Islam Tells You To Kill Others That aren't of The Same Faith??!!!!!!
By romo6770
@romo6770 (176)
September 1, 2008 10:19am CST
Islam does not compel people of other faiths to convert. It has given them complete freedom to retain their own faith and not to be forced to embrace Islam. This freedom is documented in both the Quran and the prophetic teachings known as Sunnah. God addresses the Prophet Muhammad in the Quran:
“If it had been your Lord’s will, they would all have believed – all of who are on earth! Will you then compel humankind, against their will, to believe?” (Quran 10:99)
“Let there be no compulsion in religion; truth stands clear from error: whoever rejects false gods and believes in God has grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold that never breaks. And God hears and knows all things.” (Quran 2:256)
Read this:
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) had a Jewish neighbor who use to throw his garbage near the prophet's house, but the prophet wouldn't say a thing and throw it out for him. Then one day there was no garbage, so the Prophet got worried and found out that his neighbor was ill. He went to see his neighbor.
I want to assure you that we Muslims also do not hate non-Muslims, be they Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhist or followers of any religion or no religion. Our religion does not allow killing any innocent person regardless of his or her religion. The life of all human beings is sacrosanct according to the teachings of the Qur'an and the guidance of our blessed Prophet Muhammad -peace be upon him and upon all the Prophets and Messengers of Allah.
According to the Qur'an, killing any person without a just cause is as big a sin as killing the whole humanity and saving the life of one person is as good deed as saving the whole humanity. (See al-Ma'idah 5:32)
The Muslim caliphs used to order their military leaders who went on military campaigns to take steps to guarantee this matter. The first example is the command of Abu Bakr to Usamah bin Zayd:
‘I command you to do ten things: kill no woman, no child, nor an elderly person; do not cut down fruit trees, or vandalize homes, or wound a sheep or camel except if you must eat it; do not drown a palm tree, or burn it, do not be treacherous; do not be cowardly; and you will pass by people who have devoted themselves to monastery life; leave them alone to their devotions.’
The second example is the treaty of Umar ibn al-Khattab with the people of Iliya of Jerusalem:
‘This is the security given by the slave of God, Umar, the Commander of the Faithful, to the people of Iliya: they are guaranteed the security if their persons, possessions, churches, crucifixes, and everyone within, whether sick or in good health, as well as everyone in their community. Their churches will not be occupied or demolished, nor will anything be taken from them: neither furnishings nor crucifixes or money. They will not be forced away from their religion, or harmed because of it. They will not be occupied by the Jewish settlers in Iliya.’
As a result, since the era of the rightly-guided caliphs, Jews and Christians have held their services in freedom and security.
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3 responses
@WhatsHerName (2716)
• United States
4 Sep 08
If Islam promotes only peace than where do people like Osama Bin Laden, the president of Iran and soooo many others get their radical views?
The Quran also teaches to kill unbelievers as well as saying there is no compulsion in religion. Of course Muhommad had to put some things in the Quran to contradict his true feelings.
Why did Muhommad say men could have only 4 wives when he had 21?
Why did he marry a 6 year old little girl? Don't tell me it was the culture of those times, a true prophet of God would have preached against molesting children, not joined in.
The Quran is a confusing book, it's no wonder so many strap on bombs for Allah...

@WhatsHerName (2716)
• United States
10 Sep 08
How is that any different from what I said? Can't you see that things were added to the Quran as time went on because people could see how preposterous the book was? You claim to be so smart yet you believe this stuff? You believe Islam is the religion of peace if you want, I know otherwise.
I also know that you can't even think about converting to another religion or even no religion at all. You are a slave to Allah, I (thank you Jesus) am a child of God...
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@romo6770 (176)
• Egypt
12 Sep 08
First,it is good to change the photo that was saying" the one who is using me is dumb", but i guess that wasn't the reason to change it.i think you changed it to celebrate the eleventh of September. Don't be surprised by the word celebrate.
follow this link and you will know....
Second, it is good to be out of the topic and to be mouth shut.
How could you be the child of God, didn't your father **** your mother so that you come to be their child??!!!!!
check out this link....ah but don't forget to remove your mind before reading... i shouldn't worry about that i trust you.

@AamidMS (73)
• India
17 Sep 08
Islam is a religion of peace. All folks here, have some knowledge about it, then dare to speak, or shut the crap of yours.
Every religions says peace, but its the followers who distract the image of a religion. Ask yourself what are the conditions? Why and How?
Islam is todays Best religion with worst followers, as quoted by many, see can you replace best with worst and vice versa? Impossible;We don't hate Americans just because of some fools, why would we hate America?
See the logic, had it we hates non-muslims, it would have been all over, why only America? Does America has only a kind of religion which you believe we hate? Does not that religion is found over other places? We hate America as you believe, but we don't hate France, Russia, Germany, Why?
And this is your attitude, you act like born to abuse, be practical, use logic, don't use your ancient mythologies.
Think for yourselves keeping your hatred aside, you will get the answer.
"O ye ppl, look into yourselves, try hard to find impurities, but try very less to find in others"Need some more satisfaction?
Respond to my post.
@ram_cv (16513)
• India
1 Sep 08
Thank you for such an interesting piece of information. I strongly believe that no religion preaches either compulsion or violence. But, off late, the so called practitioners of the religion have taken it upon themselves to make religions fanatic and they tend to mis-interpret the holy books for their own gains. It is unfortunate as to how many young men and women get swayed by such selfish people and make this world insecure.
At the end of the day we are all human beings and we are here to live on this world for a given lease of time (avg. of around 50-60 years) and whatever we do we cannot live much longer than that!! So what's the fun of killing people in the name of religion, caste or money!!