Cry for Green revolution, and cut the trees in the backyard.!!

Cry for Greener EARTH. - Grrrr.. Where is Greener pasture?
August 23, 2008 10:53am CST
Many orgnisations have cropped up, and continue to do so, on regular basis.. crying for Go for Green, Go for Green.. green revolution... I read in an article that density of amazon forest has drastically reduced.. and at this rate by 2050 nearly 50 to 60% of it will be gone.. whereas on the other side.. there are many organisations and summits.. that speak out with all vigor,about saving the planet.. and even occupy the hot news of the time, and vanish in a second, like "todays top discussions" My doubt is are we really making progress in making this earth safe for generations to come, or else exploiting the resources, leaving tough time for generations ahead?
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3 responses
@Humbug25 (12540)
23 Aug 08
Hi ya saivenkaat802003 That is a very good question to ask my friend and a even hard to answer so I won't!! Just kidding. I actually think it is a bit of both, or rather a lot of both and that is all I have to say on the matter really. I have not long got back of my trip and thinking a lot for me right now is a bit of a problem!! Cheers
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
12 Dec 08
That's a pertinent point you have raised there. This feels sick! Not only that we are so much concerned about saving our earth but see how we never stop wars and all those nuclear weapons talks. Why on earth! Do they have any idea how much pollution it creates! And then, all those building, architectural haven with like glass houses without any sheds and projections, do they have any idea how bad we spend on electricity to cool or warm them! Unbelievable! But we do not care at all and all in the name of progression! That was quite a rant. Sorry venkat.
• India
14 Dec 08
That's not a rant..Mimpi.. You have expressed what i had thought..and more specifically what i failed to express with my words.. Always great, you are..
• Philippines
5 Dec 08
Tis said of artist that "those who can, do; and those who can't, teach." Let those who can't plant, shout; and those who can plant, plant. But shouting and cutting trees in the backyard? OK if the person plants 100 of the same species to ensure that at least one tree will survive to old age.