Big Brother 10: Yay! Bye-Bye Apey! And progress on HOH!
By cortjo73
@cortjo73 (6498)
United States
August 21, 2008 9:15pm CST
Oh..sweet all that is holy! Apey is gone! LOL!
So,here is the progress so far on the current HOH competition. Jerry fell off first then Keesha. I don't have the feeds and, I might be going to bed before this competition claims a winner but, I will do what I can for as long as I can to keep you all updated. Keep in mind, I need responses from you all to keep you updated though so, even if you just ask, "any news", I can keep you in the loop.
What do you all think about the competition? I love it! They were throwing them up against that wall pretty hard! LOL!
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12 responses
@leenie50 (3992)
• United States
22 Aug 08
Hey Sweetie,
I was thinking of you when she was ousted. Happy Days!!!!!!! Now if we can get rid of Jerry next. I hope Memphis wins the HOH. Now that would be interesting. The wall could do some damage don't you think? Be talking to you soon
Thanks for being there for all of us BB junkies.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
22 Aug 08
Hey Leenie! I was think about all of you too when she got the boot! LOL!
So, the newest update I have for you is that Michelle dropped. I am alright with either Memphis or Dan winning. Either of them but not Ollie! LOL!
And, I kept worrying that the HGs were going to run into that wall with their faces. LOL! Yikes! I think that would hurt pretty bad!
I am getting a little sleepy but, I will try to stick it out a while longer to see if anyone else drops.
And, it is my pleasure to be here for my fellow BB junkies! LOL! I get something out of it too!

@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
22 Aug 08
I Know and it looked like it hurt too..when the program went off the air i said noooooo..I wanted to watch cause it looked fun and figured it wouldn't be long before one of them fell..didn't think Jerry would go first though? and Keesha..well yes..she's a way Dan's dressed he sure wants to win..wonder why no one else dressed like him??
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
22 Aug 08
I know! I both love and hate the endurance comps because I want immediate HOH knowledge satisfaction. But, I also sort of like the lasting anticipation of it.
And, thus more have fallen off. Wait...let me check again...Nope. No changes since Jerry and Keesha.
I noticed that Dan was dressed warmly. I know they are given instructions on how to dress for the HOH comps so they get sort of a clue as to whether it will be Q & A or physical based on what kind of wardrobe is suggested. I have seen enough comps on HOH that if I were in the house, when BB says wear something comfy I would bust out a raincoat with a hood! LOL! I would also wear long pants. They like to make them cold through the endurance comps. Dan was smart. I can't figure out how people haven't figured that out yet.
@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
22 Aug 08
Yes I wonder why everyone hasn't figured that out yet..they seem to be worried about Memphis when they should really be worried about's one smart cookie..and knows how to play this game..and I think someone else was wearing gloves too...
I really want him to win because of that,but i would like to see Jerry win the phone call from home..he can't win HOH but he does need something from his family now cause i think he's going to be gone this week along with maybe Michelle if neither win HoH...YEA double eviction week...!!!!
Did you happen to see the game of hide and seek they were playing at was so funny! a couple of nights ago...
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@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
22 Aug 08
Hot Damm, Apey is gone!! WooHoo!! I wish they would have showed more of the hOH competition, but then they don't so they can intice us to subscribe to the live feeds. It was funny and surprising when they lifted them up and swung them hard against the wall. I figured that Jerry would probably fall first, he is older and with being on slop for so long, he is probably not up to his usual stamina. Although he does do good for someone his age. The game is really starting to pick up, now is the time to put up or shut up.
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@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
22 Aug 08
Shes gone and now she has to spend some quality time with Libra hahaha. so how long before Ollie joins up with them? Doesnt sound like it will be this week.
I loved thta HOH comp it was great seeing them all being smacked around. BB will remind them whos the boss lol.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
24 Aug 08
Sorry this response is so late...and I understand you had a bit of a situation with Miss Savanna. Girl...Water Water Water! LOL! But, I won't harp on you to much. I will let your dad do it for me and the rest of us on myLot who really want you to be ok.
So, from what I have seen, and again...I have to play catch-up here a that Ollie thinks he has an in with Dan and Michelle but, Michelle is the only one that is siding with Ollie.
I loved how hard that comp was on them. I like how you put that that BB would remind them whose the boss!
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
22 Aug 08
I think it is so funny that April is now going to the jury house to be with Libra!!
The competition looked fun at first, but then when they started banging them against the! I'm glad to hear that Jerry is off first.

@Reesers (1387)
• United States
25 Aug 08
April seems to think it was a dumb move on their part to put her in the house with Libra because they are such powerful people. They have the power now and the game is just starting.
If I had to pick between the two, I think I would want to be stuck with Libra. At least she doesn't talk about how great she is and how she's the most important person in the world for eating pig ears.
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
22 Aug 08
I know! I love that April and Libra are going to be each other's only company for a week! LOL!
And, whew...that slam they were taking against that wall. The only good thing was that it didn't seem to happen very often. I watched a little over a half an hour BBAD last night and they only slammed them against that wall once. I think each time consisted of one big slam and then 2 or 3 slow down slams. But, it seems they were at least a half an hour or more in between that so, it wasn't constant.

