Big Brother 10: The new HOH for week of August 28th...Cortjo Report
By cortjo73
@cortjo73 (6498)
United States
August 28, 2008 11:27pm CST
So, this was not easy to find but, I found it. I figured by the way that the remaining HGs were talking on BBAD that they had played the week's HOH comp and someone had won and, I had an idea, based on what they were saying, who it was. BBAD didn't give an actual clue with the scrolly thing at the bottom of the screen in the beginning and after each commercial break. But, my trusty did not fail me! I know who won. If you don't want to know, don't read any further. If you my guest.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Ugh! That sucks! But, we all know that someone else has to go this week and that, eventually, it will be down to 2 people.
So, I have nearly no doubt that it will be Dan and Memphis on the block. But, since he and Renny like to put one another up on the block, and, Memphis has not put Jerry on the block as yet since he has never been HOH, it could be Renny and Dan.
Jerry is pretty much in an alliance of his own at this point so, I don't see him having much more time left in the BB house. But, he is HOH this week now.
Who do you think he will be putting up?
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13 responses
@nicholejade (2430)
• Canada
29 Aug 08
WOW that is sure a shocker to say the least. I guess it won't be Keesha, Dan, Renny and Memphis in the final 4 as they planned. Looks like Jerry wanted it more than the others did. However it does give him safety this week and guarentee into the final 4.
I really don't know who he will put on the block. Memphis has never put him up there but Memphis and Jerry also had that huge blowup. Dan as well had a huge blowup with Jerry not only that Dan put him up on the block. However so did Keesha. I am thinking that he just might keep Keesha and Renny a little leeway this week. But I could be wrong. Should be intresting to say the least.
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
29 Aug 08
I know! My hubby was saying last night, during the live eviction show, that if he were in the house, it would be a hard decision of which one between Ollie and Jerry to vote out for him because, Ollie hasn't won anything but, Jerry has proven himself in competitions and came so close to winning that first HOH last night against Keesha. He had a feeling that the rest of the HGs might end up regretting getting rid of Ollie over Jerry. Looks like he might have been right. But, you never know. Ollie might have won the second HOH last night if Jerry was evicted so, I guess the HGs will never know.
I haven't been able to gauge who Jerry intends to put up based on the live feed updates. But, he doesn't really have anyone to confide in right now so, unless he starts talking to the enemies, I don't think we'll get a good idea of which way he is swaying until he actually names his noms today.
@nicholejade (2430)
• Canada
29 Aug 08
It was close to say the least. Good thing Keesha won it. But now since Jerry won HOH I am thinking that it would of been best to vote out Jerry.
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@Rose7179 (217)
• United States
29 Aug 08
UUUGGGHHHH Cortjo, I think I puked a little when i read that.... lol j/k. I think he will put up Dan for sure and probably Memphis. Neither of which I want to leave. So then Dan needs to win POV, then Jerry needs to put up Keesha....Then Keesha needs to leave. Jerry winning HOH is a bad thing. I mean I know that the four of them are going to be turning on each other but to have Jerry be the reason one of them goes this week would be horrible.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
29 Aug 08
LOL! I think I threw up in my mouth a little bit when I saw that too! LOL!
And, as far as what I have read, Dan is Jerry's target and he intends to put Keesha up as a pawn. He just really wants to break up Dan and Memphis and figures this is the best way in case POV is won and used. Ugh! I am not happy. But, yea...that is the way it is going to end up eventually anyway. I just wish that the final 4 were Dan, Keesha, Renny and Memphis and that Jerry would get the boot this week. Oh well...not this week. Hopefully Keesha will be the one gone this week. People have all basically said that they would vote her the 1st prize over most everyone else so, hopefully people start thinking that they have a better chance to win against Memphis or Dan and keep them around and send Keesha or Renny out.
Fingers crossed!

@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
29 Aug 08
We know he will put up Dan now its just a matter of who goes against him with Jerry you just dont know for sure. I think his vote can be swayed pretty easily by the right person. I missed last nights episode whats the news there? Had company and for some reason it didnt record i was so mad.
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@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
29 Aug 08
Yeah im a bit peeved by missing it but somehow i think ill survive lol. Im just mad Keesha and Jerry are still in the game. Right now I want Dan or Michelle to win it id even choose Renny over Keesha.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
29 Aug 08
Ugh! I would be rabid if I missed last night's. LOL! the scoop is that Michelle was the first evicted in the double eviction by a 3 to 1 vote with Ollie being the only one to vote for her to stay. Than, in the next HOH, Keesha won in a tie against Jerry. She put Jerry and Ollie up and in a 3 to 0 vote, Ollie was evicted. Oh...and Dan won that POV securing Keesha's nominations as he was not about to change them.

@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
30 Aug 08
Hey Alexsis! I am keeping good thoughts for you that Gustav stays the heck away from you! I'm with Plunk...let's just boot him back out to sea and keep you and your loved ones all safe and sound!
As for Jerry, I started a discussion about who was nominated and who won the POV. I won't ruin it for you if you don't want to know just yet. But, if you want to, go check it out!
Stay safe!
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
30 Aug 08
Hey Leenie. So, I started a new discussion with the nominees and the POV winner but, I will tell you here too. Jerry put Keesha and Dan up on the block in the hopes that Dan gets the boot. Then Memphis won the POV. Go check out the other discussion for a little more info! I am hoping that Memphis does use the POV to remove Dan from the block. It looks like Renny would be the one going home if that is what Memphis does because Renny is the only one who hasn't ticked anyone in the jury off. That would make her an odds on favorite to win the 1st prize if she made it to final 2.
