500th POSTS!!! So ExCiTeD!

August 28, 2008 9:48am CST
finally, i think i have reached my 500th posts! Can't believe i'll get this far! feels so great that after waiting so long and working hard on it, i finally reached it! hahaha well, of course i won't stop here... let me think of my next goal here... maybe reaching the payout amount every month is a good goal next to reaching my 500th posts! anyway good luck to us guys! happy mylotting!
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4 responses
@xplp211 (253)
• China
28 Aug 08
Congratulations and well done! You have make a great work! It must be a very happy time for you to reach your goal! I should also set a goal for myself....... Too hard. lol I'd like to set my goal as payout every month, but I know I can't reach that. So I think I'd better keep my relaxed state to enjoy myLotting. Happy day for all of us!
• Philippines
28 Aug 08
thanks a lot! it was really fun and enjoying here. nice spirit of yours. that's right, we should just relax and enjoy mylot! good luck to you too! happy posting!
@rup011 (725)
• Germany
28 Aug 08
Congratulations!! I know the importance of reaching 500 posts. I have not reached there till now. I am only at 300 and have to write more 200. So its really far from my reach. But I am really happy for you. Continue with your hard work and efforts and soon you will reach 1000. Wish you good luck with your posting and have a fun time in Mylot.
• Philippines
28 Aug 08
thanks a lot! you can do it too! just let yourself enjoy much of your stay here you'll soon notice your almost getting there on your goal. good luck! see ya around!
@navonly (901)
• India
28 Aug 08
Hey! thats the nice spirit. Congratulationis first of all, for reaching this mile stone. Its really good to reach that mark of 500, Earlier me too reached that mark with my another account, but don't know why my 280 discussions were taken away from 517, and arround $12.00 were deducted from my total earning. Hence I just closed that account and begin with new one. I wish, no one goes through such kind of issue again on mylot. Take care dear friend.
• Philippines
28 Aug 08
im sorry to what happen on your account. i wish it won't happen to me. anyway thanks a lot. take care also! happy mylotting!
@rina312 (296)
28 Aug 08
Congratulations.. i am new here in mylot.. so how long did it take for you to reach till 500 posts?
• Philippines
28 Aug 08
well, it took months before i reached it. i had been inactive for a couple of weeks because of eye disease. but glad finally made i this time. good luck to you. you still got a long way. but you can do it! happy mylotting!