May I Please Have Your Prayers???

@LadyMarissa (12148)
United States
August 26, 2008 12:35pm CST
My Mom has gotten to the point she can no longer walk. She is having paranoid delusions & thinks everybody is out to kill her (including my Dad). Her doctor has put her in the hospital for tests. Reality is telling me she will never be back home as the next step will be a nursing home. I am feeling just a little helpless today. All I am asking for is a prayer from every member of myLot. Prayer is better than pills. 140,000 prayers could create a miracle!!! Will you please help me???
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71 responses
@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
26 Aug 08
Count me in! I'll say a word to the spirits for you! I really hope she gets better!
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@tyc415 (5706)
• United States
26 Aug 08
Wow, 65 years is a long time. I can imagine the hurt your dad does feel even though he knows she don't know what she is saying.
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• United States
26 Aug 08
Oh honey, that's just the saddest thing ever. And your poor dad!! Even though he knows where it's coming from, it's still got to be intensely painful to hear that coming from her! Bless his heart. I'm so sorry. I'm just so so sorry. Do call on me, ok, any time you'd like. I'll be here for you, LadyM. xx
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@nanciem (1105)
• United States
27 Aug 08
Hi Lady, every night when we pray you and your family will be included! Even my lil boy will pray for your family! It's a very rough time, but if you don't mind me saying this, your dad KNOWS that "is not your mom"; he know what is going on, he has to. That is the love of his life beside his children. My heart goes out to you and your family, stay strong, but cry when you need to! Biggest HUGS, and Love and Prayers to you! MUUUAH
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@Chevee (5905)
• United States
26 Aug 08
I will be praying for your mother, I pray that things will get better and she will be healed of these delusions she is going through and will be able to come back home to you and your dad. Give us an up date on her progress.
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
26 Aug 08
Thank you sooooo much!!!
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@Ldyjarhead (10233)
• United States
26 Aug 08
Watching your parents get older isn't an easy thing, for sure. Lifting you and your family in prayer right now.
2 people like this
• United States
26 Aug 08
You are right it is one of the worst things to watch your love ones grow older , or sick .
@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
26 Aug 08
Both my parents have been extremely healthy to be in their mid 80s. Guess I just got spoiled!!! Yes, it is very hard to watch!!!
1 person likes this
• United States
26 Aug 08
I am so sorry to hear that your family is going through this rough time. I will keep your mom in my prayers as well as you and your family. Just keep your faith and know that everything happens for a reason even if we never know what that reason is. My heart goes out to you and your family may God bless you all.
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• United States
27 Aug 08
I will most certainly pray for your entire family and put you on our prayer circle as I know from personal experience that prayer does work but in God's time not ours but we also must keep our faith strong. It is very difficult when God doesn't see it in his plan to come thru with what we ask and desire but he always has a reason on down the road. It is hard for us to understand at times and I'm still trying to come to a understanding on a situation in my own family why God has taken away all my loved ones but they are only loaned to us for a short time and then God wants his angels back home. So I must accept it and be thankful for my children and husband that I have and for the short time I did have my parents & loving uncle. God Bless all of his children as one day I will see them again when he calls me home. Trust in him and you will be ok.
@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
28 Aug 08
I have ALL the faith in the world. He chose to take my hubby last year. A man it took me 50 years to find. If that did not shake my faith, I believe I am stronger than I feel part of the time. Thank you for your prayers & thoughts!!!
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
26 Aug 08
Thank you sooooo much for your kind words!!! I am not questioning God's judgment & this will NOT shake my faith. I just do believe that prayer can bring miracles!!!
2 people like this
• United States
26 Aug 08
Yes my fiend i will pray for her and you as well.You are right pray is the best medicine.You take care.
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
26 Aug 08
Thank you mommamusic. Just knowing that all my friends are praying for her recovery has prought me a little peace.
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• United States
19 Sep 08
This request got a lot of response and, on a public library computer I haven't got time to read through them, but you can count on me and Louise. When her mom first started dialysis she went through several periods of paranoia. Most seemed to be brought on by reactions to the medications they were trying on her. You have my sympathy and my prayers. if it helps any you should know that Ms Vi is doing quite well now and after figuring out which things messed her up she has been quite normal for several years.
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@howard96h (11640)
• New York, New York
26 Aug 08
I will keep your mom in my prayers, please tell me her first name. Stay strong Lady M. I am also lighting a candle for her.
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
26 Aug 08
Thank you Howard. Her name is RoseAlice. She doesn't like being called Rose. Your prayers are greatly appreciated.
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@tyc415 (5706)
• United States
26 Aug 08
Oh no LadyMarissa, I am so sorry to hear about your mother. It is never easy to see a parent ill in any way. I agree with you about the power of prayer and also of positive thinking. You and your entire family will be remembered for sure. Take care of yourself.
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
26 Aug 08
Thank you again!!!
