Using Your Mind For a minute, Jesus is a Prophet, Therefor Islam is The Truth.

@Gordano (795)
United States
August 24, 2008 6:29am CST
Imagine You are reading a book, You are reading a Dialog Between Two Persons. Person 1 : Why don't you Live and work in Canada ? Person 2 : I Think Canada is Not The Best Place for engineers to live in. Now, what do you Think Person 2 's Job is ?? Clearly He is an engineer Correct ? Now read [Luke 4:23-24 KJV] ( 23 ) And he said unto them, Ye will surely say unto me this proverb, Physician, heal thyself: whatsoever we have heard done in Capernaum, do also here in thy country. ( 24 ) And he said, Verily I say unto you, No prophet is accepted in his own country. Isn't It so Clear, Or what do you Think ?
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16 responses
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
24 Aug 08
Unfortunately no; it is certainly not clear using the examople you have put forward! Yes the Quran and Islam recognise Mohamed as the one true prophet of God and Jesus as a minor prophet; yet the BIBLE states that Jesus was indeed the Son of God..... So we are back to the age old debate of which text is true and accurate and which one is not? And as far as I am concerned, the answer to this age old question is simple. Neither of these texts are right; and neither of them are wrong! Each of them are as valid as each other and it all comes down to us as free willed people to make a decision concerning which faith we choose to follow and then to honour that faith to the best of our ability. By the way the faith we choose may not be EITHER of these! The key is that we tolerate and accept each others decisions and cease trying to prove one or the other as right or wrong.
@the_ruler (1442)
• Turkey
24 Aug 08
islam doesn't mention jesus as a minor prophet. Islam says all the prophets are chosen only for one reason and the reason is to inform people about the existance of God, in islam's saying Allah. In Quran it mentions the situation of Jesus. It tells what happened to him and how Allah saved him. It says Allah's will is so strong and just saved Jesus by taking him from this world. I think it looks Jesus is living in a different dimension now. and the "time" doesn't pass in the same way there. Just remember the theory of relativism of Einstein. Even on a vehicle which goes as fast as light, the time goes slower. So why not it wouldn't change for a place where Jesus is being saved now? The only difference of Mohammad mentioned in Quran, is that Mohammad was the last prophet and there won't be any new prophets chosen. but in the end of the world jesus will come back to world as well. but he is already a prophet before Mohammad. If someone says he or she is a muslim, he or she must also accept all former prophets. This is also a must. Of course, as you mentioned it is only the way of believing. We cannot say what parts have been modified and what are true or false. People have the will to choose which seems right to them and it is also stated in Quran to respect others believes. Well, nobody is aware of that though. many people here always say Quran mentions to kill others who are not muslim but this is not true.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
24 Aug 08
I am a Westerner living and working in a predominantly Muslim country. I am fortunate to be able to experience a different perspective than many others who honestly have a truly distorted view of Islam as a whole. I respect your points and appreciate that you respect mine as well. It is time many more people started to accept differences in opinion and faith rather than fight like crazy to prove who is right. Verbally, physically; whatever! It just needs to stop! Personally I choose to keep an open mind about many things as it helps me learn overall. Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Confucious, Abraham; Ghandi etc..... They are ALL key people throughout history that have shaped the minds of mankind; and all have made valid contributions that we can all learn from if we would just open our minds up wide enough and stop being so biased and singularly focussed! Just to make it very clear on my opinion..... Accepting and tolerating someone else's belief system is NOT turning your back on or blaspheming your own faith.
• Bangladesh
24 Aug 08
Yes The ruler has told the right thing. he is not a minor. Everyone is the same. But Muhammed is the special one as he is the last prophet.
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• United States
24 Aug 08
i don't think ""I know""that Jesus is more than a mere prophet !he is the one and only begotten son of my God (not Allah for Allah has no sons )How do I know this ??my god has said it himself! Matthew 3: 16. As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting on him. 17. And a voice from heaven said, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased."
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@shana123 (2095)
• India
25 Aug 08
Right said dear friend revdauphinee... GOD BLESS you... These people will understand the truth one day for sure..
