Do you feel angry when your prayers go unanswered?
@lordwarwizard (35747)
August 27, 2008 11:48am CST
It has been long but what meaning has a wait if time is meaningless and souls are immortal?
I start this discussion with a heavy heart for much as I seek, much is denied. Do you pray? I am sure you do. Those who don't pray are probably in the minority. And if you have ever said something to the tune of "I wish things were better", I would count you in the majority.
What do you do when you pray and nothing happens? Like the lyrics in one of my favorite songs, "When you Believe" by Mariah Carey & Whitney Houston, the lines go "Many nights we pray, with no proof anyone could hear..." Sometimes we shout, scream, plead, beg, bash tables... and nothing. Well, if nothing happens when you pray, then n.o.t.h.i.n.g happens. What you can do is suck thumb and watch the multiverse continue to frolic about you.
Yet do you feel angry when your prayers go unanswered?
You may feel sad, disappointed or even discouraged as time goes by. But do you ever feel angry? I don't want to discuss God in all its variations here. Some say religion is a clutch stick for the weak. Some others say the earlier sentence is blasphemy. Whether you pray to a higher being or rock or ant, praying is a manifestation of you wanting something to happen (or not happen).
But when you do not get what you want (or get what you don't want), is anger one of the emotions you feel? How do you deal with this impotent anger when it threatens to overwhelm you? Do share your thoughts on this or anything else that pops into mind.
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117 responses
@royal52gens (5488)
• United States
27 Aug 08
If you feel your prayers have gone unanswered, then perhaps God has decided it is not yet time for that prayer to be answered. Or maybe you did not ask, you demanded. How you pray might be the problem. For example: "Make me rich by Tuesday" versus "Please help me to find a way to pay my bills". What you pray for and how you pray for it could be something to consider.
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@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
27 Aug 08
The time factor is another discussion all on its own. I used to ask for things in an open-ended manner i.e. without a deadline or I just say "soon please". I find it doesn't seem to work.
So I tried to be more specific. Yea, this Tuesday, next month, in 5 years... fat load of crap that did.
But I like the "find a way" bit, I shall try it tonight. Thanks for the head up.

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@aidenw (632)
• United States
27 Aug 08
i have had many prayers unanswered or to put it differently, got a 'NO' for an answer. yes, i would feel sad, disappointed, discouraged, and confused but i don't think i ever felt angry. to me there are a few things that can help when my prayers are unanswered. first i ask myself if i have done everything i can to make it (whatever it is i want) happen. if not, then i better get to it. if i have, then perhaps God or the universe has something better in store for me. i know this one is hard to accept or believe sometimes but it's better to believe that than the opposite like God doesn't love me, the universe is conspiring against me, or life sucks. i do believe that God only wants the best for us.
the next thing to do is actually very powerful (based on my experience). i would focus on the good things in my life that i'm already experiencing instead of that one (or even a few things) that i don't (yet) have. being grateful and thankful for all the good things i already have will set myself up to receive even more wonderful things. at the very least it takes my mind away form negative thoughts and feelings.
hope i didn't sound preachy
. i'm actually not a very religious person, nor am i a psychologist, just sharing my thoughts. i wish you all the best life has to offer, and have a wonderful day!

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@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
27 Aug 08
Are you talking about specific prayers with a time deadline that has passed? If not, don't rule out the possibility of YES yet. The NO you thought might just be NOT YET.
I "like" your way of thinking. It sure makes one feel better. I like the focusing on things we have and feeling grateful part too. In fact, I have been trying to do that. Every night when I talk with God, I would (oops, sometimes when I remember) thank him for the many things I already have.

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@AmbiePam (96719)
• United States
27 Aug 08
Atually I don't think any of my prayers are unanswered. Because God doesn't always answer my prayers with a 'yes.' Sometimes the answer to my prayers is no, or wait. So I know He hears my prayers, but ultimately I'm going to be a better person if I figure out how to deal with extreme troubles no matter what His answers. So sometimes I think people get the wrong impression. Our prayers are always answered, just the answer isn't always yes. But I do indeed get angry. I'm not going to pretend I don't when things don't turn out my way. I just try to refocus my anger, do what I can do, and I attempt to hand the rest to the Lord. Notice I said attempt. Sometimes I have a hard time letting go. I definitely prefer for my prayers always to be answered according to what I want.
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@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
27 Aug 08
Yes, no, wait again? That is a lot of faith, my friend... I just feel that we don't have many years. If we are lucky, we live to a hundred and 100 is hardly a big number.
I just wish God can communicate more directly with me. He can be nicer for a start. 

