Autism & Vaccine Rant...
By Foxxee
@Foxxee (3651)
United States
August 30, 2008 4:35pm CST
Okay please take the time to research this if you have no Idea what I'm talking about…
I want to first say that I by no means am saying that vaccines caused my sons Autism. I will admit that in the beginning I did wonder if vaccines could be the reason he has Autism today, but as of right now I can't answer yes or no.
I do think in some cases vaccines can trigger Autism and maybe, just maybe be the cause in some cases.
But we will never know or at least for right now we don't know the truth…
Well I take that last statement back, we already pretty much know the truth, but the CDC keeps lying to us parents and feeding us crap..
Anyway, before I get into a rant I want to finish why I came here…
Today the Autism rates are 1 in 150… that means every 20 minutes a child is diagnosed with Autism… right?
Well -- did you know that in the Amish Community the Autism rates are 1 in 15,000? They choose not to vaccinate their children…
Does that make you curious?
Could it be true that vaccines & Autism just might be linked? Maybe?
What are your views on this?
I also want to make another statement on how some people think genetics play a part in Autism…
Autism is a epidemic…. & there is no such thing as a genetic epidemic!
The CDC has called Autism an international public health crises whose cause & cure remain unknown, despite worldwide research…
Well --- Something doesn't add up…
What do you think?
Comment back!
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9 responses
@heavenschild (4777)
• Canada
31 Aug 08
Well, My Boy was born with Autism in my opinion!
Feeding issues (Practically starving himself from day one) stiff and rigid body, slow suck, lack of eye-contact and everything was late with him!
However, this point you have made about the Amish is interesting....
I truly do not know what to think but as for Genetics, I know families where only one child is affected and in many cases it is the first born so how does this make sense and sometimes the youngest...well you could approximate that to the age of the parents possibly in those cases...Then yet other where they all have learning disabilities to some degree.
I really don't know what to think!
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@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
31 Aug 08
Yeah I know what you mean about not knowing what to think... very confusing subject, but it does make you think.
As for Autism in our family, my son is the first and when he was born the only thing I recall that was a little off was eye contact/hearing. He reached all his mile stones fine, but started changing around 15 months. But I guess all the signs could of been there, I mean I wasn't looking for signs then and knew nothing about Autism. I do know that my son use to say "I love You" and when the phone rang he always said "Hello" - now he doesn't talk at all. He is almost 3.
I say he changed after his MMR, so at times I wonder, but then at times I tell myself that maybe I just didn't see the signs...?
Just wish the CDC would stop playing head games... one minute they say vaccines and Autism are linked and then the next they say Autism is an epedimic, but they don't know the cause.
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@heavenschild (4777)
• Canada
31 Aug 08
I know what you mean about head games and it is all so confusing...they are doing so much research and so many studies and yet.....Where are the straight answers!?!?
I just felt from the very beginning that there was something that wasn't right but my doctor kept telling me not to worry!I also had a back ground as an Educational Assistant working with special needs kids before my son was born and so I think that helped me to recognize the signs.
When my son was banging his head off the floor at around a year old and my doctor told me that was normal I knew there was no way! My son's first word was at nineteen months but then by two years he head lost that and the couple others he had gained...At nine months I was still propping him up with pillows and he never crawled...he would pull himself along with his arms...nothing was normal with him!
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@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
1 Sep 08
Hey, check out this video I put together at youtube. It's only my 3rd video I have made for Autism Awareness, but I'm learning as I go... LOL!
I also have other videos on there of my son and his progress!
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@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
31 Aug 08
I'm really getting tired of hearing the vaccines are the reason why Autism exists rants. It's just old. They've already said that genetics does play a role in why some children get autism and why other's do not.
Autism strikes around the time when children are getting their vaccines. I blame that for why parents are becoming ignorant and blaming vacinations for their children's problems. I just feel like many parents don't want to admit that their genetics could possibly have had a hand in why their child is sick.
I recieved all of my vaccines. I recieved them when they were still using mercury in the vials. I'm fine. My friends are fine. My family is fine. My cousins are fine. All of which have had the vaccines. I don't see the vaccine/autism link. In fact, the only time I've actually seen an increase in cases of autism has been the past several years or so. I'm calling out chemicals in the foods/products we consume and that women consume while pregnant, not to mention the already aforementioned genetic problems that trigger autism.
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@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
4 Sep 08
Two links that might be of interest.
@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
4 Sep 08
And I just found two more links that I think prove useful in my case against those blaming vaccines for autism.
@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
31 Aug 08
well i would use my example as having had my shots and not being autistic but i have other health probs so its prob not a good example lol.. but no one i grew up with had it and they all had their shots and i also was raised in an environment to where i met and knew a TON of people/passer by'er so i think i would notice more than the regular person due to the volume i have known..

