Do you like to swim early in the morning?

August 30, 2008 9:57am CST
I come up early every weekend to spend my first 2 hours in the swimming poor,I just enjoy the feeling of swimming without the hot sun.How about your habit?
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8 responses
@pimagro24 (1046)
• Thailand
4 Oct 08
I like to swim in the morning I think it no hot and it good for my skin.
• China
4 Oct 08
Emm~~good for skin..not a bad reason`~lol thanks for your response~
• Australia
30 Sep 08
i swim twice a week in winter and 3 times week in summer not for fun, for training. So whenever i get the chance to swim for fun i definatley wouldnt go when its cold because i already do that when i am training so warmth is my opinion.
• China
4 Oct 08
Wow,you're training for swim,that say you must very good at swimming~`I like swim but 100% an amateur~`lol
@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
30 Aug 08
In the weekends sometimes I will swim in the morning. I don't like it as much though since the water gets a few degrees colder during the night. I prefer to swim in the evenings when there also is no hot sun to contend with, but the water is a little warmer.
• China
30 Aug 08
Yes,the water will be a little bit cooler than other time in a day.LOL,Thanks for sharing~~
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
1 Sep 08
Lucky you! I would LOVE to be doing this and if I did have access to a swimming pool or the beach I would swim every day for sure! I miss swimming and especially the beach so, so much and have not been able to do either for well over a year and a half now. Such is life living in a desert! lol.
• China
2 Sep 08
Hee~~thanks for your response.If I can swim every day ,I mean every day ~~in the morning,I will catch up the Phelps,just kidding`~LOL
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@luvstochat (6907)
• United States
1 Sep 08
I really don't like to swim in the early mornings all that well. I am not a moring person so I am not really awake too much in the morning. I like to go swimming late afternoon right before supper as swimming seems to make me hungry then I am ready to eat.
• China
2 Sep 08
Wow,you're having the good sense of doing sport,that's good~Thanks for sharing~`LOL
• China
24 Sep 09
I like the morning to swim, but the morning to swim must pay attention to some problems. Human After a night of rest, the muscles in a very relaxed state, which is carried out if a sudden violent movement, is very prone to sports injuries. Therefore, the warm-up, when necessary, very important, and the need for stretching, activities, or to stretch his arm, and so the waist , and then into the water before the best two laps around the pond for a jog, followed by the shower and let the body muscular system into state of motion! In addition, resulting in lower blood sugar levels, it is best to first intake of some sugar, glucose and better. Like eating a rubber is a very good, enabling the body to add some sugar and inorganic salts, essential to avoid cramps and sports injury a great advantage! There must be something to eat before swimming, not fasting swim.
@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
5 Oct 08
Hi tonytt, though I love to swim early in the morning I still seldom have this activity in the morning. The reason is I always feel reluctant to get up early in the morning. So I always go for swimming in the evening about 7.30pm. I do dislike swimming under the hot sun. The feeling is much better to swim in the early morning than that in the evening for the air is fresher. Besides I feel more refreshed after a sound sleep. I had my last morning swim during my Bali trip end of last year. My roommate pulled me out from the comfortable bed to accompany her to swim in the hotel pool. Anyway I appreciate her to give me the chance to have a wonderful morning swim again. posting and have nice day.
@Metalchick (1391)
4 Oct 08
I really enjoy swimming and often go with a mate from work. Because we are both a little insecure about our bodies we tend to do the other extreme and go at about 9 o'clock at night just before closing. That way there's hardly anyone about and we always get more pool space. Always find there's more room in the showers afterwards you don't have to wait for women to get out of the way so you can use it. Love swimming and have recently taken it up more seriously. Used to regularly visit gym which I still do but swimming provides a much gentler form of exercise and I enjoy the fact I can get really competitive with my mate and race each other to the other side of the pool.