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@revdauphinee (5703)
• United States
27 Aug 08
friend our prayers never go unanswered But just as our earthly fathers do not saY YES TO EVERYTHING WE ASK FOR SO IT IS WITH OUR HEAVENLY FATHER!
(SORRY FOR THE CAPS)when Gods answer is no to our request we must remember that even if we don't understand the no it is always in our best interest even if it doesn't seem so at the time!
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@revdauphinee (5703)
• United States
28 Aug 08
its the way i have come to feel cause its proved right in my life
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@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
28 Aug 08
That's a lot of faith, revdauphinee. 

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@relundad (2310)
• United States
27 Aug 08
I am a prayer and a believer in the power of prayer. I never get angry, because I am of the opinion, that when we ask (pray) for something then obviously we seek and answer. As with any question we are subject to good, bad, and/or indifferent answers. The answer could be yes or no, and maybe even not yet! This is the reality of life. We don't always get the answer that we want, but indeed an answer.
Having said that, why would it be any different with prayers? Why do you expect that the answer to EVERYTHING is yes? I expect that when I pray that I enter a partnership with God if you will, to do my part and to obey His will. Therefore if the answer to my prayer, turns out to be other than what I want (NO), then I am okay with that. Normally by the time the answer is given in real life, I already know and as well, I know that NO was the best answer. Thank God!
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@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
27 Aug 08
Hello relundad,
I do believe in the power of prayers too.
You are right that the answer to every prayer might not necessarily be a YES. But we surely hope so... we mortals with insatiable greed.
But hey, to obey His will? But you don't know his will? You've got to get it from the "horse's mouth"! 

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@APPCHEM (113)
• Pakistan
27 Aug 08
when my prayers get unanswered, i feel upset & often start crying that God is not listening to my wishes. but after sometime, all the feelings of distress are gone thinking that it must have happened for a good reason. may be God doesn't want to fulfill my wishes because it must be harmful for me in someway or the other.
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@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
27 Aug 08
Hi Appchem,
That might probably be it too. God quite possibly knows more than us and he might have stopped some wishes from being fulfilled for good reasons.
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@loved1 (5328)
• United States
27 Aug 08
First of all I truly believe God answers all prayer. He says "Yes, No, or Wait". It is really hard to understand when we want a thing so badly and He says no, but you just have to believe that He has reasons for His answer and it is always in our best interest (even though it might not seem like it at the time). God loves us enough to sometimes deny us the things we want, and instead give us the things we need. To answer your original question, yes. I often feel angry when I don't get the answer I want, but I know my prayers are always heard and never unanswered. I hope things get better for you soon! Feel free to PM me if you want to talk or have a specific prayer need.
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@loved1 (5328)
• United States
28 Aug 08
Sometimes God says wait because we are not really ready to hear the answer, or because it is not the right time for our prayer to be answered. For example, when we were living in this little dumpy rental house and I desperately wanted to move to my home town and purchase a home I prayed all the time. We found a house I thought would be absolutely perfect for us. Great location,good price, had everything we needed and only needed some cosmetic repairs. I prayed and prayed for God to give me that house. God said no. I was devestated and could not understand why this happened. About a month later we drove down another street in the same town and my husband said "Gee, I wish there was a house for sale on this pretty street." I said "Good luck with that. The huge gorgeous houses on this street don't ever go up for sale, people just leave them to their children when they die." But lo and behold! There was a great house with a for sale sign in the yard. The price was better, the house was MUCH better, and the location was better. This was the house I truly desired but never thought I could afford or would have the opportunity to buy. I immediately understood why God said no to my prayer. When I said "why?" He said "just wait, you will see.".
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@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
28 Aug 08
@patgalca: You can't be upset with a retarded child (i.e. IQ less than 70) for not understand the college physics you are explaining to him.
In comparison with God, we are just like retarded children. Sure, he keeps telling us things (as you said) and we can't understand it... well, I am retarded. What do you expect?
I have been trying to communicate with my guardian angel/guardian spirit/higher self/totem animal/whatever-fancy-name-itheshe-fancies lately. And I have been trying to be receptive. Nothing! Yea occasionally he keeps making the clocks flash 11:11, 12:12: 2:22, 4:44, etc but everything itheshe does that, I ask itheshe to do more. Itheshe is not trying hard enough and I don't understand what is being said or if it is really itheshe.
Sorry to remind you of your Dad...
Peace and blessings to you too.
@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
28 Aug 08
@loved1: How long is the key. God has eternity, mortals have mortal lifespans. Further, some things get increasingly meaningless as our mortal shells get more frail.
As for your house, wow, it sounds like you are in His good books! 

