what is it that makes your pet so special????
By dloveli
@dloveli (4366)
United States
August 25, 2008 6:17am CST
I have several pets. I have a pomeranian, a senegal parrot, parakeets(2), a cat, and fish. I love all my pets. There's something about unconditional love that I just cant explain. My favorite is my pomeranian, Machito. Machito is all black and very furry. I honestly think that he may not be a dog. He may be a really hairy boy!!!!lol. Every morning when I get up and get dressed, Machito goes to his basket and picks out his clothes for the day. He loves to wear different shirts and collars. At times he would begin barking uncontrollably for nothing. We finally figured out that he was trying to get our attention because he wanted to sing for us. He loves any kind of classical music. He also has a great ear for it. He will bark to get us to pay attention then he will howl in two-three different tones. I couldnt believe it so I found a channel on cable that plays only operatic music. I would put it on when he was sleeping or in another room. Low and behold he comes running jumps on my bed to make sure someone is watching and he sings away. HE'S A STAR!!!!!! What about your pet?
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23 responses
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
25 Aug 08
At the moment I have 3 chihuahuas and I just adore them they are loving, protective, smart and cute but I would never disrespect them by dressing them up in clothes. They are dogs and very proud of the fact. Not toys, not fashion accessories but real dogs and I will not disrespect them by making them look anything less.
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
25 Aug 08
Dont get me wrong I dont treat my dog as a toy. I respect him as I respect the others in my family. I am sorry that you feel that way regarding pets and letting them wear clothes. I know for a fact that this is something that Machito likes. When we dont dress him he literally sits on top of the shirt trying to put his head in. You are very lucky to have chihuahuas. I have always wanted one. I never seem to be in the right place at the right time because every time one is available, I am never around. I wish you and your babies well. dl
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@sudalunts (5523)
• United States
25 Aug 08
Your dog sounds very bright and talented. My cat thinks that he is a dog
Jake, is such a social cat, totally out of character. He will cry whenever my husband leaves the house. He will follow my husband all aroung the house. If my husband is sitting on the couch, and Jakie is anywhere, as soon as my husband moves, there's jake. Unlike most cats, that will take their time, Jake will come to you when you call him, he will sit on the ottoman and just stare at my husband. Jake is very verbal, and loves to eat fish food.

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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
25 Aug 08
Oh I wish I was there to see it! I love how animals act so spontaneously. They seem to do something so cute when youDONT have a camera around. lol. My dog is like that too. It seems that they get very attached. AND in our case, very JEALOUS! lol thanks for sharing. I hope the fish get to have some too Jake! lol dl
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@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
26 Aug 08
My girl is a Tortishell Cat and her breed only comes in females.

@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
26 Aug 08
It is a very rare breed. Tortishell's can mix with just about any male cat, mostly Tabbies, Calicos, and Black cats, and the females of those offspring look just like the mom, and the males look just like the dad. No one really knows how to explain it except to say the the female genes are really, really strong.
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
26 Aug 08
Thats interesting. I would like to know more about them. I LOVE CATS! My cat is just a common house cat except she's mine. She does this strange thing. She sucks my shirt. I thought she was doing it when she was younger because she may have been taken away from her mother too early. She's three and still does it. The vet says it soothes her. If she wants to do it, I let her. I love her sooo much. I couldnt imagine my life without a cat. dl
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@msedge (4011)
• United States
2 Sep 08
I really love having pets specially dogs.We have a pet dog right now.She is a part of our family.We treated her as our child.We feel so safe when shes around.She barks when she saw a stranger but she don't bite.She always wants to go with us anywhere
.We just all love her.

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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
2 Sep 08
What is her name?
And what breed is she?
@hazelnut75 (17)
27 Aug 08
lol, i have to laugh, we just got a new dog about 2 month ago, a little pitbull puppy, she is almost 6 month now, she is a really good dog so far, she likes to play a whole lot. she loves the dogpark. she plays with all the other dogs like crazy. also she has a great brindle coloring.
but lately we found some spots on her legs, that were really swollen. so we took her to the vet today and found out she had mites.... awfull. we want our dog to be happy and healty. and when we walked out of the vet, knowing the dog will be happy and healty again soon, but we will be broke and hungry for the rest of the month... lol. that makes her really special
228$ for one visit to the vet. i thought my heart would stop beating. for that kinda cash i feed my family for almost 2 weeks................ oh boy
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
26 Aug 08
He sounds wonderful!! With my dog Petey, who passed away, he was special b/c we were always there for each other. When he needed me I was there and when my world fell apart he was there to comfort me. There was never a day that I'd come home and he wasn't thrilled to see me...even if I was only gone for a short time. I still miss him terribly and look forward to seeing him again one day.
Our cat Morgana is a special girl too. She always sleeps on my legs when it's bedtime (I think she knows that my legs are always cold) and she always knows when I'm depressed and will come and cuddle to me to try to cheer me up. I really don't know what I'd do without her.
