is this for real???
By jairgirl
@jairgirl (2877)
United States
August 29, 2008 10:46am CST
as all my friends know i have always respected their religion and their beliefs and they do the same to me.
i always feel that no matter what we believe in as long as we are good person then it will never ever gonna matter.
a religion reflects what we are and not vice versa...
i have seen most people proclaiming they are servants of God and yet when i look on their lives and even just the way they behave,,, makes me wonder - WHAT WENT WRONG?
religion is not (and will never be) just a lip service.
i know despite our differences of culture, race, religion, country, genes and so on,,, our God (who ever he is) wants us to live a life according to his will, his love, his passion...
i saw many kids dying from war and poverty today on the news and it just breaks my heart...
what happen to GOODNESS, to LOVE, to PEACE,,
when will it ever end?
why nobody seems to start talking peacefully,,, instead seeing one way or the other to be at fault..
i wonder when will be the time where every religion will just accept each others differences and just learn to RESPECT and ACCEPT...
why is it so hard? i dont understand coz i have many friends in different religion and we are friends living in harmony...
why there are so many innocent dying and USED God's name as an excuse?
i hope someday,,, each one of us dont look at the flaws of somebody but instead become an example to the one who did wrong doings to us,, just like everybody's God would do...
i wish and i hope...
i hope you do too...
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6 responses
@Carolyn63 (1403)
• United States
2 Sep 08
Hi Sweetie,
I am respectful of the choices of others as well. I don't cram my beliefs down the throats of others and I hope for the same respect.
Now, you may be interested in joining me and many others for a day of prayer and healing for the planet and it's inhabitants. I recently had an amazing dream and many people from many backgrounds and religions will be joining me. The dream was in fact about peace and healing and coming together. Others have had the dream as well. We are planning on doing it on all Hallows Eve. I have Pagan friends and Christian friends that will be participating. This isn't about religion. This is about prayer for peace and healing of mankind and the planet. Even if you only take 15 minutes, an hour, we would be honored to have you participate. This is open to all whom with to participate.
As far as people placing all the weight on the shoulders of the Divine. That isn't me. Mankind needs to accept responsiblity for thier own actions. I don't recall under any religion it saying sit on your butt and just allow everyone and everything to fall apart around you. I'm pretty sure all religions, at least those I am familiar with, expect you to participate in life.
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@jairgirl (2877)
• United States
2 Sep 08
Thank you so much for adding your personal input.
I am happy to know that you are not a pushy believer
i have met a a few "friends" in the past who have asked me to be one of them and when i said NO it seems like i have said a very dreadful word to them and i lost the friendship somehow.
it is very sad indeed.
i too have a few dreams about life, future and past. it sure is interesting and always make me wonder what part of that is true or not.
anyway, i would love to know more about the prayers you mention.
do i have to pray on my own words or do i have to have a specific words ?
i knew a few family and friends who pray in a specific time and specific words so i am used to asking that.
i respect that fact that there is no specific God to pray with and it is just a universal prayer.
i believe in love and peace and though i am a born catholic and a muslim half
i still believe that each and every one of us are entitled of their own belief.
have a good one!

@Carolyn63 (1403)
• United States
3 Sep 08
Hi Sweetie,
Well, actually, those of us that have it will be burning myrhh during our time of prayer. It was an important part of the dream. Let me see if I can put things into perspective, in a nutshell.
There were many people at a gathering near the ocean. Some of the people were playing in the ocean with the dolphins, sharks, manta rays, and more. There was no aggression, everyone and everything was peaceful and harmonious. Some of us were at the edge of the tree line. There was a wise man and his aura glowed golden extending several feet out. He was asking questions, some philisophical, some relating to stones/crystals, herbs, all kinds of questions relating to well being, peace, love, etc. Each time someone answered correctly they were given a blue token, a soft sky blue which relates by the way to spirituality. The final question was what is both antibacterial and known as an anti-spasmodic. I said myrhh. Which it is. He looked at me and told me it was important to have the myrhh. He made a sweeping motion with his arm indicating all of those present.
I am not the only person whom has had this dream. And yes, there are more details but that is about as simple as I can explain it. I collaborated with several of my peers and all agree to come together and pray for healing and peace for the planet and it's inhabitants. Being that there is diversity of religion I am asking that all pray according to their beliefs. I don't want to ask anyone to say or do anything they wouldn't feel comfortable with.
I am personally going to ask for the aid of the Ascended Masters, for example Kwan Yin, yes, I know there is more than one spelling, as well as the angels and Arch angels. I will also send Reiki energies.
