meant to be..

August 23, 2008 11:18am CST
hahaha! Sorry, let me start it off with a laugh. I don't really know how to start this since I'm not that comfortable talking about lovelife but let me do it. Uhmm, I got this friend of mine for so long. We've been friends since I was in high school. Or should I say, we were schoolmates since elementary. He's three years older than me. I met him through a common friend who had a crush on him. He was one of the CAT officer in our school way back in high school. He's just an ordinary guy though. Not that hunky type and school hearthrob image but he's good. You'd often notice him in the crowd because of his big smiles. Seems he never has a problem of his own. I was a freshmen that time. He was in seniors. To make the story short, he fell in love with my best friend. They had that sweet past as you call it (whatever is the term for that!). My bestfriend liked him too. However, the guy never had the chance of expressing what he feels for my bestfriend. The mutual feeling continued till college years. When we reached college, we found out that we're in the same university. He's actually in one of the top positions in the student body. The fellings between him and my bestfriend continued. We're friends as well. Mere friends. That's all. No strings attached. I never even looked at him as someone whom my heart would beat for because my friends and I call him our master. He's good in Math and he does our assignments...hahahahhahaha!!!!!!!! (just funny thinking about those good old memories!). Despite the chance of courting my bestfriend, he never did it. Then one day he was just surprised to know that my bestfriend has a new guy already. I know he was hurt. I was the bridge during that time. He never really aired it out though but I know he was. As a matter of fact, he immediately had a girlfriend few weeks after he found out that my bestfriend is already dating someone else. Honestly, my bestfriend was just waiting for his confirmation but he never did anything. That's the reason why my friend decided to date another guy. But I know she once liked this friend of mine. Since this guy is three years ahead of me, he graduated in college ahead as well. He was able to find a job and was sent to outer space (joke! just outside the country...sorry I would rather keep the country name). The communication between us was never cut off. He usually gives me a call every month. Most conversations would often lasts for three hours. I feel special though because he keeps calling me despite the fact that he got more friends to call than me. Then I found out that he broke up with his girlfriend (the girl he courted when he found out my bestfriend was dating someone else). Their relationship lasted some years as well. Then came the time when he went back here in the country for good (though not really...he has plans of moving out again). I already graduated in college or should I say I was about to graduate. He was in my graduation. Still the same feelings that I had for him was still mere friendship. He helped me out in looking for a boarding house when I found a job since I have to move away from home. Since our work places are in the same building, we're almost together most of the time. The rest as they say is history. He's now my someone special. I told my bestfriend about it but I know she doesn't believe me. It took us time to tell her though. I don't really think what this means but I'm happy with his company and I never would want to loose him. The feeling is nice and I hope this will last forever. I never would want to look for someone else. The feeling lingers and I like to think about it. The only thing I have in mind is I hope this is for keeps. I just simply love him! :)
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