Owl.. Sleepless night!

@949011 (99)
August 27, 2008 1:42pm CST
I tried very hard to get some sleep in the night but I still couldn't fall asleep. What should I do? And what do you usually do when you can't get to sleep?
2 responses
• Canada
27 Aug 08
I am not sure if you have tried this before but try a glass of warm milk before going to bed. There is an amino acid in milk called Tryptophan which is a naturally occurring sleep aid. You could try over the counter sleep aids but if this a recurrent problem, do consider getting some medical advice. Don't take any chances. So, are you pretty tired today? Better luck tonight.
@949011 (99)
• Singapore
28 Aug 08
Thank you for your reply. I shall try drinking a cup of milk tonight.
• United States
27 Aug 08
Go to ur local pharmacy an but night nurse. Otherwise u cud try going to ur Doctor and asking for sleeping pills ike valium. If u get these tho be very carefull. Only take 1 quarter and do not take them more than 2 nights in a row as they r highly addictive
@949011 (99)
• Singapore
28 Aug 08
Night nurse? I think i will just try out their medication there. But anyway I will try to drink some milk before sleeping and see whether it really helps