@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
27 Aug 08
Patience is all we can have, and that good things come to those who wait, and God helps those who try to help themselves and others. That is what I have always been told anyhow. In some cases it works. There isn't not much we can do if our prayers go unanswered itself for to pray harder and have others pray for the same thing to help you. I guess prayer works best in numbers. I do get angry but who are we to demand that someone jump through our hoops for us when we need it we at most times aren't jumping through hoops to help others or ourselves. So why should we expect it ourselves. I don't threaten God or Hate him. He will bide his time but sometimes he comes through just not what and when we expect it in most cases..
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
27 Aug 08
I don't know how long we have to endure. I wish I knew I would put all my prayers up front so by the time i need them they would be We never know from day to day what will be answered and what won't. If is like a roulette wheel gotta take your chances with it.
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@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
27 Aug 08
But my friend, how long a wait must we endure? If we are lucky, you climb onto the pedestal of 100 years old. We wait 20 years? 50 years? 100 years?
I am not sure if God helps those who help themselves but those who help themselves help themselves (a direct tautology). This would be a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy.
Oh well...
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@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
27 Aug 08
No I don't get mad when it seems my prayers aren't answered. Because they do get answered, maybe not always the answer I want. But the answer is always better then what I had hoped for or imagined. I have lots of faith and many times have been at wits end, not knowing what to do. I hand my problems over to my God, and things work out for the best.
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@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
27 Aug 08
Hehe, maybe I should change the discussion question to if your prayers are not answered favorably. 

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@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
27 Aug 08
AH... the unanswered prayers thing.
Myself I take it as a bonus. Meaning if they're answered - and sometimes they are - it's wonderful and I'm happy that they did.
If they're not.. it's like that nothing ventured, nothing gained thing, isn't it? :)
Why would I get angry? You're right, sometimes I might feel sad, disappointed, frustrated, but I have no reason to be angry. I am supposed to help along to get my own "prayers" be answered. If they weren't maybe I didn't work hard enough. Or maybe it was something that wasn't meant to be. No matter how bad I feel about it, I do not get angry.
Ok.... I don't get angry if I don't get what I want... but I do get angry sometimes if instead of getting what I want I get what I don't want - and that has been happening quite a lot in my life LOL
Howe do I deal with it? How can one deal with it? I think that counting backwards - preferably in german in my case because it takes me longer LOL - could help:):)
No, really, I do get angry when I'm wishing/praying for something positive and instead I get something very negative. I have been known to throw pillows against the wall - I tried with breakables once but then had to pick them up and clean the mess so I switched to pillows LOL - but the main solution for me is to just start over and try to make something positive of what I got. It doesn't always work but the energy I spend trying somewhat lessens the anger.
Now... since we're talking about prayers/wishes/wants let me remind you about that saying " be careful of what you wish/pray for... you might get it." In a way I think I have experience the full extent of this wise thought. Sometimes we think we want/ need something. But it's just what we think. Not what we really want/need.
Nice to see you again, my Lord :):):)
@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
27 Aug 08
A bonus, eh? What a novel and great idea! Nice Arkaf.
Well said. 

