What is your opinion about Abortion???

August 27, 2008 9:35am CST
Why do you think most of teenagers nowadays were already involve in such things??? Are you in favor of Abortion???
7 responses
• Bangladesh
27 Aug 08
yes, i guess you are right. my girl had to do this twice for my single mistake. but now i don't suppport abortion any more. generally teenagers have to face this problem for their one night mistake. that's really disappointing.
• United States
30 Aug 08
Mistake? Do you believe that using pregnancy is a good way to punish the teenager, or let them face the mistake? I'd rather not use a fetus/baby/whatever as a form of punishment against someone.
• Philippines
27 Aug 08
You're right teenagers do really have to face the consequences of their own mistakes...
@syankee525 (6261)
• United States
30 Aug 08
i am not in favor if it's just because someone get pregant, there other means of protection for sure. i think only time i would be in favor for it, if there is a good chance the baby would have medcail issues with it, and wouldn't be able to live a normal life. and maybe if it has to do with rape.
• Philippines
9 Sep 08
yeah you're definitely right!!!tanx for the respond!
• Australia
27 Aug 08
These days I think too many people use abortions as a contraceptive instead of a last resort. I once had a friend (who I quickly lost respect for and contact with after this experience), who knew that she wanted an abortion from the moment she found out, but decided to wait until the absolute last possible moment legally allowable in order to have the procedure carried out because she loved how big her boobs had become. It makes me sick just thinking about how somebody can do that. There are a small number of reasons that I think abortion is, shall we say, acceptable. One of them is rape and another is putting the mother and childs lives at risk if the pregnancy was carried out to full term. What a touchy subject! Can't wait to see the other responses!
• Philippines
27 Aug 08
Your friend is a total a**hole....she is so disgusting...how could she only think of herself...poor little thing....
@Uroborus (908)
• Canada
27 Aug 08
Asking something like "are you in favor of abortion" is a bit of a loaded question. Most of the people who don't oppose abortion are pro-choice. That means, as in my case, that I personally don't like abortion, but I respect a woman's right to decide where she stands. That means that I don't agree with passing laws that interfere with a woman's right to choose. The question of whether or not someone is in favour of abortion should be a personal one. What bothers me is when people ask it in order to tell others what they must do when it comes to such a personal and spiritual matter.
• Philippines
9 Sep 08
are you saying that I'm just asking this question just to tell others what they must do when it comes to this matter???...kindly read my discussion again please and understand it...gosh!!!
• Sweden
28 Aug 08
I am not favor for abortion,But some people they do that for many kind of reason and i cant blame them.But for me i am not favor with it.Now theres a lot of place or country who is allow abortion.I think it is sin in the GOD when you abort the little angel who dont know the world yet,you do it that he/she cant see the world,Its not nice feeling right to abort the innocent baby from your stomach,So i am really sad about the people doing abortion :=(.I hope they will realized that its not good to abort babies.
• Philippines
9 Sep 08
yeah it's not good...
@rocker21 (2716)
• India
27 Aug 08
Well abortion is a sensitve but a practical thing to be done and not to be done, It depends on both the cases. People get their woman aborted with their babies sometimes because of the differences in the gender of the baby. That kind of an abortion is not good and should be stopped. Aborting a child just coz of their gender is crime. The abortion taken place while on a very first stage and due to some status problems can be allright. Abortion is nice for the rape victims which would let the victims not get the unncesessary responsibility of the baby of some one else. Abortion can be good and bad both, but depends on the situation its used on!
• Philippines
27 Aug 08
I never thought that gender is one of the reasons why abortion is done...How cruel...poor baby...stupid parents!!!
@PRIYANK1992 (1677)
• India
9 Sep 08
No I am not in the favour of abortion because due to abortion the women will going to die.Due to abortion their will be bad give effect to the women.