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• United States
25 Aug 08
one can but hope i pray for them daily
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@Harley009 (1416)
• India
28 Aug 08
'Allah' is not just Muslim's God. Ask to Christians living in Arab countries like Lebanon, Jordan, etc. They use "Allah" for God and for YHWH, however they says Allah have a son. so as Per Islam: Allah have no son as per Christianity: Allah have a son
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@urbandekay (18278)
31 Aug 08
Gordano, your argument rests on a logical fallacy as I will explain. Let us summarise your argument; 1. There is scriptural evidence Jesus is a prophet by his own admission. 2. If Jesus is a prophet then he is not the Son of God 3. Therefore, Christianity is false and Islam true And let us admit 1. Since the greater includes the lesser, being Son of God includes being a prophet. Therefore, your conclusion 3. fails. all the best urban
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@urbandekay (18278)
31 Aug 08
Also, at this point we should ask is Muhammad a prophet? What are the criteria for being a prophet? 1. Being prophesised in previous scripture 2. Performing Miracles 3. Making prophesies Since none of these apply to Muhammad he is not a prophet all the best urban
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@urbandekay (18278)
7 Sep 08
Gordano, what does this mean, "I 'm Glad that you admit 1, Be sure That you didn't twist 2 before going to 3 " Please rephrase in standard English all the best urban
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@Gordano (795)
• United States
6 Sep 08
Hello urbandekay, I 'm Glad that you admit 1 , Be sure That you didn't twist 2 before going to 3 as for the term "son of God" it was Mentioned Many times in the OT Before Jesus, it is not unique to the Christ Jesus PBUH, and the Virgin Birth doesn't make Jesus a son of God, we Think that Jesus was born miraculously through the same power that had brought Adam into being without a father. For more about The Term "son of God" in the Bible: How many "Sons" does God have? as for your Comment about Muhammad PBUH you Can find answers about them Here: The Link Contains The Three Points you Mentioned above * Muhammad PBUH was prophesied in previous scripture * Miracles of Muhammad * Prophecies by Muhammad and Of course you may agree or disagree with what mentioned in the website, but Can you Apply the above criteria for being a prophet to Abraham PBUH ?
1 person likes this
• United States
25 Aug 08
In Christianity, we hold that Christ had three human positions: Prophet (as shown in the text you gave and others) Priest (Hebrews 9) and King (Matthew 1) So since Christianity says that Christ is a prophet, and Islam says Christ is a prophet, you can't use that as a basis to choose between them.
@Gordano (795)
• United States
26 Aug 08
Yes, You are right, But When Jesus is a Prophet He Can't be a God, God send Prophets to convey His Message to people, and When He is a God, He Can't a Son of God. That is the Case.
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@dianocuz (115)
• United States
26 Aug 08
My friend, who are we to tell God what He can and cannot do? Is He the creator or are we? If He desires to display as a prophet to help our understanding, He can do that and still be God! In fact, doing that shows us just how far He is willing to go to, to bless us! What a truly awesome God we serve!
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@urbandekay (18278)
31 Aug 08
"Yes, You are right, But When Jesus is a Prophet He Can't be a God, God send Prophets to convey His Message to people, and When He is a God, He Can't a Son of God. That is the Case." Sorry, that does not follow. In fact what you claim is blaspheme since you deny the omnipotence of God. If God is omnipotent then he can be both God and prophet. all the best urban
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@Raymo23 (463)
• Uganda
24 Aug 08
I am a Christian who does not believe in the authenticity if the Koran, or Muhammad. Jesus is the son of God, Muhammad is a mere mortal who might have been having delusions.
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@shana123 (2095)
• India
25 Aug 08
You will be answered for all these things DURING THE SECOND COMING OF JESUS...
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@Raymo23 (463)
• Uganda
24 Aug 08
What I said more than answers you. Are you blind or its that you don't have any mind to use?
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@Gordano (795)
• United States
24 Aug 08
There was No need to Mention that You are a Christian, You response Say it All, Why didn't you Discuss the Topic ? You said Nothing about the topic!! Was using your mind For a minute so grievous ??
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@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
25 Aug 08
Yes I believe Jesus was a prophet but than again he was all things so that he could fulfill the scriptures. Why is it that Muslims don't follow his teachings or the teachings of the prophets of the old testament when the Quran says search the scriptures for the truth? If you searched the scriptures you would know that when it says that they thought they had killed Jesus that he really was resurrected. The true line of priesthood was shown by God in the original covenant when the staff sprouted to life again. Why is it that you say there is no holy spirit accept that it means what comes from God and that Muhammad wrote the Quran by himself when many verses begin with the word "we". Why is it that some Muslims say if you are Christian or Jewish than you are an unbeliever but it says in the Quran that all will be revealed on the day of resurrection and final judgment and that the unbelievers were the ungodly and idolaters? Does not the Quran say that which came before this time? How can you understand that which came before if you never search the old and new testament?
• India
24 Aug 08
Read it one more time and you will know the truth
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@skysuccess (8857)
• Singapore
30 Oct 08
Gordano, As per your title, why is it that you are so conclusive that Islam is the truth? I think contrary to what you have tried to set all the readers to think, I felt that your analogy is really ill directed. Here's why? The passage of the bible that you had used here is actually telling us that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who had done so much had warned His disciples that He will not be accepted at His own place. Reasons, which I think you should know very well from the Scriptures which I think is not necessary for me to elaborate here. So, contrary to what you perceive that engineers will not be the best place is really the opposite. Engineers are very highly demanded in Canada. However, the most highly qualified may not be welcomed because of selfish and foolish reasons of the currently employed who may feel threaten that one day they will just loose their jobs to the newly most highly qualified. See some familiarity to the Pharisees during Jesus Christ's time? Lastly, contrary to your belief that Jesus is just a prophet, I just beg to differ here. Cheers and oh, PBUY as well.
