Have your tastes changed?

United States
August 29, 2008 5:48am CST
I have noticed that the older I get the more my tastes change. I like things that I never really liked before. I enjoy trying new things - even though I am a fairly picky eater. But I was making dinner earlier for a birthday party for a 10 year old (my sisters' new step-son - he wanted tacos)...anyway, I was cutting green onions and thinking he will probably not like green onions (he probably has never tried them before either). I realized I didn't like green onions either when I was a kid. Now...I like them. I started thinking of other foods I like now and didn't before. So...I am bringing the subject to you. Have your tastes changed? How have they changed? Do you suppose they will continue to change?
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3 responses
• United States
30 Aug 08
Not drastically. I've seen people go from not eating much to consuming just about anything they are given, lol. And I'm not one of them. I'm still a pretty picky person. I don't mean to be, but I like certain foods. When I was younger I drank certain sodas and now I won't even touch those.
• United States
30 Aug 08
I am still pretty picky too. I try very hard to try new things...and tend to enjoy the process (as long as I am not "wasting" too much money - ha ha). However, I usually end up going right back to the "tried and true" goodies I have liked for a long time. Every once in a while I will find something to add to my favs or my "yeah - it is okay" lists. :-) Oh yeah...I am also with you on the sodas. I used to drink the real sugary sodas...I just cannot down them anymore. They are just too sweet and the after-taste...yuck! Anyway....thanks for taking the time and sharing! I appreciate it! Take care and have a GREAT weekend!
• Philippines
29 Aug 08
Hi! My tastes too have changed. I used to be a picky eater too. When I was a kid, I didn't like some vegetables that are included in dishes so what I do is I remove the vegetables in them even if it would take me ages. But now, I sometimes don't mind eating the vegetables. I can tolerate the taste now and I know that they're good for my body. I also prefer having many lettuce leaves on my sandwich or burger now. Another taste of mine that had changed was my taste in pizza. I used to like pizzas made by pizza parlors that were founded locally. Their crust was kind of harder. But later on, I started to like other pizzas like Pizza Hut, Shakey's, and Yellow Cab. It's like I've discovered a new world when I started liking those pizzas. So with pastas when I used to not like carbonara. It's not my fave but I'd order them sometimes.
• United States
29 Aug 08
YES! I know exactly what you mean. Vegetables - when I was younger I did not like very many either. I still have those that I will not touch (brussel sprouts and cabbage - I have no idea why? - I think it is the smell)...anyway...now that I am older I can eat more vegetables and some I even enjoy. It IS interesting how rationalizing vegetables (for example) makes them a lot easier to eat. Knowing and understanding they are good for your body somehow balances out the "icky-ness." ;-) I haven't heard of Shakey's and Yellow Cab Pizza. But I am always up for a good pizza! :-) I also am not sure what carbonara is. I will have to look that one up. My tastes tend to be simple. Oh well... :-) Thanks for taking the time and contributing to the discussion! I appreciate it. I hope you have a GREAT and TASTEFUL day!
@Anne18 (11029)
29 Aug 08
When I was a girl I would rather have two Mars bars instead of a roast dinner.... now I would pick a roast dinner. I think all our tastes change as we go throughout our life, but that is the first one that comes to my mind
• United States
29 Aug 08
Love it! I love your example. I didn't really like Mars bars...but I did like other candy (still do)...and I was "right with you"...I would have much rather have had candy than a roast dinner when I was a kid. And I am "right with you" now too. Now that I am older - I sure can appreciate a good roast dinner (as long as there are mashed potatoes). :-) Thanks for sharing. I appreciate you taking the time! Hope you have a GREAT and TASTEFUL day!