@nicholejade (2430)
• Canada
23 Aug 08
I am just as happy as you are that April is gone. WOO HOO! I jumped so high out of the chair that when I came down I fell of the couch. It was a blast to say the least. I am glad they got her all out well except for Ollie that is. I bet she sure would of been PO'D if Ollie didn't give her a vote. I am sure he knew that he would be a complete target for not voting with the house. But oh well. She is gone and that is all that matters.
I watched as much as I could of the feeds of that comp. And let me tell ya it sure was an endurance comp. I really liked it but unfortunly I didn't find out till a little while ago who won the HOH. Way to go Dan. I am sure things will be stirring up this week.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
24 Aug 08
LOL! I hope you didn't hurt yourself when you fell off the couch!
And, sorry this response is sort of late. I am playing catch-up!
I don't know how mad April would have been at Ollie because, it sure seemed like she just wanted to be his friend based on her exit interview with Julie. LOL! So, she probably would only have pretended to be mad at him.
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
22 Aug 08
Do you sit at the TV with a laptop? Hahahaha! Glad that whiney lil' biotch is gone.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
22 Aug 08
LOL! I do sit on my couch with my laptop while I am watching the TV. But, I waited until the end of the show before I started posting! LOL! My laptop is too distracting for me to be able to watch the show and tinker on it at the same time so, I set it aside and keep my paws off of it until the show is done! LOL!
And, I too am glad that whiney lil biotch is gone! Yay!
@awonderfullife (2893)
• United States
22 Aug 08
I felt a little sorry for Jerry with that competition- I mean the guy is 75 years old and they have him slamming against that wall. Even though I'm not a Jerry fan, sometimes I think the physical competitions are unfair. I haven't seen who won HOH yet- I hope it's Michelle!
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
22 Aug 08
I can see where you are coming from but, Jerry signed up for it. He says he has never missed a single episode so, he knows how tough the physical competitions can be. If he didn't think he could handle it, he probably wouldn't have tried to get on the show so, I can't really feel sorry for him. They aren't called endurance competitions for nothing and, that is just part of the game.
I started a discussion about who won so, if you want, go check it out!
@alexsis (2149)
• United States
22 Aug 08
Girl, I was jumping up for joy when she said April will be evicted. I started to do a cart wheel but my daughter was already looking at me funny, lol. Ollie looked worried when they heard the monkey/gorilla noise. It sounded like a bird. I can't believe Ollie is scared of birds. I'm still happy that April is gone. I wonder who won HOH???
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
24 Aug 08
Hey Alexsis! Sorry this is so late! I have a lot of catching up to do! LOL!
Anyway, if I weren't such a clutz I would have been attempting to do a cart wheel too. But, I was doing the happy dance on my couch! LOL!
I thought they were birds at first too! Then, the hubby said they were just jungle noises and, I realized what they were. But, Ollie did look worried at first. It is weird that he is scared of birds. I don't get that! I like birds.
As for who won HOH, I am sure you have seen my discussion on it so, I won't repeat it! LOL!
@flowerpower5 (96)
22 Aug 08
omg dan got hoh!!!!!! i am soooooooooo freakin happy!!!! i hope he puts ollie and micheele up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
april the whiner is gone yippie!!!!!!!
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@samijo719 (1052)
• United States
22 Aug 08
*does happy dance* again...for the millionth time! lol. I'm so so happy that April is gone. And can I just say Michelle is SO clueless!? Gah, that woman..."I know it wasn't April did you see her face she was shocked!" Never accuring to her that it was shock it was panic! LOL. And as much I don't like Jerry and the way he has talekd to people it woul dhav ebeen ridiciously stupid for them to vote him out. I mean he's 75 and on slop for almost the entire time, he ain't much competition.
I'm just so glad April didn't convince them how WONDERFUL and NICE she is buy baking them cakes. LOL I'm glad the houseguests brains work past "Oh a cake! She is sooooo nice and sweet. We should keep her forever!!!"
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
24 Aug 08
Sorry this response is so late! I have some catch-up to do!
I am there with you doing the happy dance...even days later! LOL!
I am also glad that the rest of the HGs didn't decide to keep her based solely on her cake baking. That has to be one of the most ridiculous reasons I have ever heard anyone on BB give for thinking people should want them around. LOL!
And, Jerry is a little bit of a threat but, not so much on the physical stuff. He does need to go though.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
22 Aug 08
Hey sista star reporter/brain twin! I'm doing the happy dance!
Doing the happy dance! Yeah!
She's gone!That is
so great! I did'nt see it. I turned on the tv at 9:00 thinking
I would get to see it and I missed it. I was home early and
I thought it was on at 9:00. I told you I can't get the times
straight. You have to send me a pm to remind me. I just never
get it right! But anyway, whose next. I want Michelle gone!
I don't like her! Get her out! She's two faced and she needs
to go and stupid Ollie too. And maybe Jerry too. Oh, I don't
know. I think I like Dan now. I'm so confused.

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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
22 Aug 08
Hey my biggest fan/Brain Twin! I am doing the happy dance along with you! LOL!
I'll try to remember to PM you from now on to remind you of the times. Do you have a cell phone with an alarm or an alert on it that you can set the time to remind you when it is going to be on? I am sort of lucky. I have my Tivo set to a season pass so it automatically catches it.
I did a discussion about who won the HOH last night so, if you haven't seen it already...I am playing catch-up so, I haven't seen those responses yet...go check it out if you want to know who won.
And, I like Dan best, then maybe Memphis and Renny. I still am ok about Michelle but, I watched her do her baby talk thing that she does on BBAD and, I got annoyed. That would make me want to kick her or something and tell her that baby talk is not cute unless you are a baby. LOL!
So, don't be is ok if you like Dan! Give into his charms! LOL!