Sweetie, the main thing in any prayer is that you speak from your heart and speak you intent clearly focusing your energies.
When I pray, I state the issue, I state my desire, healing and peace, that it benefit all involved here being the planet, the people, and I pour my heart out. I always ask that it not be for selfish desires or reasons and that my intent not stand in the way of what is best for all. Sometimes people pray for what they want instead of what is best.
Bless you for asking.
Love and light,
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@jairgirl (2877)
• United States
4 Sep 08
thanks for sharing more about your dream.
i honestly dont know about a few words but i will be googling it so i can understand it more.
you know, i grew up with a belief that we should all pray from our heart and should not only pray for what we want and needs but to those whom i feel is more worthy of my prayers.
my grandma taught me how to be humble and i have grown that way since then.
i will say my prayers at the hallows eve and you can count that such prayer is from my heart.
i can honestly say that i am almost complete in life and i have seen those that are sufferings and i feel for them, having said that even without a special night or gatherings they are always part of my prayers as well as my heart.
thank you carolyn!
@veejay19 (3589)
• India
3 Sep 08
God did not make religion.It is man made. If you see the main religions of the world, all of them or most of them had founders like Jesus,Mohammed,Zoaraster,Gautam Buddha,etc.However these great souls also did not found their respective religions, it is their followers who did. Christ never wrote the Bible,nor did Prophet Mohammed the Quran.These saints gave mankind the principles which if followed sincerely would help foster peace,harmony,love and brotherhood amongst mankind.Unfortunately today fundamentalists have taken over the religions and they are using only the cosmetic features of their respective religions and not the true messages to further and spread their religions.They say my religion is better than yours and so they implant the seeds of discord and hatred amongst their followers.This gives rise to fanaticism and therefore bloodshed and mayhem everywhere.
It is neccessary for people to rise above the narrowmindedness of their religious leaders ans see for themselves what the truth is in religion.Religion is personal and should be practised in the privacy of ones home. Religion is the steppingstone to spirituality, from the personal God to the allencompassing,formless,omnipotent,omnipresent God who is the epitome of Truth,Conciousness and Bliss.God is omnipresent in each and every human being, animal and plant life and in all creation.without god there would have been no Creation.When each and every human being realises this Truth then all wars, all bloodshed will ceases and only then will Heaven come to Earth.
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@jairgirl (2877)
• United States
4 Sep 08
hello veejay,
thank you so much for sharing your perspective.
i have been told the same way and have said the same way when i am asked by other believers and i have learned that it is just best to shut my mouth whenever i hear someone strongly express their beliefs coz i feel that no matter how hard i try to say my views it is never gonna be heard.
i honestly believe that one of the reason why we have wars and misunderstanding is because of the religion we are representing now.
it is no longer the belief and the life of God but the competition of the religion itself.
i believe that heaven is available here on earth - IF only we know how to love and respect one another.
have a good one!
@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
30 Aug 08
well yeah im trying to be perfect everyday but i guess sometimes coz of humanely nature i tend to be unreasonable sometimes..and i agree with you on that Respect and Accept is the key word to live harmoniously in terms of religion practices and differences..
@jairgirl (2877)
• United States
30 Aug 08
hello vanities,
it is ok to be human sometimes we are all designed to be that way that is why no one is perfect in this world coz one way or the other we will make a mistake what matters is we are aware of those flaws and we are admitting it and willing to change after that. some dont even know how to accept that they are only human and that is the worst part knowing that they see themselves as perfect ones.
life is too short to focus on the negative ones, in arguments there is no winner really specially if its a belief or a religion coz we will always have differences still in the end.
thanks for sharing your thoughts.
@sutanhartanto (4122)
• Indonesia
30 Aug 08
hi jairgirl,
yeah, that's funny.
if we are talking about belief, nobody deserve to claim that he is right and others are wrong. the word 'belief' implies that we don't know the real. believing means being convinced to the things we don't really know. we believe because we don't know what we believe. if we know, we don't need to believe. if we board a train to a city named A, we believe that the train will bring us to A. we don't know yet because we haven't reach A. if we have arrived at A, we don't need to believe that the train will bring us to A. we know that.
we perceive god, we 'understand' god in different ways. we think god is like this, the others think god is like that. we think god is fat, our friends think he is skinny. but we never know if he is either fat or skinny. we think god is jesus, others think god is allah, budha, any name.... but that's just our perception, even our imagination. that's just what we think as god. we never know who he really is. god remains the same. who or what or how he is doesn't depend or our thought, perception or imagination. he is beyond our imagination.
so, why we argue about that? why we cannot just think that maybe we are either right or wrong with our belief? maybe who have different belief is right (or wrong). we never know. and such a arguing contributes nothing to the humanity. it is better to do what we believe, give the real works to humanity by helping who are in need.
