Do you think that McCain has made a good or bad choice in selecting Debra Palin?
By sharone74
@sharone74 (4837)
United States
September 1, 2008 2:22pm CST
Obviously Governor Palin has issues and baggage of her own that she is bringing to this election just like the other candidates do. It appears that McCain's choice of Palin for his running mate is primarily based on her being a woman. Which is really a slap in the face to both women voters and Hillary Supproters. It gives the appearance that McCain believes he can grab the votes of Hillary supporters and of women in general just by "courageously" adding a woman to his ticket and that as women we will vote his ticket simply because there is a woman on it. That is an insult to both our intelligence and to Hillary. A lot of people male and female I know were voting Hillary because she is Hillary. One thing is for sure Palin in no Hillary! In light of the information that is being dregged up about this woman I think that what we do know about this "virtual unknown" should scare voters to death and will give the election to Barak and Buddin in a walkover. Do you agree or disagree?
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14 responses
@mcat19 (1357)
• United States
1 Sep 08
She is a terrible choice for Veep. Not only is she anti-choice even in the case of rape or incest, she wants creationism taught in schools; she want wolves shot from helicopters; she wants to drill in ANWAR; she thinks there are plenty of polar bears; She is an example of Republican pandering. It won't work at all.
@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
3 Sep 08
I had no idea that she was such a scourge of the frozen North. I don't feel that she is a good choice because of her virtually unknown status, it leaves me feeling like McCain has set her out as a sacrificial lamb while he machinates from behind the smoke screen. Both Obama and Biden have records and clear ties and affiliations as well as having both laid the P.R. groundwork to set the minds of the voters at ease and to make people both comfortable with their names but comfortable with who they are and have given clear indications of which direction they plan to head in when they win and take office.
@metalhalo (599)
• United States
2 Sep 08
I happen to think she is a pretty good role model. She stands up for what she believes in and she's already got some admirable accomplishments under her belt. She's achieved many things and is also a wife and mother of 5. How is that not commendable?
If you're referring to the news of her pregnant 17 year old daughter...let me ask you not know of anyone in your family or in someone's close to you that hasn't had that issue or worse? It shows she's human and brings her down to a "real life" level.
@WhatsHerName (2716)
• United States
2 Sep 08
I'm excited about Sarah, I think she was a great choice. Obviously you are a Democrat and wouldn't like anyone he picked anyway.
I'm glad "she's no Hillary"...

@WhatsHerName (2716)
• United States
2 Sep 08
Well I never had a party. If I can quote Pastor Rick Warren, "I'm not left wing or right, I'm for the whole bird".
This division among the parties has got to stop. We have to stop hating each other for the party we choose to support.
We have to stand united, or divided we will fall...
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
2 Sep 08
I am a Democrat who will be voting Republican this time around. I like Sarah Palin. The pro-life issue aside, there are more important things to be concerned about.

@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
1 Sep 08
I'm Canadian but if I could vote it certainly wouldn't be Mccain and his token woman. As soon as I heard he had chosen a woman I thought oh good what a great move. Then I read up on this woman and the thought that she could be vice president of one of the worlds most powerful countries scares me. This woman could set the world back 10years on woman's rights in a heartbeat. She certainly is no Hillary. Hilary had experience and brains. This woman who is a strong Christian woman believes in pro life. How could anyone think that women shouldn't have the choice over her own body is frightening. She has 5 kids. In this day and age who needs to have 5 kids? The world is so overpopulated as it is and there are so many kids that need a home . She has a kid with down's syndrome. That is sad and too bad and all but she knew before the kid was born and yet had it anyways. She has very little political experience at all. She was mayor of a city that had like 5000 people in it! I sure hope those two don't get in. I think the only positive would be that Hilary would be a shoo in in about 4 years! I know these aren't popular thoughts I have but that is how this one Canadian woman thinks.
@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
3 Sep 08
Most of the points that you make here are more than valid and I agree with you on most of them. I also feel that she has more important issues within her own household that require her attention(i.e.. the pregnant 17 year old daughter. She should see to the issues within her own household before she tries to tell us that she is ready to run our country!
@jonesy123 (3948)
• United States
1 Sep 08
It's Sarah, not Debra;) As to why he picked her, shock value. He definitely took away attention from Obama and the DNC aftermath. Took the wind out of Obama's sails. They weren't talking about his speech anymore, they wanted to know who Sarah Palin is.
She is as Republican as one can get. And she is a political go-getter and sort of a maverick. Adding her definitely made the campaign more interesting. It might have also been a move to get the attention of the female voters, but I doubt that was the primary reason. He added some youth to his campaign that the younger generation can compare with.
This move is similar to Obama adding an older, seasoned, white male to his ticket. Ease the minds of those who fear a 'black' revolution of sorts. Get the older population on his side.
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@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
3 Sep 08
As a politician seeking office, he is trying to get as many votes from as many groups as possible. I think that the primary reason that he selected her as his running mate is that she is female. Secondary is the fact that she is a fairly new politician and so doesn't have a long voting record or a big basket of political axes to grind. she also is very down to earth and "grassroots" style politically.
@zemanza (1)
2 Sep 08
I was watching the news today, and it turns out that Palin's teenage daughter is pregnant with an illegitimate child. Not only that, but the father is 18, and they have still to get married. Her daughter is already five months pregnant, and it's convenient timing that she's deciding to reveal the truth at this stage in the game (the first official day of the republican national convention).
Without a doubt, it's all just a publicity stunt. I personally always look at the issues instead of the people. But in this case, the fact that Palin can't even look after her own daughter sends a strong message about how she will do in terms of the nation.
NO, Palin wasn't a good choice.