@Gordano (795)
• United States
2 Nov 08
Hello skysuccess, and PBUYT This discussion is not at all about whether or Not Engineers are very highly required in Canada, that was Just an Example to what to be understood within the Context. and when reading Luke 4:23-24 KJV Jesus Christ PBUH Described Himself as a prophet so we better to Believe Jesus Christ PBUH when He Describes Himself as a prophet. here is another Example for That: [Matthew 15:24]when Jesus Himself said to the woman of Canaan: "But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel" [John 3:16] For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Whom should we believe ?? and you said that That Jesus is the "Son" of God, while It seems that not Only Jesus is the son of God, Because God Have Tons of sons in the bible, The Term "son of God" was Mentioned in the Bible in the OT referring to Others Also and not Only Jesus, and I think that the Term "son of God" in the language of the Jews was a very innocent term used to describe a loyal servant of God. Whether the translators and editors chose to write it as "Son of God" (with a capital S) in reference to Jesus and "son of God" (with a small S) in reference to everyone else does not diminish the fact that in the original language, both cases are exactly the same. How many "Sons" does God Have ? Thanks for your response and PBUYA
@adoremay (2065)
• Philippines
25 Aug 08
Every holy Book says nothing but the truth. I am a Christian and since I was a child I was brought up knowing that Jesus is the son of God, and I will hold on to it. Although I think that no religion is greater than the other.
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• Sri Lanka
25 Aug 08
Christianity and Islam are two different religions. Let the followers of them to decide whether their religion is the truth or not. Being a Muslim it is unethical to tell non-Muslim that Islam is the truth which implies others are not the truth. A Muslim can say "Islam is the Truth" for another Muslim but he/she becomes a bad Muslim by saying it is the only truth to a non-Muslim (who is a devotee of another religion).
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@Gordano (795)
• United States
26 Aug 08
Everyone decide For Himself whether their religion is the truth or not, But Let me Tell you something, It is a Must in Islam and Christianity to Believe In Jesus. According to Muslims Jesus is Prophet and Has no divine attributes at All, and According to Christianity Jesus is a Human But also a God and The Son Of God at the same time, and Then They are All one. in Christianity Jesus is The only way If you want to be saved, I also believe in Jesus so I want to know If I will be saved or Not. so, Don't worry about That, Both Muslims and Christians Believe in Jesus but In different ways so it is Very Common to Read Discussions Like this, and there should be no Insult to Christians When I tell My Opinion That Jesus is a prophet, as There is No Insult when They keep telling Muslims That Muhammad is a False Prophet. Thanks, and Best Regards
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@dianocuz (115)
• United States
25 Aug 08
My friend, if you arrived at your conclusion based on a modern day conversation about living in Canada, what conclusion would you come to concerning this passage: John 3:1-3 There was an man of the Pharisees, maned Nicodemas, a ruler of the Jews. The same came to Jesus by night, and said to him, Rabbi, we now that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him. Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. My friend, Jesus spoke to others in parables. Only those of the kingdom can truly understand. Only those of the kingdom can know the truth. Only those of the kingdom...
• India
24 Aug 08
Come to India where we all live like brothers and sisters. There is no religion with complete truth and all men are born equal.
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@property (453)
• United States
26 Aug 08
Sounds good! Where can i sign up?
• United States
24 Aug 08
stupid discussion...i'm just gonna leave this comment so i can earn money
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@Harley009 (1416)
• India
28 Aug 08
Such comments may lead yourself to kick out of mylot.
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• Philippines
24 Aug 08
if we are going to base this proverb in today's current situation especially with the treatment of the government to its people,why do many of the the skilled and talented Filipinos prefer to spend his time ,effort and strength to the other lands instead of his own land, due to corruption happening in the philippines , they can hardly sustain the demand of this people , particularly its salary, it's very low, so it tends that the person instead of utilizing his talent in his own native land he tends to migrate in the richer lands because the demands he wishes is surely granted especially the salary. if there is no corruption taking place , i'm sure all the skilled workers of this country will not be leaving. so for yor short they feel they are not accepted in their own country
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• United States
25 Aug 08
No religion makes any sense. Nothing in life is ever clear.
• Bangladesh
24 Aug 08
From my scence Jesus is a prophet as well as Muhammed(Sm). I do not believe that Jesus is the son of god. Moreover bible is renewd every year. But Quran is the same in that scence, Quran is the only original one which is send by the God (Allah). But I am not refusing that Bible is fake. But men have change it and that's why Jesus, a prophet has changed into A son of the God.