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@rockydam83 (846)
• Italy
29 Aug 08
I think if we thanks God when we are soo much blessed and happy soo in the same way we have to present our problem in fornt of God almghty when we are in troubles. You asked about to get angry i think geeting angry dosent suits us as human beacuse God almighty holds evrything in his control we can ask him for help for guidelines but cant get angry upon God. How can a servent get angry over his Boss.
Now at the other hand if you are talking about personal attitude for ourselves then this is really soo obvious to get angry when all our prayers go ananswered but this anger is not for God this is for ourself and for some extent for socity or pepols related to us. Whenever i found myself in such situation i always prayer again and again that "Oh My God my all wishes are under your given path nd orders so if you wish for me to stay in such situation then i am happy here"
@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
29 Aug 08
Why not? It's like how an employee is upset over his paycheck. 

@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
31 Aug 08
But I don't know what job God gave me.
Alright, where is God's barber shop? 

@rockydam83 (846)
• Italy
30 Aug 08
Your reward is according to your deeds. Employee knows very well at the time of joining that what he will get if not agreed change the job but whatever job you will do you have to work so same here we dont care for God, his rules, his path we dont follow his given directions and then got angry why God dosent listen to us I have a story for you.
There was a baber he was always saying that God dosent exist because if God really exists then he should care for his creature and there should be no sick pplz, poor pplz or soo much violance and terror in the world. Once a man comes to his shop for hair cut and he start talking about his views. There was another old man outside his shop with soo long uncut hairs and un-disciplined beared. That Man asked the barber why he is in such bad condition barber said i am always avalibale here for such servics but he dont come to me he just roaming around the area, never consulted me so he is in such condition. Man replied soo this means you exist but pplz dont come to you so they suffer. In the same way God exists but when pplz dont consult God dont go for his guidlines they suffer and then they blame God for thier problems. Soo my friend geeting angry over God is not justified.
I am not a religious person my life is full of sins but now i am trying to move on Gods given path and these are my honest thoughts.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
27 Aug 08
When I was younger I was angry that my prayers weren't answered. Looking back, I'm glad they weren't because I wouldn't be where I am today or the person I am. Prayers aren't answered when we wish, if at all, not on our timetable but on His. Like little children, He has to deny us some things or give us what we don't want so that we'll grow according to plan and be happy.
However, God also helps those who help themselves. He gave us a brain for a reason. Rather than ask for things, thank Him for what He has given and try to make things better for yourself. That works for me. I'll pray for others and give thanks for what I have but rarely ask anything for myself.
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@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
27 Aug 08
That's the "trouble", my dragon friend.
HE works by his timetable while we work on OUR timetable. I can't help thinking that he might have forgotten our timetables are much shorter than HIS. By the time we are noticed, it might just be our R.I.P dates.
Like little children? As a child, didn't you like to be loved too? Didn't you always hope to get what you want? 

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@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
27 Aug 08
Lol, I love your inheritance example... but I am past 16! *pout*
You are tough. My hat off you. 

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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
27 Aug 08
Yes, I want things. But would you give your child everything? Would you let him have an inheritance when he was 16 so he'd spend it foolishly before he turned 20? No, you'd make him wait even though he hated you for it, because you love him!
I've had some horrible things happen in my life but I see the reason for them now. I've been denied things to the point of having to live in the desert because I had no home. It was all for the best, looking back. Had I had all my prayers answered I would now be a helpless, dependent woman who would need to have someone around all the time to take care of me.
Well, you'll see in the years to come. Nobody could tell me anything when I was young, either, I was too impatient!