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@gtdonna (1738)
27 Aug 08
I said a prayers for you today and your Mom and family and I know God has heard, I felt the answer in my heart even though He didn't said a word. May the great Physician be ever near your Mom, you and your family at this time.
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• France
27 Aug 08
I will pray also for your mum and your family,may god help you at this painful time in your life. There is a lot of people praying i know jesus will answers our prayer, god bless you
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
28 Aug 08
Thank you BOTH for your prayers & kind words!!!
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@schulzie (4061)
• United States
28 Aug 08
I'm sorry Marissa! I know how you feel - my mother has Dementia and is in a nursing home now for 1 year. May God bless you and your family and give you and your father the strength that you need in this situation. May the Lord bless your mother and ease her pain so that she may not suffer. Amen. I wish only the best for you and your family. I know it is a very stressful and hurtful time. The thing that helped me was that I know my mother is getting help around the clock and there are nurses and doctors there in case something happens. She fell and broke her hips twice in the past 2 years. And had completely lost her mind. I will pray for you.
@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
28 Aug 08
Thank you for your prayer schulzie. Keeping her from trying to walk has been our greatest challenge. She keeps forgetting that she can't. God has blessed us by not allowing her to break anything as yet!!! A good friend of mine's Mother-In-Law has Dementia & is being treated with meds & has come back completely as long as she stays on the meds. I remember the name of the meds starts with an "A" & have emailed her asking her to send me the name
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
28 Aug 08
My friend just called. The med is Aricept. I like to think the doc has thought about this. However, I've learned to ask the simple questions. Several had suggested she might have an UTI. He had not thought to check that until I asked. Sure enough, she has an UTI. It would be a wonderful blessing if this was what was causing her confusion. My next question to the doc will be What about Aricept?
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@novataylor (6570)
• United States
26 Aug 08
Oh honey, you can definitely have my prayers!! I'm so sorry about your mom. It's so sad to see that sort of thing happen, and I know how helpless you must feel, and how frustrated and sad and angry too. The situation sucks and there's nothing that you can do about it. BUt you're right - prayer does help and just think - all those collective prayers could definitely make a difference for your mom, I truly believe that. So I will add my prayers to the rest of them, happily. Listen, I've seen a lot of loss in my life and I know how it feels to go through it. I still have my mom, thank god, and she's in pretty good shape for 79, still has all her marbles, but she's delicate, very delicate. I worry about her all the time. But, what I wanted to say here is this: Since I do have experience with this sort of thing, and since I'm very empathetic, and since I like you as much as I do, I want to extend an invitation to you to call on me to talk, to vent, to b!itch, to cry, to do whatever you feel or need to do at the moment. PM me and I'll give you my e-mail address. Also - I have free long distance, so if you'd like, you can give me your number and I'll call you and we can talk voice to voice. I'd be happy to be there for you, darlin. Very much so. xx
1 person likes this
• United States
26 Aug 08
You're more welcome than I can even say, LadyM. For that doctor to come to you and say that is definitely not what I'd call cool. So how about this? Tell him that. Tell him that you want to hear it straight and that you don't want metaphor or sugar coating. That'll shake him up a little, and maybe he'll show you a little more respect and be slightly more thoughtful. They're used to people just nodding their heads at everything they say and blindly following what they're given. So let him know you're not one of those people. Now, it's entirely plausible that you've already done this, considering your personality. But maybe you've just been too overwhelmed to even think of it too, so I thought I'd put it out there. I understand what you're saying about the 4 weeks seeming like overnight and I have not a doubt in the world that they did. 4 weeks is nothing. Time flies like crazy, so what's 4 friggin weeks? This is such a nightmare for you and I so wish I could help you. What I can do though is what you asked of all of us. And I have. And I will again. Sweet baby, let me know if I can do anything. Anything. xxx
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
18 Sep 08
Lady M - your prayers could not be in better hands than our Nova!
@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
26 Aug 08
Thank you sweetie. I've heard since I first started that you take care of everybody on the lot. They were supposed to do a CAT scan today to check for cancer. I'm back to waiting on that dayum doctor to remind me she is just getting old. I'll be in touch with you soon. Thank you for your prayers also!!!
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
26 Aug 08
Of course. You and your Mom have my prayers and the rest of your family to. Do take lots of care. I'm thinking of you. XX
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
26 Aug 08
Thank you P1key. I just assumed I'd have your prayers once you had a second to check online.
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@sudalunts (5523)
• United States
26 Aug 08
Consider it done. Prayer in numbers does work. I hope your mother will be better. I had an Aunt like that, my father's sister. I think she may have been in the house for over twenty years. She thought people were out to get her as well. She lived in an apartment building, and when she took her trash to the incenerator, she would look both ways to make sure noone else was in the hall. Her daughter and ex husband did all of her shopping and laundry and took care of her bills. What a way to live. Hope everything works out for your family.
