How would you answer this question: Mommy how did my brotther get in your belly?

@ersmommy1 (12588)
United States
August 24, 2008 9:47am CST
I am pregnant, due in December. I have really started to show. I must say the question caught me off guard. Have any of your kids ever asked this while you were pregnant?
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12 responses
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
24 Aug 08
My kids actually never asked this question. When I was pregnant with my third child my oldest was 4 and I thought she'd be asking all sorts of questions like that but she never did. I guess it is up to you how much you want to tell your child depending on their age. It also depends on your beliefs. Some might say that god put the baby there to grow. Others might say daddy did it.
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@quinnkl (1667)
• United States
27 Aug 08
I have always felt being truthful was the best option. That said, depending on your child's age, I don't think you have to give out ALL or too much information. Just give a little at a time, and when they are satisfied, they stop asking the question. Your daddy and I love each other and decided to make a baby, and the baby grows in my stomach where he/she can be safe until he/she is big enough for us to take care of him/her, etc. or along those lines!
• India
25 Aug 08
I really wish I could think of a very creative reply. :) You could say God did it. Or you could explain to her that it is something like "a tree hidden inside a seed." You could say it is just like how water is found inside a coconut. :) Or a cashew nut inside its shell. LOL!! What an interesting question!! I have never been pregnant, so no one asked me such a question. Do you think she would like these answers?
@raeann (6)
• United States
25 Aug 08
I thought I was so smart when I first explained things to my daughters. They were too youg for all the details so I said something like..."When two people are in love they first get married, then when they are ready they ask God for a baby and he puts it in the mommies belly to grow". That sounded beautiful. Unfortunately that all got blown out of the water when my teenage niece became pregnant by a boy she barely knew! I had to do some back peddling to explain all this to them. Although, I was very pleased when my daugher told my niece "Your not susposed to ask God for a baby until your married".
@singlemommy (2955)
• United States
25 Aug 08
My daughter asked me that question when I was pregnant. I told her that God put a baby in my belly. Which is the truth, God allows us to conceive and bare such blessings. She does know that it takes a mommy and a daddy to have a baby though.
@phisha84 (286)
• United States
26 Aug 08
my daughter was two when I was pregnant, she was soooo cute. She would always lift my shirt and say jordy for jordyn. lol And kiss my belly and say "Aw mommy have baby?" I love you baby.....and then she still to this day that she is now four still points to my belly and says you have baby.....and I'm a very skinny woman... lol. I hope that one day if I find the RIGHT man that i have another child and the girls ask me because then I would sit them down and tell them a beautiful story of love, and living happily ever after and thats how babies get here is when two people desire to live happily ever after.
@nishdan01 (3051)
• Singapore
25 Aug 08
My son is two and half year old. I am due in Jan. My son has never asked. I think he is small to ask such a question. If he asks, I would say it was God's plan and later tell him with picture books like the book from " I want to know it why". I have this book at home.
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
25 Aug 08
We just tell the kids that God put the baby there for safe keeping till the baby was big enough and ready to come out into the world then we had to take care of the baby and help the baby grow up. Your daughter being the age she is could also be told that God wanted to give her a baby brother to help care for so she wouldn't be alone and have someone to play with.
• United States
24 Aug 08
my daughter asked where babies come from last time i was pregnant. i told her some stuff that was age appropriate. i would never lie or tell stories about storks or anything like that to her. i feel then she couldnt believe anything i ever said to her.
• United States
25 Aug 08
I guess we should look for a story about bees and storks, huh? The things kids say can be priceless. I think some generic reference to "when a man and a woman love each other very much, some of the mother and some of the father comes together inside the mommy's womb." Something like that, right?
@Wizzywig (7847)
24 Aug 08
My older son said he'd rather have 'a pig or summink' but never questioned how it all began. However, when his younger brother found out the facts he asked if I'd got the seed for both of them at the same time. When I said I hadn't, his response was ' Eeeww YUCK, you had to do that TWICE ????' I just told him he was worth the sacrifice
• United States
24 Aug 08
Mine actually did not say it like that. The oldest told me that I should have not eat all that watermelon. I asked her why is that. She replied with because you swallowed a seed. I proudly asked what does that got to do with it. She stated you swallowed a watermellon seed and now I am going to be a big sister. All I could do is hold her and give her a big kiss. So when I got pregant with my last daughter. The twins and oldest said they thought they hide all the watermelons. I just laughed at them. They even have told the youngest if she swallows a seed she will be a mommy. Happy MyLotting!!