Do u think hard work is good for health?

work makes health - Hard work is good for ur health
August 22, 2008 11:05pm CST
Well,maybe not everyone like hard work.but work keeps people busy,away from loneliness and solitude.Through work,people come into contact with each other.and through collective activity,they find friendship and warmth.This is helpful to health.The loss of work means the loss of every thing. Work make s one feel his value and status in society.When a writer finishes his writing when a docoto sees his students grow,they are happy beyond words. so,The more u word the happier and healthier u will be.Let's work hard and study well and live a happy and healthy life,everyone`~dont u think so?
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4 responses
• United States
24 Aug 08
i think it depends on what kind of work and if you are happy there.. if your not happy then it just makes you miserable which wears on your attitude and mental health and will eventually eat on your physical health.. if its a high stress job it can lead to stomach problems and heart problems.. so it just depends on the job and how well of a fit it is to that person
• United States
23 Aug 08
hard work is deffinalty good for your health. it also makes you more appreciative of everything you get. also it keeps you having a meaning in life doing something not just staying home all day watching tv or sleeping
@ashar123 (2357)
• India
23 Aug 08
You are absolutely right that hard working develops health. While a person is working, he gets more chance on interacting with others, sharing his thoughts and emotions, developing team work and patience in him too. Its great, I did not think like this before. Your discussion is really great and you really bring intresting topics here in discussion for others.
• United States
23 Aug 08
hi lovecoffin...i think hard work makes you appreciate more what you have. and then when you have it easier you still really appreciate it, because you know things could be a lot harder.