What i have realised about this life.

@alpha7 (1910)
August 23, 2008 5:49pm CST
When one is been exposed to the world without any checks,you will find out that this world is a very funny place where people could do and undo. A man saw some e-mails that his girl friend has been sending out to her male friend,although they have no relationship together. Because of jelousy,this Man managed to get the other person's e-mail (his girl friend's male friend) and engaged in a chat with his Wife,he lied about this gay and warned his wife that he should tell his husband to stay away from his girl friend.This lady found this very disturbing,though i don't know what happened next,but this other gay now called this girl and said he should not call him anymore,he never explained any futher.This girl could not understand what happened between the two of them but she started suspecting everybody that used to come to their house. If you happen to know this secret about what went wrong ,will you dare tell this girl who harmed her or you'll just stay away from the two of them?
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3 responses
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
23 Aug 08
I think it is best to stay out of other peoples relationships, as i have seen people before do things to help friends and they themselves end up on the outer, so I think you should just keep it to yourself as if you know nothing...
@alpha7 (1910)
• France
23 Aug 08
I think this is exactly what i will do,the girl will find out for herself later even if the Man had lied to her about it all,i guessed she took someone else responsible for that,anyway thanks for your contribution abnd have a nice evening.
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• China
24 Aug 08
In my opinion, I will stay out of theirs relationship too. Sometimes time makes people's idea change. Perhaps the man will realize that it's wrong later. If I had told the girl before, my help just did a bad thing. As you said, the girl will find out of herself later. I think it's better to resolve the problems like that by oneself. Have a nice evening!
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@devylan (695)
• United States
19 Sep 08
I try not to get in the way of other people's personal relationships, unless of course one partner is abusing the other, but even then, I only get involved if it is brought to my attention.