@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
29 Aug 08
Thanks for the update, I missed it tonight. I was out of town gambling at the casino. I lost my A$$, but at least I didn't loose my babies milk money, hehe. Actually I don't consider it losing money, I spent some money and had fun doing it. I am so glad that Ollie and Michelle are gone, I was hoping that Jerry would be the next to go. Darn and he wins HOH, I guess he was due to win something.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
29 Aug 08
Sorry you "Spent" so much money last night! LOL!
I was glad to see Ollie and Michelle go too and, was hoping to see Jerry out the door next. But, like Memphis said, one of the four of them was going to have to go soon and, either it started this week or it starts next week. Only 2 will make it. I just really hope it is Dan!
@west_tx_goddess (1197)
• United States
29 Aug 08
I believe that Jerry will put up Memphis and Dan and then Memphis will go home if he doesn't win the POV. The reason I say this is Keesha, Renny, and Dan have that secret pact that they will be final three. Dan will be able to convince them both to vote for Memphis to go home.
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
29 Aug 08
That's true about that little pact. And, Renny really doesn't trust or like Memphis very much. But, Keesha, I think, like Memphis maybe a little more than Dan. So, it might be a tie and then Jerry will have to break it and, who does he dislike more between the two of them? This is going to be a wacky week!
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
29 Aug 08
NO!!No!!No!!.....I can't believe that Jerry won! What kind of competition was it, do you know. It must not have been endurance, that is for sure. Jerry is good at the other competiotions~ so hats off to him.
I bet there will be alot of Jerry A$$ kissing before nominations! I hope that if he puts Dan up, the two that vote keep him in. They should look at it as he will be someone that anyone of them should be able to win against as Dan has made the most enemys of the jury.
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
29 Aug 08
I think it was a Q$A competition but, it wasn't shown on the live feeds from what I read. But, from what they were discussing on BBAD, that is what it sounded like. It sounds like Dan missed it by 2 points or something.
And, yea...there will probably be some butt kissing.
And, I also hope that if Dan goes up and doesn't win POV, that the other HGs see him as the better one to keep around to try to win against with the jury.
@mrsjbelle (1640)
• United States
29 Aug 08
Thanks Cortjo! Nice to see you back "in the saddle" Hmm I was wondering how they were going to transition to a new HOH. I guess Ill see what happens Sunday. I really dont know what to think. I am hoping Dan wins because I think he is a cutie:) TTYL.
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@Reesers (1387)
• United States
29 Aug 08
I turned on BBAD just before the second hour started, when Keesha was reading her letter. Then they showed Jerry and I saw the key hanging around his neck. UGH!
I wouldn't be surprised if he does put up Dan and Memphis. He's been gunning for them all season and now he finally has the chance. He seems to go back and forth on Keesha. He likes her, he doesn't like, he likes her...
After the comment he made last night, it sounded like he doesn't like her. But I do wonder if he was just saying that because he was talking to Ollie and Michelle at the time, trying to cover his butt and make it seem like he hates Keesha. Who knows anymore! LOL
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
29 Aug 08
LOL! I know! He was kissing Keesha's butt last night on BBAD. He told her she has a childlike face or something. He was trying to compliment her. I don't know. He wavers back and forth so much about her that it really is hard to get a handle, from one moment to the next, whether he likes her or not. And, he always seemed to like her when it behooved him to do so. Then when she was on the opposite side of the HOH, he wouldn't like her anymore again. LOL! He is the very picture of floater. But, not this week.
@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
29 Aug 08
Morning Cortjo..
I was on such a screaming high from Keesha winning and Michelle and Ollie leaving that I came here looking for you and no one else mentioned how great a show it was last night but knew you'd be here saw BBAD and heard Keesha say I hope he stays upstaires and knew from that comment that Jerry won HOH..they all walked around like zombies..thankfully no one was kissing azz's..and like Keesha said she didn't want anyone to leave..I felt the same its going to get sad..all the bad trouble is almost gone..people are may have screwed up their plans of the final four but at least they do the final 3..I really hope if Dan does go up he gets pov and Keesha goes out..Only cause I want Dan to win for his great game play..
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
29 Aug 08
Good morning Rosekitty!
I was doing the happy dance on my couch last night when Keesha won and then again when Dan won the POV! Such a high! But, then to turn on BBAD and here them talking about how down they were and the fact that one of them would be leaving soon anyway and it would have been this week or next...I knew but no one said Jerry's name for quite some time. Then, Morty's hid it in another avenue they give as a link to keep up with the live feeds until they actually update the main live feeds page. There it was at the bottom...Jerry won. Ugh! LOL!
So, let's hope that either Dan wins the POV or people decide they want Dan around more than Memphis. The thing is, if they see Dan as a physical and competitive threat in this game, as he is proving himself to be, they might want him gone. But, if they see him as the person the jury will be least likely to give the 1st prize against someone else, maybe they will vote the other person out.
@pam210 (344)
• United States
29 Aug 08
I think if he was smart he would put up Renny and Keesha. They will not turn on each other and I think Memphis and Dan will go with whoever will help them out. I had a feeling that Jerry would win HOH sometime because he has been close before. I think he could of had that last HOH over Keesha if he would of took more time like Keesha did. I don't exactly think it is fair that Keesha had so much more time to write down and change her answer but it probably worked out better for Jerry that he was HOH this week. Everyone knew that if Ollie didn't win HOH and POV he was going home. No shock there.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
29 Aug 08
I think you are right about Dan and Memphis. But, I doubt that Jerry will see it that way.
And, my hubby had a feeling that Jerry was going to win this week's HOH.
I didn't really have a problem with Keesha having the time she had to write her answer down. LOL!