@jairgirl (2877)
• United States
31 Aug 08
hello sutanhartanto,
i couldnt agree more!
you said it perfectly, how i wish each of us out here in this world sees and feel the same way like you - our world will be a much much better place to live then if that is the case.
i think each and one of us should set as an example to each other and even though we know not all will follow but at least we give it a try.
i always wonder what this world will be like if we just respect and love each other despite all our differences, it is a wonderful thought.
it gives me a wonderful feeling inside,
a feeling of hope that maybe it can happen somehow.
thanks for giving me another hope - i appreciate it!
keep up such thoughts and belief in your heart - we all need one like yours and mine and those that took part out here.
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@brisk123 (2823)
• India
29 Aug 08
We live in one world,we all are humans and we all believe in God,only thing is we worship different Gods and we share different beliefs when in comes to religion. I also have lots of friends from different backgrounds and religions.I love and respect each one of their beliefs,cultures and sentiments.It does not make any difference to me even if a person belongs to some other religious background.
These days we can hear about lots of communal riots,fights and wars in the name of religion.This is just an excuse.Our religion,no matter which religion you belong to,Our Gods had never taught us to kill one another,to hurt and harm each other,to hate each other etc.I don't blame the simple innocent people,because most of the people are fickle minded.They believe what the politicians preach them and most of the political leaders are only doing this for their own good and benefit in elections.Innocent people die or get hurt, this is non of their concern.
Some groups/leader parties are also there who tries to break the harmony of the people by spreading false rumours and doing shameless activities.This disturbs and effects the relationships among everyone in diffrent cultural backgrounds.
People are too sensitive and less tolerant when it comes to religious sentiments and beliefs.That is why,people who love wars can take easily advantages and destroy the peace.These people don't have anything else to do other than creating distance and hatred among different religious backgrounds.
Our religion should be just love and kindness.People should love one another whether black/white or Hindu, Muslim, Christian,Sikh, etc..The colour of the skin or religion the person belongs to should not matter,but the person who is in front of you.World could be so much better if people live in peace and harmony.
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@jairgirl (2877)
• United States
29 Aug 08
hello brisk123,
i am very happy to read your post.
you sum up what i am feeling and what my thoughts are regarding the topic.
like you i have met a lot of people and have been traveled to places that opens my eyes and let me understand the world in a deeper sense.
it is sad that the innocent one seems to always suffer in the end and the most that breaks my heart are the kids that i have met in the past and the now as well as those i have seen on tv and on the news, it is just horrible.
i feel that all of us are connected to each other and we should be there for each other to love and to hold and not to make the differences divide us.
i wish there will be a day that we will all unite and just help one another and give a our hearts to others - im sure God who ever yours is will do the same and even more.
i have love all my friends, despite their religion as well as political belief - it is because they are living a life helping others and not just a living in lip service.
i love to hear everybody's thoughts and feelings NOT to judge them or make fun of them or to argue with them BUT because it helps me understand the world as a whole and be wise in the process.
it made me smile after reading your post that our world do have a few good men who really cares and love genuinely despite all this.
i appreciate your post so much.
have a good one!
@lalaine829 (113)
• Philippines
29 Aug 08
I would agree with you jairgirl. Thank you for opening this topic, I think what is essential is the fact that we do good things for the people not because we have to but because we wanted to. Moreover, in doing good things religion is not an issue, if we are truly servants of God and we value Him, I think it's about time that we do selfless act for other people and respect each other because I know for sure God would want to see humans loving each other thus living peacefully. :-)
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@jairgirl (2877)
• United States
29 Aug 08
hello lalaine,
i couldnt agree more.
i have tried to explain that to some as i got tired of hearing different sides but if i say something then i am judged as self righteous.
i am not trying nor wanting to be one, i just feel that we should just live in peace, love and harmony coz every loving God will want the same for their kids/followers.
i have seen a lot of flaws not only from others but as well to myself BUT i am not here to judge anybody,, i am here to live my life to the fullest and help those that i can help the best way i can.
thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and feelings and i hope that you continue living such way.
im sure who ever you touch their lives with are very happy and grateful having and knowing you in their lives.
have a good one!