How do you feel about dating someone with kid?

@apples99 (6556)
United States
August 25, 2008 5:46pm CST
Hey, friends i dont have kids yet, and iv never dated someone with kids becuse its a lot to handle, i prefer dating a someone with no kids because theres to many factors to consider when you date someone with kids, for example what if there kids dont like you or there badly behaved i know people who have dated someone with children's and from what they describe its kind of like being a mother, but anyway i guess i might reconsider dating someone with kids if i met someone that i was really compatible with and he hand most of the qualities i look for, but what do you all think about dating a person with kids?
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19 responses
@Bluepatch (2476)
• Trinidad And Tobago
26 Aug 08
I guess its up to you. Some people have no problem with this and others do. I personally would not mind if I really liked my date. Why should a kid or kids spoil something I like ? Besides, I could easily have kids too. How would it affect others if you did ?
@apples99 (6556)
• United States
26 Aug 08
you have a good point except what if the kids dont like your or there mean or rude.
• United States
26 Aug 08
lol @ this discussion's topic ... i havent been date a kid .. lol and i dont want to ... loool
@apples99 (6556)
• United States
26 Aug 08
I think you may have miss understood me a little the topic is would you date a person who already has chilldren.
@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
26 Aug 08
Sure. Why? Because I actually really love kids and it doesn't bother me to date a single parent. I suppose it would be like becoming a potential parent, since you'd mix into eachother's lives and see how it goes... Though I won't be ready to even think about being a parent for many years's always good to jump out of your depth and see what happens.
@apples99 (6556)
• United States
26 Aug 08
I love kids to, but dating someone who already has kids is a lot to deal with you not only have to get to no the person your dating but you have to get to know there kids to, and you have to consider the fact that the kids may dislike you, or the kids may feel like your trying to replace the biological parent, iv known people who have dated someone with kids its defiantly not like the Brady bunch lol but good for you if you can handle it.
@n30wing (4767)
• Philippines
26 Aug 08
My gf has 2 daughters but it did not bother me at all caused maybe I really do like her from the start and loving her each passing day. Well when I finally dated her I got to know her children and really be like a friend they were 13 and 14 years old. I really like her family and she's that open to them so their wont be any problems at all. I was so amazed with her how she handles everything and how her 2 daughters are so behaved, and love their mother so much and really proud of her even she's a single mom. Now it's like I am part of the family I usually ask them any problem,did they arrived home, it's just knowing her first and the children before you conclude. It's your intentions is it good or bad. That counts a lot being you. Have a nice day!
@celticeagle (164045)
• Boise, Idaho
26 Aug 08
a person with children? Alot of variables here.Is this person still seeming to have some kind of relationship with the x. Does the child have emotional problems? Is there going to more children if you two get together? Can you afford it? If you really care for the person these questions have to be asked. Dating a person with kids carries with it alot of variables.
@apples99 (6556)
• United States
26 Aug 08
I agree theres a lot of things to consider when dating someone with kids like what if the kids dont like you or there badly behaved and like you said what if you decide to have more kids, and yes there financial issues to think about theres also discipline issues, you definitely a good point.
@Humbug25 (12540)
25 Aug 08
Hey there apples99 Well I guess I shouldn't really comment because I have kids but I would totally understand if someone didn't want to date me if they didn't have kids themselves. It is alot of responsibility taking on someone elses kids and it is not an easy road to take. I certainly wouldn't mind if I found a guy who had kids then we would be like the brady bunch!!
@apples99 (6556)
• United States
25 Aug 08
Hi, humbug, yes you definitely have a point there.
• United States
26 Aug 08
I have never dated anyone with children, but if I am in love with someone and they have children, then I would learn to get along with the children.
@bindishah (2062)
• India
26 Aug 08
Well, I believe dating someone with kids would be a very difficult thing for me. Simply for the fact, that the relationship could have a very big impact on the kids involved. I would nto want to be a part of some child's life only to be gone in a few days. I would have to be very careful that Im there for good if I want to start dating someone with kids. Children are very impressionable and non-serious relationships can have a serious negative role in their growing up. So I guess it would be a very delicate situation which at this moment I would rather not need in my life.
• Philippines
26 Aug 08
For me it's ok as long as he is not committed with his wife anymore. I love kids and I would enjoy being around them.
@Gesusdid (1676)
• United States
26 Aug 08
its not that much of a problem , however i wouldnt date someone with 2+ or more kids i dont see how some guys can do it and have a relationship like that but hey to each is own , and then again if you want to pursue on the relationship with the person you have to accept their kids ..
@kezabelle (2974)
26 Aug 08
I think it takes a truely unselfish and understanding person to date someone who has children, to understand and take on board that they often will come second to the child/ren. so no not everyone can handle that
@hanirose (307)
• Philippines
26 Aug 08
the more important question should be how do you feel about that somebody? cause if you really like him/her or even love that person for that matter then no matter what situation they are in or no matter who they are you'd still feel the same.. liking them or loving them they way they are. I believe that's what really matters.
@iyah10 (4115)
• Kuwait
26 Aug 08
In this life that we have meeting someone with kids is already a very normal way like my wife and I both have a kids but we are still together and Kids is already a package deal if you really love the person the person around him.her you will also learn to love without condition......
• United States
26 Aug 08
I know how you feel. I am married to a guy that has two kids, when we first got together the ex created a lot of problems out of jealousy. Thats the one and only problem i encountered. i say give him a are blessings, and usually mean hes responsible. if you were him, and you had kids, would you want to ever date someone again in your life? how would you feel if everyone rejected you just because you had a kid? kinda not fair, your not looking at him like a person. i dunno.
@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
26 Aug 08
I wouldn't mind dating someone with kids if they don't have the kids all the time. I just need time away from kids myself. But I do like kids as long as they aren't babies and actually, it would be rather convenient if they already had kids because then we wouldn't have to worry about who would have the kids or if we wanted any. They'd just already be there and I wouldn't have to give birth to any myself.
@roniroxas (10560)
• Philippines
26 Aug 08
i am a single mom... and thats the reason why i am not in to dating for i know it will be complicated. not for my children but for the person who will date me. liking a person with children is fine but i know it is complicated. just like how you explained. maybe there will be no problem with my children but there will be problem with the person's relatives...or family. me too on the other side dont like to date someone with children. i have children already liking someone with children too will be more complicated.... just my views.
@dhangski (3194)
• Philippines
26 Aug 08
It doesn't really matter if the man that I would be dating with has kids or none. As long as he's not married to the mom. As what I've experienced, I've dated a man with a kid. And it ended up to us getting married. I didn't mind at that time of his past, what matters is the present and the future. And the most important thing is love and trust with each other. HUGZ!
@4aps777 (1528)
• United States
25 Aug 08
i feel like if i was sinle and found someone i like,i belieave kids comes with the package,
• United States
26 Aug 08
I am the mother of 3 step mother of 1. Please give this some serious consideration.. If a man has kids, there is a woman somewhere that is the mother of those kids. This woman will be able to inflict misery concerning two of the things that he holds most dear- his child-- his money! She will most likey derive great pleasure in this. Now, I love my husband and I adore my step son. Mind you, we have custody! However, that woman is the devil. No matter how bad she is, she will always be the childs mother. No matter that I am the one that takes care of him when he is sick and remembers the tooth fairy and she never even gets him anyting for his birthday or calls him except to fight with my husband or put me down. I am quite sure that not all X's with kids are as bad as her...However you really should atleast take it into account and if you do not feel you could handle that-- Don't go there. On the flipside, men with kids are often loving, settled and have most likely been "broken in" for a steady relationship. Good luck!