@k1tten (2318)
• United States
4 Sep 08
I'm sorry, Autism is not an epidemic. It is a genetic difference. Is downs syndrome an epidemic as well? Or how about many of the other genetic disorders? What you are doing is not taking in the information given to you and adding that to what you know. You don't look at all the facts given to you which is a problem. Many people have given a lot of information to you and you disregard it as false.
There is a good possibility that it's a connection with food and the chemicals that we intake as the child is developing but still. To say a vaccine is causing all this is completely stupid. Yes, I said stupid. Everyone I know who recieved all those vaccines are prefectly fine. My mother, who works with three to five year olds on a daily basis, has also seen low cases of children with autism and vaccination. There was a case of one child who may have had it but the parent also had a problem. But of course autism does show up often in children around that age.
What else do you have to prove that there is a connection? I'd like to see your proof and the sites you've read and seen.

@k1tten (2318)
• United States
5 Sep 08
People like you want to make me beat my head off a desk or wall repeatedly. Autism appears around the same age vaccines are given. Face that with logic. The connection with vaccines to autism was only brought up because of that. And we're only seeing a rise in the whole Autism classification because we can classify it much better.
@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
5 Sep 08
LOL! && you don't think I don't want to beat my head off a desk or wall because of people like you who think they know so much about Autism, but when it comes down to it, you really don't... right?
I have nothing against you... I just think we are both strong headed people && I don't think either one of us will change what we truly believe...
I'm sure what you say about genetics to a point is true. I'm just saying that all cases of Autism are not genetic caused && they have proven that in some cases by doing a genetic screening.
I believe that vaccines might trigger Autism, not 100% sure if they cause it in all cases, but there could be some truth to that as you believe there is some truth to genetics playing a part.
We could honestly go round && round with this...
&& about Autism showing up around the time vaccines are given - I don't understand because they are now saying they can see Autism in infants...? So I am a little confused on that part. I mean Autism has showed up in kids of different ages, but it seems everyone has a different story with their child...
I guess people all over the world will argue this - but the truth is, nobody really knows...
Only thing I really have a hard time understand is how these kids were able to reach every milestone on time or early && even able to talk && then one day they don't talk anymore? && in most cases the loss of speech happened after a vaccine...
Doesn't make any sense why a child woould fall from a talkative baby to a non talking baby unless an accident happened or something... why would a child stop pointing, waving && communicating with people just out of the blue? I can understand if the child had an accident or something along that line....
So you really can't blame parents for poiting their fingers at every little thing... they want answers && not the run around... && we do get the run around because one minute the CDC is on our side saying they believe vaccines can be linked && then next they are saying it's not linked. Give me abreak!
And how do you explain all those lawsuites going on about the MMR? Any child that has Autism today && noticed the signs after the MMR was given are entitled to fight this && some families have already won that battle. So if it's going to court, then something is up - even more so when they give the families money to just hush up!
@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
5 Sep 08
I personally feel like those that are taking the Autism/MMR fight to court are just looking for something to blame and because not many studies were done on children at that time, those people are winning their cases. However, given all the studies that are now out about Autism and the (debunked) MMR Myth, I don't think those people will win their cases anymore.
And, I must say, I've been trained in Autism and how to work with children that are Autistic. I'm an early childhood educator. So not everyone in these fights as you think knows nothing about Autism.

@Ithink (9980)
• United States
31 Aug 08
I know vaccines doesnt cause it in all children as my best friends son has Autism and he has never had a vaccination shot for anything. As for what causes it I dont know if we will ever know. I do know that it seems more and more children are seemingly diagnosed with it as is ADHD children. That could be to the fact of children going to the doctors more and testing that is around now.
I often wonder if things are like they are because of environmental factors. All the pollution, pesticided and other things finding their way to us in food and such. Hopefully one day we will know.
@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
31 Aug 08
Yeah it makes you wonder...
DO you know if your friend ever had vaccines while pregnant?
But as for you saying the child never was vaccinated... I'm sure it was at least once... they give all babies a vaccine right after birth, even without mothers concent... and thats another bill mothers are fighting to change...
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
4 Sep 08
Sadly I don't think we will ever know the truth about where autism comes from. Some people say it is genetic, some say it is environmental, some say it is the vaccines, etc. Maybe it is one of these, maybe it is a combination of them, maybe it is all of them, or maybe it is none of them at all. Who knows?
All I know is my oldest son has autism. He is the first in the family that my husband and I am aware of. My son had every vaccination done by the time he was 2 years old. Maybe he was more susceptible to getting autism then someone else who got vaccines, I don't know. However it has made me curious as to how it came about. But at the same time I'm tired of trying to guess, because I know I'll never know, at least in my son's case. 