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
26 Aug 08
You made me cry! That is the most touching story I have ever heard. You must miss him so. I couldnt imagine being without my Machito. I also have a cat Soriya. She is so sweat. She is 3 and she sucks my shirt. My vet thought she may have been taken from her mother too soon and said she would grow out of it. When she didnt he said it was her way of showing me she loves me. I am so blessed with my pets. My parrot, Sidney laughs. Everytime he sees you eating he hops to the front of the cage and starts dancing. It so now we just wake up and open the cage. He's become the GODFATHER of the house. lol dl
@dloveli (4366)
• United States
26 Aug 08
Unconditional love is a gift from heaven. CHildren and animals are the only ones who can love in this manner. The idea of being seen thru the eyes of a child or a pet is intriguing. I know my dog loves me. I sometimes wonder does he think Im his mom or his wife. when im laying in bed with my husband he jumps in between and starts licking me and then staring at my husband as if to say " she's mine punk" lol dl
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
25 Aug 08
My last dog thought he was human! Really he did....of course we all gave into his idea! At Christmas he would get gifts under the tree....and I would take him to McDonalds with me. AS soon as he saw the golden arches he would go wild....sticking his head out the window....where ever I went he did too...I told my kids....you grew up and moved away.....he stayed home with me....I still miss him.
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
26 Aug 08
I know exactly what you mean. I sometimes think my Machito is a really hairy boy. I am sorry for your loss. I cant imagine the day I have to write that discussion. I dont think I could do it. I love him way toooooo much. He is sitting right beside me trying to get on my lap. I was trying to take a nap and he didnt want me to and kept wining until I got up . So here Iam. dl
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@ghidz142126 (534)
• Philippines
26 Aug 08
i treat my pet as a person too,because pet needs what people needs too like the love,care,understanding and many more like people.whenever i call them they usually sit behind me and sometimes they slept with with me in sala set or in my bed.Most of the time i let them go inside the house to play with them and let them go out if needed.My two cats can massage using their feet and they like to watch television whenever i watch movies etc.
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
26 Aug 08
I agree with you 100%. I think that pets try their best to mimic us. If I get up out of bed to use the bathroom, he will jump right in my spot. Head on my pillow and all. he is too much. I also massage my animals. It is therapeutic for them. thanks for sharing friend. dl
@Fairygrl (348)
• United States
26 Aug 08
I at the moment dont have any pets. But I di purchase awhile back a dwarf hamster (so i thought). Well we named him chicho and he was the cutest little thing. He was gray but just on his sides he had white finger prints. It almost was like someone put there hand in a bucket of paint and picked him up... He was cute I loved him but for many reasons I no longer couldnt take care of him so I decided to give him to a family member which happen to be my mom who said she was terrified of little rodents. Well my mother loves animals and doesnt wanna see animals go on the street so she took him. He was so friendly she fell in love with him. He was so spoiled he would only eat food out of the bag just the sunflower seeds. He'd go in the bag eat what he wanted and then out he came. Well come to find out he wasnt a dwarf. He lived for over two years and that was it. Chicho passed and we had a cermony for him he was special in his on special way. Everybody loved this little critter. R.I.P Chicho
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
27 Aug 08
Well fairy you are very lucky to have a mom like that. I wish my mom was that loving. Its funny how you dont realize what you have until its gone. I am sorry for your loss of chicho. I bet it hurt your mom and dad as well. Its hard not to love something that you take care of on a day to day basis. You also helped your mother get over her fear of hamsters. I love sunflowers seeds. Of course I dont get to sit in the bag.lol Having a ceremony for a lost loved one of any species is a beautiful thing. thanks for sharing Fairy boy! dl
@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
26 Aug 08
Our household has many pets. I love them all, but do have a favorite. My cat Jade is a rescue cat. She is black, very small, with jade green eyes. She prefers to sleep on my pillow at night and likes to wrap her paws around my wrist and rests her head in the palm of my hand to sleep. This is her favorite. Jade isn't just a cat to me, she is family. Another loved pet is my german shepherd Shiloh. Two years ago I had a bad fall in the middle of the night down the stairs outdoors. I was headed out to my hottub and fell. Without any prompting he put his head under my arm and helped me crawl up the steps and into the house. He then ran to the bedroom to get my fiance, who then drove me to the emergency room, where I ended up having emergency surgery. Shiloh has stepped in front of me on more than one occasion when he felt the need to be protective, and even chased off a burglar last year as well.
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
26 Aug 08
That's the most wonderful story! I am literally crying right now. If I were you I would cherish him forever. It seems as if you do already. Its nice to hear about special relationships that people have with their pets. Its touching. You are the perfect example of a pet exhibiting unconditional love. thanks for sharing such a wonderful story. dl
@Jessbowers (391)
• United States
25 Aug 08
I have Zeus. He is a little mini pin. The runt of the litter.He should at this point weigh 7 lbs and only weighs 4.He thinks he is this huge gaurd dog. He barks at the door when he hears someone approach.He sits on the back of my neck when I am driving or just sitting on the couch and when we go to bed he goes straight for your feet and curls up to sleep. He will not move until I do. Now if I could just get him to poop outside we'd be doing good.LOL.At least he doesn't go in my bed.