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@cbreeze (1205)
• United States
27 Aug 08
My answer to your question is YES. Yes, I feel angry when I feel my prayers are unanswered. Not all the time, but some times I feel angry. Why wouldn't I? Sometimes I feel angry with GOD. Sometimes I feel angry at myself. Maybe my faith isn't strong enough. I think most people do feel angry even if they won't admit it. It is a natural reaction. If we had the discipline and control not to feel angry, then I believe we also have the discipline and power to make our prayers come true. According to the way I believe, we all have the power to make miracles but we haven't been disciplined enough to evolve to that level. To some people that may not sound "Christian", but it is. The bible says, "Greater works than these will YOU do." So this is true (in my mind) wether you believe in a higher power or call yourself a Christian or whatever. I think anger is counter productive, so I try to quickly bring it under control and analyze what has happened. What was I praying for? Is it really what I wanted or was it just a means to an end? If so, the end result is what I really wanted and that is what I need to pray for.
For example, a job opening came up at work. It is a higher position. I was not only qualified for the job, but I had been back up for the position for 3 years. I applied but someone else was chosen. Of course I was angry. I had prayed for the position when it came open. I went back and analyzed my situation. I wasn't expecting the job to come open so was it what I really wanted. The truth was that I wanted more money and the job would have provided that. I changed my prayer and asked for money. Guess what...I soon got a letter in the mail from the IRS that I had made an error on my taxes and that I would be receiving a check for $2000.
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@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
27 Aug 08
I know what you mean, cbreeze. I had sometimes ranted and cursed God (though I apologized after that and asked for forgiveness for I did something so improper only because it is part of the divine plan or it is the limitation of a helpful mortal that he should lose his temper against the omnipotent divine).
The power to make miracles. I want to believe that too.
Anger is counterproductive. Yes I do believe uncontrolled and undirected rage is impotent. So is sadness, disappointment, etc.
Your last case of getting the tax refund, well, it is up to you to believe if it is the work of God or something that cannot be pinpointed commonly known as coincidence.
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@QuinHaynes (2)
• United States
27 Aug 08
WELL!!! This is a very good thought.
I used to pray and get mad when I THOUGHT that my prayers were not get answered, BUT the whole time I was looking for the answers that I thought I should be getting instead, I was getting answers, I just did WANT the answers that he was giving me. Did I confuse you? I hope not.
Let me try and break it down for you. I was praying for a boyfriend that loved me as much as i would love him, ONLY because I was in a relationship were my boyfriend was cheating on me. To be honest I was praying that he would stop cheating on me and love me the way he should be. The whole time that I was praying my high school sweetheart was coming around out of the blue. This was almost 8 years ago. He would just pop up and say hi. I could NOT stand him and just wanted him to disappear. BUT he would not go away...LOL. I even had him babysitting for me while I was out with my current boyfriend. I was still praying and praying that my current boyfriend get it together. I am saying all this to say that my answer for my prayers was in my FACE the whole time. The high school sweetheart that I could not stand to look at, is now my husband. He was the boyfriend that I wanted and needed to love me.
Try to look at things from a different prospective. Check to see if changes have been made in your life that you have not noticed yet. And try to see if those changes could be your answers... Be Blessed!
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@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
27 Aug 08
Geez QuinHaynes, I got confused.
Regarding your situation, it is a perfectly understandable desire. I hope to find someone one day who loves me as much as I love her (and I want to love her a lot).
And looks like from what you described, your prayer had been answered of sort but you just couldn't see the answer because you were not looking at the right place! Yes, this sometimes happens.
Maybe you didn't phrase your prayers "correctly".
At least for this, I know I phrased my prayers quite clearly so that there could be no mistakes. I am sure it has not popped up. I couldn't possibly miss it.

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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
27 Aug 08
I am one of these people who pray every morning and night. I have a real long talk with God when I have problems and I am so blessed because he always answers.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
28 Aug 08
I know and it kind of scares me because I have not led a perfect life. It really started after I was given 3 hours to live after an accident but instead of dying I was given a second chance.
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@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
28 Aug 08
Scares you? Geez, enjoy the attention and favor!! 

