right. You learn the OTHER things about life that cannot be or isn't taught in a classroom outside school. Things like respect and courtesy and taking care of your possessions, picking up things, time management, sharing, taking turns, cooking, shopping, financial things, how to negotiate, be part of a team, get a job, etc etc. In order to have time to learn these things as well as proper social behavior, you need to have this time away from school FREE so you can do these things. Life is not school. School is only PART of life. Ask any graduating high school senior. School and traditional education does NOT teach you as much about life as the system would have you believe. It teaches you the concepts the educational system is expected to teach you. That doesn't mean that an 18 year old fresh out of high school can morph seamlessly into living on their own, landing a good job, taking care of themselves, making large purchases including leases and loans, and many other things older adults take for granted although at their age we muddled through it just as miserably.
@tlb0822 (1410)
• United States
21 Aug 08
I think that some homework isn't a bad thing, but when it takes children hours to do their homework then it is a bit to much. I can remember in high school just getting plummeted with homework, and one teacher would be like "I don't care how much homework you have in other classes, its about this class." I would have like 3-4 hours of just doing homework. Some teachers set standards to high, and need to realize that parents and children have other things to do besides school work.
@xialinye (1403)
• China
23 Aug 08
i would have like 1-2 hours of doing homework....too much ...boring.... thank you for your attention.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
21 Aug 08
No. I do not think any students should be expected to do homework at all. I agree that they should have a certain amount of work earmarked for each day, but as they are taught in school, they should use class time to practice the skill they are learning. IF they goof off and do not complete the assignment in class like they are supposed to, then they must take it home to finish. I'm not sure where you're getting your information about 5 year olds doing an hour a week, unless that relates to 15 minutes each day reading - which is appropriate and normal - but if it means something else, that's just plain silly. As far as 3 hours for an 11 year old, what does that break down to, almost 45 min a day? If that's 6th grade, that's still too much. As far as 10+ hours at 16, that is a complete joke. I have a son who is a junior in high school, he is 17. The teachers have all told me they do NOT assign extra homework. They expect classwork to be completed in class and if not, then the students must take it home to finish, but it should take all of 10-15 min to complete at home after. There is no way he ever has had 10 hours of homework a week, much less more than that. Back when he was in middle school and goofed off, he had work to complete but if he had stayed on task, it would have taken him about 20 minutes TOTAL to finish. Because he would sit there and not do it and whine and go hide in the bathroom and then go to the kitchen and claim he was making a snack and then be caught doing various other things other than the work, it would take him several hours, but not because there was ACTUALLy several hours worth of work. Yes I have a very passionate opinion about this but it's because kids should get to be kids. There is no sense in expecting so much of kids so early. They will never get a freaking break. EVER. After high school comes college, a job, marriage, a family. There is never a time to have a childhood, so I want my kids to have a break before they are 18. I think it is well deserved and I will do what I can to protect their rights to have that.
@xialinye (1403)
• China
29 Aug 08
first,so sorry for delaying the comments... secondly,i just watch a TV program and then i started this discussion.the program refer education and how long should students be in school and blah blah blah.i ust think maybe good to start a discussion here to get more mylotters think about this kind of questions. at last,i can tell that not everyone wants to study and be a scientist to do some researches.they are not fond of studying.they are born to hate books.they can't sit in front of the blackboard quietly and listen to what teacher said quietly.they can't get them in mind but they wish they would.they make faces ,jokes and most of the hoaxes in school.they make others contrast,maybe they are good at something else,but not study,like driving,gardening,cooking,climbing,games... so that's why they are no need to do so much homework.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
21 Aug 08
Sorry, the only time I feel homework given as a rule is appropriate is in college, or for certain projects in high school. I do not believe in extra, routine, work to be piled on any student in primary or secondary school at all. In college this is expected and the rule, and your time in class is very short, maybe an hour for a lecture. In primary and secondary school, you spend 6 HOURS or longer in school. That in my opinion is enough. The time outside should not be earmarked for school, the time outside that should be for fun, family, friends, and the like.
@magojordan (3252)
• Philippines
21 Aug 08
Is the homework you are referring too the extra hours spent at school as some sort of make-up classes? If that's it well I think that it is not good to pressure children to do such things. School should be fun and enjoyable for a children so that they will learn more. I don't think adding more school load especially to young children would make them have higher standards, because depriving a child of fun while in school makes a child only academically intelligent but not intelligent on the other parts of life. Also if this continues more children will be discouraged to go to school and maybe in the future there will be no more children wanting to go to school.
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@xialinye (1403)
• China
22 Aug 08
no more children will volunteer to attend to school if continue adding homework. the world is becoming more and more competitive.if the students don't work hard ,they will far behind others.
• United States
25 Aug 08
as long as an unreasonable amount isn't dumped on them i don't see why not,we had to do it.the best way for them to retain the information is to study it.
@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
21 Aug 08
I think it depends mainly on the age of the student... those who are still in preschool should not be given a lot of homework... one should suffice... but when a student starts highschool... then homework is necessary so that they will be trained for college life... which we all know is a lot more stressful than highschool...
@xialinye (1403)
• China
29 Aug 08
i guess the workload is still too much for highschool students in some other countries.too much...really... thank you .
@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
23 Aug 08
YEah, students should be given homework to do, but at a moderate rate and amount.. Because everybody has got different learning methods, some can only learn it school with teachers around, while some can really study on their own.. SO with the implementation of homework for students, it sort of pushes the students to study abit more, instead of playing.. IN turns, it also trains up the students to set their priorities in life.. Some may wanna play b4 doing their homework, while some may finish their homework 1st b4 playing.. BUt no matter what, as long as they finish their homework, all are fine ^_^
@SusanLee (1920)
• United States
23 Aug 08
They are expecting to much out of these little ones. It's hard enough for a 5-year-old to learn to stay in his seat for hours at a time, waiting in line, walking in line and other social skills without loading them down with tons of homework. What might take an hour for one child, will turn into three or four hours with another child, not to mention the parent wanting to pull their own hair out...and the child's hair too. I remember when my oldest had to learn 'Sight words' words like chrysanthemum, hippopotamus, Miguel, this was over 20 years ago and he was only in the first grade. These children hadn't even learned all, if any of their vowels yet. I was so incensed I called the school and raised a big fuss, they said they couldn't do a thing about it, it was in the school curriculum and they had to teach it. They didn't agree with it either, but it came from the higher ups. I know our children, and we too, had a lot of potential back then that wasn't tapped into, but we weren't all having to be put on medication for ADHD, ADD, OCD and all the other crap that our children are being labeled with these days. Boy, this really has got my drawers in a big bunch, thanks for the opportunity to vent lol
@cmathias12 (1025)
• Armed Forces Canada, Europe, Middle East
26 Aug 08
I thik it depends on the child. If a child is advanced and can handle it I think extra homework is good to keep themactive but in my sons case, it is terrible to bog him down with homework. It only frustrates him and makes learning boring. I know not all parts of school can be fun but teachers and parents should find positive ways of inforcing learning.
• Dominican Republic
24 Aug 08
I think that maybe the amount of homework given now its too much, but I must say that the homework is necesary cause you give the children a sense of responsability