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
26 Aug 08
Ohhh! He sounds soo cute! I want him! That's the problem. I want every dog I see. I love Machito. He is definitely an original. I do want a lap dog. My daughter has cancer so she needs a small toy size dog. I am hoping I find one soon. I see so many people who get dogs from people that really dont even want a dog. I wish that I could find some one who had a little dog for cheap or maybe even free. Machito would love a friend. dl
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@aville44 (125)
• United States
26 Aug 08
ive got a pug... he's about 3 months old... and hes a mess. haha. he's so unique from any other pug ive ever seen. he has this huge toung... like a lab would have or something. it always sticks out of his mouth to the right, never the left. and he barks(or should i say yelps) at everything and everybody. hes just a hillarious dog
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
26 Aug 08
He must be so cute. I want another dog. A lap dog. Something very small. I cant seem to afford what they want for them these days. I saw this tiny dog at a store I was at. He had the face of a pug and the body shape of a bull dog. Except he was tiny. I wish I could find something like that. Happy dogs! dl
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
26 Aug 08
Hi dloveli
my pet is my best friend and friends are always special and the best friend is a companion. So you can well guess how much special he is to me!
@laila675 (528)
• United Arab Emirates
26 Aug 08
guess your dog is so cute.... we have a cat, actually i never had a cat before. but since my husband loves cats so much he accepted the cat his friend has given him. and so since then i started to love cats too. he's special coz he do welcome us whenever we arrived. i like the way how he asks for his food or water. he would stand in front of his plates and will mhew until we put food for him.... having a pet can make you feel relaxed too.
@ashar123 (2357)
• India
26 Aug 08
I used to have male siamese cat as pet. Its not because I had only one pet thats why it makes him special to me. His actions and attitude make him special. Whenever he was hungry, he used to rub top of his head on my foot telling me that he is hungry, he always went to washroom as I trained to do so, he loved eating fish alot whether his hair started falling and above all he used to sleep 75% of a day daily. I guess siamese cats sleep alot during their lives.
@dloveli (4366)
• United States
26 Aug 08
Every pet is different. I remember my dog from childhood. I have so many memories of her. I remember a dog that I use to dog sit for. I looked forward to when she would come over. I loved to walk her. Her owner used to send a little plaid suitcase with his clothes in it. He used to have these yellow rain boots. I couldnt wait for it to rain. lol Those are the types of memories that can really change your day! dl
@jingbautista (2456)
• Philippines
26 Aug 08
we have dogs. two of them. the other one is medium, normal sized. and the other one is cute and is hairy, like a wolf.. what makes it special is that it is so lovely and cheering. it does releived us of the stress we have at school and at work. and most of all, it licks our feets!! grr. we hate it, but then we are laughing at it.. it does understand us. when we are angry or sad. or happy about it.. surely, dogs are mans best friend... hehe.. i am just so glad we have him. the other one is the serious type. he do the guarding and protecting of our home. thats what makes it special too..
@granite_butterfly (448)
• Canada
26 Aug 08
When I think of my pets, I feel that I could overflow with love. Why are my pets special? They are mine.
My dog is a sweet little spirit who likes to dance and walk on his hind legs. He knows each of his toys by name and loves to take wandering romps in the park. My rats like to pile atop of one another to sleep. They are handfed and give lots of kisses. Most importantly, my pets sustain me and my health. I hate to face a world apart from them. How full we are as people when we have pets to love.

@dloveli (4366)
• United States
26 Aug 08
You're words are exactly how I think a relationship with a pet should be described. You seem to really be in tune with your pet. I know this guy, he lives next door, with a rat. The rat weighs over 6 lbs. It looks like a small cat. I am afraid of him. He always looks at me like he would love to bite me. I think he's jealous because his owner and I are so close. He has his own room. Its filled with hay. The landlord of his building went nuts when he found out. He had removed brand new carpet to replace it with hay. I think he's a little overboard. I think he's a little mentally challenged. He takes in all kinds of things. He cant even afford to feed himself. I try to help him. I am a little afraid because I dont know if the guy takes his meds or what. I do what I can. I heard the landlord was going to call the board of health. I hope it all works out. The animals love him.. Everybody needs someone or something dl.
@pradeepchalmani (553)
• India
26 Aug 08
MY ruby is so special to first of all it is special its presence makes the environment special but it is not their now i think i heaven is special now.
@dloveli (4366)
• United States
26 Aug 08
You and Ruby seem to be made for each other. I am glad that I have my pets. I talk to them alot. I would die if they started talking back. IF Sidney, my parrot, talked I would be pleased. He knows how to say a few things. I think he likes the idea of me wanting him to do something and holding out. He likes to see me beg. lol dl