@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
31 Aug 08
well from what i have been told it was linked to the mercury (or thought to be linked) in the vaccines but that they havent had it in there in a long time.. so if that is true then why are the numbers going up if that factor is gone?? also if its lower in the amish you got to figure in that some could be environmental since they dont use chemicals and eat healthier etc.. i also think that we know what to look for more now so its easier to diagnoise so that could play a part in it..
so in short i dont think its linked.. or at least linked to any cases past then they altered the ingredients and i think the more awareness is bringing up the numbers..
but thats just my opinion.. who know what it really is.. im sure they will figure it out like 10 years from now sigh

@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
1 Sep 08
Well Mercury is still being used in some vaccines and I believe the FLu vaccine is one of them. As for Mercury being in the childhood vaccines, well they have cut it down and have took it out of some vaccines, but it is still being used. I believe the change happened in 2006. And after the removal of Mercuruy the Autism rate did go down 35 percent.
But they still choose to use Mercury in some vaccines even though there was progress in numbers.
Despite its removal from many childhood vaccines, thimerosal is still routinely added to some formulations of flu (influenza) vaccine administered to U.S. infants, as well as to several other vaccines (e.g., tetanus-diphtheria and monovalent tetanus) administered to older children and adults.
But that fact is: Autism rates, as measured by two independent government databases, went up as mercury dose increased, and are going down as mercury dose decreases.
@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
31 Aug 08
That is EXACTLY my point. Many, many, many parents were blaming the mecury in the vials. Mecury has NOT been used for many years now. That supposed 'trigger' is gone. How can you explain the number of rising cases on Autism when it is NO longer being used? I just see it as a huge fallacy in their thinking and so they can blame someone else.
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@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
31 Aug 08
gods help us if they start thinking its linked to the flu shot or something ridiculous lol.. people will stop with those and the flu deaths will sky rocket

@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
4 Sep 08
It is very strange. I never even heard of this diagnosis when I was in school. How can so many have it now? There has to be a reason. It has to be something that we are exposed to and vaccines seem to be a good explanation.
@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
4 Sep 08
Autism has always been around. But it has become more common these days.
There are so many up-roars about why the rates have sky-rocketed...
Some say vaccines, some say genes, or some say the child was just born with it.
Nobody really knows, but it has been stated by the CDC, the people who make the vaccines - that vaccines could trigger Autism, but they are not 100% if vaccines cause it.
And as far as it being passed down due to genes && so on... I don't agree. Autism is an epidemic && I have never heard of an epidemic caused by genes...
@vogelvrij (196)
• Netherlands
31 Aug 08
I have the same feelings about the vaccinations as you. Ever since our little son has gotten his last shot for BMR (boff, mazels, redhound disease) he is a different person. We now noticed him being different from other kids of his age. He became just three, but his doing and so on and his understanding from things lays behind almost 1 year. We have been on the daycare facility twice now, to talk with the teachers over our son. He needs a observation from a pediatric next schoolyear. The will watch/observe him what he is doing in the group. If he is willing to play with others, or rather play alone. How he interacts with the other kids etc.etc. He or she will make out a paper of that and than we will know more about his behaviour and whats wrong with him. The last 6 1/2 weeks he had his summer holiday with me and I found him doing better. Probably because there was no stress for going to the playground and so on (he normally goes 4 times a week a half day). We can only wait and see. But, nevertheless, I feel the need to vaccinate a child, no matter what. Sure, if its sure autism comes around when you give in the BMR shot, thats a real big problem, but nevertheless, not vacinate your child can bring in more problems. I do believe that the diseases for what you vacinate your child are not as mild an minor as you might think!
@sumiirajj (1983)
• India
31 Aug 08
Hi friend,Many people are ignorant about autism.My brothers kid is autistic but they are ignorant and think that he will improve later.The causes of autism is still unknown.They say there is no cure too for autism.If the causes of autism is found out then it will be eradicated completely.Hows it possible without vaccinating children?Genetics playing a part in autism also remains vague.We are really helpless regarding autism.
@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
31 Aug 08
Helpless is how most of us parents feel, but I have just learned to cope with my sons Autism and look at all the good he brings me.
I know they say there is no cure, but there is Early Intervention that can help a child with Autism learn to adjust to this crazy world around them...