By rainbow
@rainbow (6761)
15 responses
@suedarr (2382)
• Canada
16 Jan 07
Currently I do not have any problems with our neighbours. We live in a very family oriented community and people are fairly respectful of each other around here.
Years ago I did have a problem with one neighbour who was very inconsiderate, having loud parties through the week when everyone else had to go to work, not picking up after his dog etc. We actually ended up moving because of it.
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@rainbow (6761)
16 Jan 07
I think the problem now is that although at the moment they are not too bad I have decided that there is no way I will move. Because my mortgage is really small now I am not willing to take on a lot of debt to get away from them, maybe I would feel differently if I found a property locally I really want to live in. Then I might be able to rent my bungalow out aswell, but I'm too stubborn to let her think she's pushed me out with her bullying.
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@pebbles_cubbie (3789)
• United States
12 Jan 07
i really dont. i live in a small apartment building and there are about 8 people living in the building. They are all pretty nice except for the one upstairs and he plays music loud real late at night sometimes and he stays to himself most of the time. so i can't say that i have problems with my neighbours at the moment.
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@shywolf (4514)
• United States
7 Jan 07
Not really. We do have kids in the neighboorhood more than ever these past few years who frustrate me by running around in our yard. When I was a kid I wouldn't have played in someone else's yard without their permission! *laugh* I suppose there is no real harm done, but it still seems a bit rude to me to run around in someone's yard when you don't even know them and have never spoken to them either.
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@rainbow (6761)
7 Jan 07
I know what you mean, I would never have thought of doing something like that and definately wouldn't allow my kids to do it.
My neighbour has planned an extesion which he informs me includes removing my back chimney - it's on his plans apparently? I don't think that's going to happen somehow (evil giggles)
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@manzarules (38)
• Pakistan
14 Feb 07
No, I do not have any problems with my neighbours living around my house. Good neighbours are really a blessing and disturbing neighbours are unaffordable.
I am happy that the people living in my neighbourhood are really impressive. We all take care of one another very much. We do not have any problem with one another rather if there is a general problem, we all combine to solve it. There can be different problems related to the street, senetation, maintainance etc and other problem of the locality, all are solved mutually.
I pray, all people get good and noble neighbours like me.
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@manzarules (38)
• Pakistan
14 Feb 07
Where they have gone? Wherever they might have gone, now you have got new neighbours. And you are not satisfied with them. It is not good. You people must find some ways for a better living mutually. There will be some good qualities in them also and you have to find these. You have to change yourself a little bit and soon you will be living with them happily.
Try it and inform me about the good news about your neighbours. I will wait for you.
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@ossie16d (11821)
• Australia
21 Jan 07
Actually I don't really have any close neighbours living out in the country, but the nearest ones are quite good really. When we go away, they will keep an eye on the place and if they see a strange vehicle here or lights on when they know we are away, they will quickly get here although they do live a couple of kms away as the crow flies.
However when we had our farm, despite the fact that the nearest neighbours on the same side of the road as us was some distance away, he was the neighbour from hell. He took every opportunity to make life as miserable as possible for everyone in the district. He was one good reason that I was happy to leave the district when we sold our farm.
The old saying "you can pick your friends but not your neighbours" is so true because had we known what he was like, we would never have bought that particular farm. :)
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@rainbow (6761)
21 Jan 07
I'm glad you have better neighbours now, bad ones can be such a pain. My neighbours are all lovely except the ones joined on, they have been there 3 years now and I just keep hoping that they will move back to Yorkshire where they came from. They have caused so much trouble in our lane to the extent that no-one talks to them unless they are trying to get away from the constant litany of how awful we all are.
Yesterday Shrek was getting abues from him because the fence between us and our other side neighbour had blown down in the wind because apparently we are cr*p, if it had landed on his kids rabbit hutch then ok but it wasn't even properly detached, they really start to make you laugh after a while, but I'm tough and will not move for people like them.
It is so bad that the landlords of the property at the other side of them cannot even get a tennant in there, how unfair is that, and youe you can tell why the people there are renting it out.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
19 Jan 07
Yes I have one nosy Neighbour next Door who always talks about everyone and if he can't find out what is going on in your House he makes things up
My Son is getting very angry with him and I am more then getting angry with him but I bite my Tongue and just think yes ok if you say so
@rainbow (6761)
19 Jan 07
Poor Gabs! Try to hink of it like this :- he probably has nothing better to do and should be pitied, I always think that gossips do this because their own lives are so dull that they don't know what to talk about. I try never to gossip with my neighbours especially about other neighbours. I am just friendly and polite to all of them, except my joined on neighbour of course. I have to ignor them as they are too abusive so I try to pretend I don't even see them.