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
26 Aug 08
Yes prayer in numbers can create a miracle. I have seen it done. I'm just NOT ready to give up just yet. Even though the doctor says he has no clue what to do next. He checked her brain for cancer & determined there is NO brain cancer. These tests are to check her chest & stomach for cancer. He says he doesn't expect to find any cancer there but he wants to know for sure.
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• United States
26 Aug 08
Oh Marissa I will! I pray that you and your family will have peace in your hearts at this time. To comfort you and your family. If it is your that she will be healed! I ask this in the Name of Jesus. Amen! Just remember God loves her too!
@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
26 Aug 08
I know He does Louise. She has always been a kind & loving Christian. Never one to judge another's actions. If anyone did something she saw as a sin, she prayed for them & put it in God's hands. Thank you for the prayer. It means so much!!!
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@Shaun72 (15959)
• Palatka, Florida
27 Aug 08
I am really sorry about your mother I will keep her in my prayers. I am so sorry that this is happing and I hope that the doctors at the hospital that she is in can figure out what is going on.
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
28 Aug 08
From your mouth to God's ears. Thank you for your prayers!!!
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@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
28 Aug 08
Don't give up - there could be a physical explanation for the delusions and medication can do wonders. SHe may fool you.
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
28 Aug 08
That is why I can't give up. She is down, but NOT down for the count. We are a family made up of [i]"we REFUSE to give up til the fat lady sings!!!"[/i]
1 person likes this
• United States
26 Aug 08
That is so sad. I've had a little bit of experience with this with my dad. It is one of the most heartbreaking things to live through for everyone involved. You and your family have my very best wishes.
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
26 Aug 08
Thank you for your thoughts. This came on so fast it was somewhat shocking. She has been healthy for 83 years & basically overnight all her parts broke. I know 4 weeks doesn't sound like overnight. But I'd leave her one day with a seemingly small problem to wake up to a major problem the next morning. I'm getting to where I hate going to sleep just wondering what I'll wake up to the next morning.
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• United States
27 Aug 08
That does seem a bit fast. Makes me wonder. Has her doctor done any tests for liver function on her lately? If she is on medications and her liver function is down she may be overdosing on something. Which would explain a quick onset and quick progression. I'm not a doctor or anything but I know how medications affected my dad when he first got sick and it was his liver that was the problem. I'd hate to see your mom go through that because of something that could be easily fixed by reducing dosages or changing meds. Might be something to bring up to her doctor and see what he says. Again, I wish you all the very best.
@mummymo (23706)
29 Aug 08
Sweet Lady m I am so sorry it has taken me so long to get to your discussion! I already have you and your Mom in my prayers and I am going to keep it that way! Hugs, love and prayers! xxx
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
30 Aug 08
Thank you Mo!!! I know you have your own set of medical problems so I understand. I do appreciate your prayers!!! It has been a long week. The doc seems to think he's honing in on the problem but still doesn't have an answer. It is so frustrating!!! And I'm getting exhausted.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
27 Aug 08
Dear LadyM - my grandmother went like this. It was heartbreaking for everyone, especially my grandfather. She had been such a lady all her life and then suddenly she got violent, paranoid and verbally abusive - although grandpa was rather proud she could finally swear like a sailor! lol - I don't mean to make light of your mom's situation, but just thought you could use a giggle sweets. Of course, it goes without saying that I will have you and your mom and everyone who loves you both in my heart and prayers. Keep me updated by email ok? Hugs.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
18 Sep 08
You are more than welcome. And thanks for BR too. This one means a lot. I know how difficult it is to live with a beloved being ill. Without those moments of humor we would lose our minds - or forget how to laugh completely and that would make US ill. Hugs and much love sweets.
@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
27 Aug 08
OMG, good to see you Sparky. You always seem to know what to say. Yes, I needed a lighthearted moment. I had to laugh even if only for a second. The words coming from her mouth have been priceless. She always swore she didn't even know them. Now I wonder if she hasn't been a closet curser for years. So far she has reserved them for just in front of family. I think my Dad would just lay down & die if she used them in front of our Pastor. Thank you for the loving words & your prayers!!!
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@ydb777 (36)
• United States
28 Aug 08
Father I come to You in agreement with Marissa that her mothers mind will be restored. I pray that this is just a test of their faith. Lord, I pray for healing thoughout her body and that You will make her whole. Devil, release her mind NOW! You have no place there. The only place you belong is under our feet! Release her mind now in the name of Jesus! We do not recieve any negative doctors reports. The only report we need is Yours, Lord and You said that by Your stripes we are healed. She is healed. In Jesus name. Recieve this Marissa and stand on it. Don't get discouraged. Now is the time to use your faith. I know it hurts, but now is the time to praise God even though you don't feel like it. Believe His word and You will see a miracle.
@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
28 Aug 08
I have NOT lost my faith. I know whose hands this is in. Thank you for your kind words of prayer.
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