@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
16 Sep 08
Whatshername may be right in that the candidate now seems more gritty and real rather than a slick politician. If the girl does not marry the father or marry before she gives birth then the child is illigtimate. However if the child does marry then the child is born into wedlock which just makes him ill advised not illigitimate.
@laglen (19759)
• United States
2 Sep 08
I disagree, I really like Palin and a lot of the crap coming out about her is getting debunked already. I think she will be fresh blood in a stale state. I like her politics and the way she accomplishes things. She is not afraid to stand up to the "big guys". I think this is the smartest thing McCain could have done.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
2 Sep 08
Response #3 pretty much covered it as far as the issues go and I'd like to echo those words. I'm not going to attack her personally and the surprise announcement about her 17 year old daughter's pregnancy doesn't make me dislike or disrespect her personally plus the investigation that is going on in Alaska may or may not lead to anything but I think it's probably going to be pretty "small potatoes". However, I'd have to say at first glance this was a bad choice because Palin isn't well-known nationally, at least not yet, she has less experience by far than Obama has especially in foreign policy which she admits to knowing little about and not being particularly interested i it. As I stated, her views on choice, education, energy and the environment are the opposite of mine so I couldn't support her for that reason. My feeling is that McCain was under a great deal of pressure to pick an anti-choice running mate although his favorites reportedly were Ridge or Lieberman who are both pro-choice. I think the idea to choose a woman - ANY pro-life woman - was his idea and I really can't understand his reasoning but I've been wrong before. I do think it was quite condescending for anyone to think those who supported Hillary Clinton will just hop on over to McCain simply because he put a woman on the ticket. I know many of Hillary's female voters were thrilled to have a woman candidate and would have loved to have seen her in the White House but these women are not stupid. I'm NOT saying anyone who supports McCain or Palin is stupid, let me make that perfectly clear because I don't like to be treated that way and I won't treat or talk about others that way, but I mean anyone who supported Hillary, male or female, had to know where she stands on the major issues and once they learn, if they haven't already, what Palin's positions are they'll hop right back over to Obama!
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
3 Sep 08
Actually I think he did a great job picking her. I think she'll help win over the some of the women voters, she's strong in determination and she may be considered a breath of fresh air. I think it was the best move he could've made.
@oneidmnster (1384)
• United States
1 Sep 08
She's no more of a bad choice for Vice-President than Obama is for President.I don't think that McCain is that great either,but Obama just doesn't seem too bright to me.If the American people ever get over the pop star status,they'll find that he doesn't seem too know what he's talking about.If he were white,he would have been out of the race a long time ago.Period!!!
Besides,Obama did the same thing by adding Biden to his ticket.He's basically McCain light.And Obama was an unknown before the race began.He's on the doorstep to the White House and has done nothing to deserve it.
@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
16 Sep 08
Obama however tends to make more sense than McCain when he does speak. However there really is no one who has come along in the last 8 years who has set the political world on fire or who has polarized the feelings of the American people such as Obama has done.
@kimberlylynn (978)
• United States
2 Sep 08
I was surprised at his choice and now hearing her teenage daughter is pregnant doesn't reflect well. I guess he is trying to get more women's votes and maybe it will work but foreign policy is so important right now and she has little experience in that area.
@dbusichio (80)
• United States
2 Sep 08
Kim, This is not and should not be an issue.
John MaCain has foreign policy in hand. I beleive Govenor Palin knows more about foreign policy than we both think.
I beleive that we owe her that much to prove herself between now and election day to decide if she fits that shoe. Are you with me Kim?
@fiona08 (454)
• United States
1 Sep 08
Time will tell, whether his choice was good or bad. Her views are so far right, that she actually scares me a little bit, but that is the very thing that will make others love her. She is beautiful and charismatic, which are good selling points for any candidate. She is a mom and a wife, another good draw for voters. I just hope that people study the issues, and her views on them before deciding to give McCain their vote. She is an extreme social conservative, and would be a complete off the wall choice for anyone who supported Hillary Clinton based on her policies. Of course, if a person is uneducated enough just to want a woman in office, I guess it makes no difference. I hope McCain has made a good choice. . . Good for Obama!
@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
3 Sep 08
I think that she has already torpedoed the chances of campaign McCain to get into the White house unless they get invited over for dinner! McCain is also an extreme conservative and a war monger who believes in this BS coated war and seeks to continue it if he is elected.
@dbusichio (80)
• United States
2 Sep 08
SHA-RONE you scare me, along with Hussin Obama and Butthead. Oh, the Name is Govenor SARAH PALIN, got it,one more time, Lets say it together, Govenor SARAH PALIN.
I never judge a person by there color nor by the cover of a book.
This election is not about women it's about voting for a president.
I'm voting for someone I can trust and beleive in, one that does not say one thing and then later changes his position. From extreme left then moves to the center.
One that doesn't mimic others accomplisments. One that doesn't walk around like he is the Messiah.
The answer to your question is ,yes I beleive he made a excellent choice.
@jasbarrett (1)
• United States
4 Sep 08
Hi Sharon,Just bought my OBAMA T-shirt today! More rifles,bibles & abstinence we don't need. How about some common sense and logic? We are back in Greenville from Myrtle Beach.
@jtsarkis (64)
• United States
2 Sep 08
Well in some ways it's good, and in some ways it's bad. I think if he picked a democrat, he might have some more support. But if he picked a female democrat he would have a lot of support. Some of the Hillary supporters might have chosen McCain then instead of Obama. But he didn't, so I don't think that many Hillary supporters will become traitors. Maybe a few since Debra is female. But Debra Palin is not very well known, so this could be a down side. She is from Alaska and not many people really know her. This could have a negative impact. But I wouldn't vote for McCain even if someone paid me to. So it really doesn't matter.