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@rusty2rusty (6763)
• Defiance, Ohio
14 Feb 07
Great discussion.
No, I don't have any problems with my current neighbors. But last year I did have two troublesome neighbors. Luckily for us they both moved out of the neighborhood.
One neighbor would trash his yard and surronding area. Than a call code enforcement to report a messy yard. The code enforcement would come and fine the owner fot he property. Eventually he was kicked out.
Another neighbor was mad that the landlord who kept her place in top condition was upping her rent. She went and bad mouth this landlord to all the surronding neighbors she could before she moved. She also was nosey and always calling the cops on people for silly reasons.
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@rainbow (6761)
14 Feb 07
I'm glad your neighbours have changed and improved! allmy others are ok, well one side dosen't look after their orchard which means my home gets full of huge wasps but the other side are jst awful, drinking screaming abuse, hammering on the wall when I hoover etc.
You are so lucky that you now have peace
@snowflake5 (1579)
• United States
23 Dec 06
I used to have a problem with my neighbours using my bins. But I had a word with them and they stopped.
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@Sheeniepie (873)
• Philippines
21 Jan 07
hi there rainbow! ^_^
well i do have some problems with my neighbor's, still. They would just piss you off but the thing is that you would have to control your anger and temper at the same time to avoid untoward circumstances...
before when we were still little, we didnt have that much neighbor because the other houses usually stands few blocks away.. the place is still peaceful that's because it's a subdivision and of course you should just get the privacy that you deserve isnt it...but then more thatn 10 years after, it was totally different! there's a lot of squatter's few blocks away from us, the subdivision was mismanaged at the same time.... the place is just noisy especially during the day, with tons of kids around, saying bad things at each other, fighting, screaming... and vehicles that keeps on blocking your driveway all the time, no matter how often you used to remind them that they weren't supposed to block our way!! haayyyyy there's still a lot... i guess this space is not enough, well just have to stop this because im getting to be pissed of again.....
thanks a lot ^_^
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@rainbow (6761)
21 Jan 07
I hope you enjoyed your litte rant, I certainly did. Ihave decided if I ever move I want a detached residence in the country where the nearest neighbours house is only just in sight across lots of fields at closest.
Actully if I could find a nice cave with an allotment, goats and roses round the entrance I could quite happily never even realise I hadn't seen anyone for months. Of a wooden hut in the woods, lol
As long as I have electric and a phone line I'd be fine. I wouldn't want to loose all my online pals.
@xXmeganxX (4420)
20 Jan 07
my neighbours are brilliant, i couldn't ask for nicer ones to be honest, i get on very well with some of them but some i don't know so i just don't bother with them, the only problem is is the actual neighbourhood/area i live in at the moment, it's badly rough.
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@hopeful28 (1439)
• Singapore
19 Jan 07
Oh yes I do! I live in a 12-storey apartment and on the 11th floor there live this group of guys in their late teens to early twenties. My main grouse about them is that they make alot of noise after midnite, sometimes even up to 4 to 5 am in the morning. This is really disrupting to my sleep and also they talk so loudly and uses vulgar words in almost every sentence. I hope that other neighbours will talk to them and advise them to tone down.
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@rainbow (6761)
19 Jan 07
The really sad thing is that they probably don't realise how many people they are upsetting. This kind of behaviour while fun for them unmeaningly distrupts a lot of other peoples lives. I hope soemone contacts them about their lifestyles effects on you all. Could someone perhaps contact their landlord?
I hope this does not carry on for a long time as it can be very upsetting especially when you feel tired because of it.
@cabergren (1181)
• United States
4 Feb 07
No I don't and feel very lucky. I have horror stories about bad neighbors. When we first moved into our house one of the neighbors had teenage boys who played their music very loud but they moved shortly after we moved in. We live in a court and all the people around us are very nice and quiet.
@freeeesssss (721)
• India
22 Dec 06
Some of them are reallu cultureless .. dats Y am tryin to move away frm this place