This is a question for any 'earth'/'animal' activist...

United States
August 22, 2008 7:00pm CST
Why is it that when these organizations protest something, their actions are actually detrimental to their cause? Case in point, animal activist released a bunch of minks that were being raised for pelts, (right or wrong is not the issue) animal activists released them just so they would end up dead! They either were killed by other preditors in the wild or ended up on a road as roadkill. If they are protesting some element that they feel is detrimental to the earth, their actions end up causing something more harmful. I have never been a member of any of these organizations, actually not into joining any organizations, and was just curious as to where their 'ideas' come from, and are they well thought out? They don't seem to make much sense to those of us standing on the outside looking in.
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8 responses
@ElicBxn (63796)
• United States
23 Aug 08
You make an excellent point. For example, PETA grabs these animals from labs or takes in surrendered pets and then puts them to sleep - EXCUSE ME?? Now, I don't believe in repeative animal testing. I don't care if you add a new scent to bleach - its still going to blind that rabbit - and anyone else that gets it in their eyes. You don't have to test it again. HOWEVER, if they don't test things on animals, the animals won't be bred for in the first place - a good thing. Killing an animal isn't really helping either. So, I don't like fur, don't wear it, but don't really need it in TEXAS, nor do I like the way the animals are treated then killed by breeders. But if you take an animal away that's never been in the wild - don't go releasing it into the wild - DUH!!!!! Even Elsa the lioness had to be trained and still didn't do real well in the wild.
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• United States
23 Aug 08
I agree with you on repeatative testing, but I'd much rather them test on animals than humans.........unless of course some of the activists are willing to raise their hand to volunteer to be a 'lab' rat?
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• India
23 Aug 08
That's natural. They do not want people to capture minks and kill them because Man is not suppose to interfere with the on goings of the nature. If the mink is killed by any predator in the wild, its no problem because that's how the natural selection goes.. The survival of the Smartest. If we interfere and keep them safe from other animals, those other animals will die because they cannot find their food. And the population of this animal would increase and that would cause an ecological imbalance. The organisations usually fight for this. They do not want human intervention in the nature's route. A Local example. We had some peacocks in one of our parks in the city here. The people around the park who used to go for walks fed those peacocks some food other than their normal diet. They go habituated to being fed by people and stopped hunting for their food. And slowly they came out of the park into houses and onto roads in search of food. Visualise that. We have spoiled their normal life and thus disrupting the natural Eco balance. This has led to the increase of their normal food animals like snakes, worms etc. can you live with more snakes in and around your household... ??? They just do it because, they do no want to spoil the Earth. People go around killing animals without reason or for their personal reasons. bourne
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• United States
23 Aug 08
I can understand not feeding the animals, we have swans and ducks at the pond in the park and there are signs posted to not feed them. I don't have a problem with that. I'm referring to animals that were born and raised in captivity and don't know, and never have, how to fend for themselves. The activists set them 'free' only to be killed by other animals, or by cars, that is not keeping with the 'nature' of things. These are animals that don't know how to hunt for food, and never knew how, and they do not know how to defend themselves in the wild. So how are the activist 'helping' those animals which have always lived in captivity?
• India
23 Aug 08
It's still Man's mistake ain't it... Have we not got dogs and pets for pets??/ Why would someone want a mink to be raised in captivity. It's for the fur don't you think?? They just want people to understand that we are not the ones who should be meddling with nature. So, no matter what consequences it may give us know, in the long run, if done properly, would stop them from raising animals which would not survive in the wild later on. It's good to know that you are not like the fools here who feed animals even though there's a board in their face against it. bourne
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• United States
23 Aug 08
That's not to say that the swans and ducks here are not fed by humans, they have a feeder set up that the town takes care of, they just don't want people feeding them other foods, beside the bird food they feed them.
@kipluck (143)
• United States
23 Aug 08
As someone who considers themselves on the "inside" just know we are not ALL like that. There are intelligent Animal Welfare groups. My roomie and I do some rescue/rehab work, both with wildlife and domesticated animals. I have worked with Best Friends Animal Society (you may have heard of them recently for being in court FIGHTING with PETA over Michael Vick's dogs. PETA wanted them all PUT DOWN. Best Friends wanted to take them in rehabilitate as many as possible and rehome them. Well, guess what, Best Friends has been succeeding wonderfully turning those poor dogs into sweethearts). They are here in Utah and they do NOT go around releasing animals like that. 1st of all, they don't do things ILLEGAL. 2nd of all, like you mentioned that is not safe for the animal OR the local wildlife. My roomie and I take in wounded and mistreated animals and get them better... and then get them forever homes... be that in the wild or with a family if they are pets. I agree with many of the IDEALS of groups like those that make the news... but very few of the ways they go about it. I agree with you that they are actually doing the opposite of what they proclaim.
• United States
23 Aug 08
It's people like you and your roommate that PETA and other organizations give a bad name. I have had friends involved in animal rescue and finding forever homes and what they do (along with yourself)is wonderful. I have also given a dog it's forever home. I hope that Best Friends Animal Society wins all of their battles against PETA and other organizations like them.
• United States
23 Aug 08
They get emotionally involved and their emotions get the best of them. They are so upset with whatever that is going on that they just can't think straight.
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• United States
23 Aug 08
You are correct, they don't think it through.
@bmf1976 (45)
• United States
23 Aug 08
These types of organizations do the best they can do with what they've got. They can't save every animal from every bad thing out there, it would be impossible to do! So they focus on one issue at a time. Sometimes it's better that the minks be released in a natural environment that still might be dangerous, but better than being killed by mankind for man's selfish reasons.
• United States
23 Aug 08
So, you are saying it's okay for these people to set a bunch of animals loose, that have been born and raised in captivity, so that they can be killed by cars, other animals, etc? 'They can't save every animal from every bad thing' yet they turn them loose to become road kill. How is that saving them?
@Cryptid (72)
• United States
23 Aug 08
A number of organizations like ALF and PETA are on the extremist side of things and certainly do not think of the consequences of their actions.Their ideas come from the emotional response they feel and they react without thought or a plan of action.Its akin to a bunch of rioters deciding to tip over a car in response to an action that caused the riot.Much in the same way these organizations react abruptly and think OMG we have to save these poors animals,lets free them.Honestly its also the easy way out of it while fulfilling their goals.Releasing the animals is less responsibility and financial responsibility than to take a more appropiate action.Many of the people who side with these organizations are often young or immature and true activists do NOT side with extremists such as these.For them its all about attention and the HEY LOOK AT ME aspect of it rather than doing good.
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• United States
23 Aug 08
Thanks for adding your opinion, and I agree with you, it's all attention getting, and not for the good of the animal or other cause.
@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
23 Aug 08
Not earth animal activist myself I do find it awkward some things they do. As if they adopt this thinking that rather than abusers destroy life, they will. but I have never actually visit their sites and read their activities thoroughly so I could've missed some explanation if there are ever any.
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• United States
23 Aug 08
It just seems they don't see beyond the 'let the animals go free' concept.
23 Aug 08
when did this take place the minks is it to delay or prevent animals being used for fur trading,or as you have said the problem is too vast and who knows where to intervene-it sounds deperate and in a world like this hopeless in a world like this,a bit like a dieter and the rest of the world with a slim aim,and zero tolerance not working.i will wait i dont have the answers i would definitely not try.