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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
27 Aug 08
As the saying goes - "The Lord works in Mysterious ways." If we were to receive DIRECT and immediate responses to our prayers then it would be way too easy! It all comes down to faith. And even though you may not have an exact cause and effect scenario show itself each and every time you pray, the relationship we develop and the internal strength and knowledge that we gain (irrespective of what God you may pray to or what faith or belief system you may follow) far surpasses the power or achievable results of the prayer being directly answered in my opinion. Everything in life is a test and a challenge. We either accept the challenge and exhibit ongoing faith in ourself and whatever greater power we choose to acknowedge; or we give in and start the blame game. We ARE all that we choose to be and we do eventually attract back all that we put out as well. Allowing ourselves to be angry will only attract more anger.
Even if we believe in NO God at all, we are still able to generate our own outcome if we only believe and in parallel exhibit patience. If all we ever wished for was to instantly appear then how could we possible grow? Your comment regarding the frolicking multiverse is great! We can either refuse to accept that there is anything beyond ourselves and take what comes in silence and disdain; or we can embrace all of life's energy that is around us and frolic also! Just don't ever expect it to be instantaneous!
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
27 Aug 08
Hmmm. God's coinage as you have put it being forgotten is a pretty clear indication of our strength of conviction and our ongoing desire to have to SEE something and TOUCH something for it to be truly considered as real or valid. Yet we accept so many other things willingly and without question. We cannot see gravity unless we throw something up and watch it fall; we cannot see air unless it flows across our face or fills our lungs..... Same principle DOES exist with the acceptance of some higher power; yet although it is all around us many of us for some reason have selective vision and choose not to see! Even the concept of "growing" has been streamlined into a physical or material event according to many. I have enjoyed the exchange so thank you! 

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@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
27 Aug 08
Indeed, it is hard (at least for me) to believe something unless I can "touch" it.
We cannot see gravity unless we throw something up and watch it fall
Indeed we cannot see gravity but we can see, feel and measure its effect. We may not be totally knowledgeable about this mysterious force yet but what evidence we have seem more credible than "faith".
we cannot see air unless it flows across our face or fills our lungs.....
Well, we did have the component molecules and atoms observed in laboratories...
Thank you for your indulgence too, thank you! 

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@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
27 Aug 08
Oh yes James, but sometimes so mysterious that I can't measure the disappointment with my small mortal brain.
Faith is a dirty concept. You can't talk about faith without any prior coinage. Take a general leading his troops to war. The soldiers in his army might have great faith in his leadership because he had secured victory for them in the past 10 successive faith. If the general asks for some faith from the soldiers, I think there is sufficient coinage that the soldiers would believe him.
As for God, well, whatever coinage he has given us has unfortunately been forgetten, erased or what-I-don't-know.
"We ARE all that we choose to be and we do eventually attract back all that we put out as well." I agree this is food for thought. Thank you for sharing.
Grow? But what good is there in growing?

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@zer0charly (5614)
• Philippines
28 Aug 08
No. but of course, I am bit sad if my prayers were unanswered. but I always look into positive side.. maybe what I am praying really isn't for me, and there's something better will happen. or maybe this isn't yet the right time for my prayers.. I don't feel demotivated or discourage to pray.. Lots of us were praying, and maybe God is so confuse on what prayers he'll going to answer.

@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
29 Aug 08
Lol my friend, you always have so many acronyms up your sleeves! 

@4aps777 (1528)
• United States
27 Aug 08
the thing is patience and faith,but now if you are praying for example revenge or someone to get hurt or something sinful,than yes your prayers will be unanswered.what i do is pray for it and leave it to God,i wait in patience,i have always seenmy prayers answer because i belieave God would answer them and i let him answer the prayers by just giving it over to Him and leaving it alone.if you keep worrrying about it,that means you got doubt and inpatience and you dont ALLOW GOD to handle your prayer.hope this helps.
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@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
27 Aug 08
Nah, I am ripe with goodness. I don't pray for bad things to happen to people. In fact, I pray for good things to happen to even bad people. 

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@thebohemianheart (8827)
• United States
27 Aug 08
Sweetie, prayers do not go unanswered. Sometimes, we just don't get the answer we want, so we THINK they are not being answered. Sometimes, we have to be very still within ourselves and listen for the answer we are given, not the one we want.*S*
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@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
27 Aug 08
The one by AmbiePam? Well, read my response... 

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@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
27 Aug 08
What's the use of praying if you don't get what you asked?
You mean meditation? I have tried and tried but can't seem to get anything. 

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@thebohemianheart (8827)
• United States
27 Aug 08
Read the post below mine. I think they stated it much better than I did.*S*
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