Do you believe in Jesus?
By rodelbulan
@rodelbulan (594)
15 responses
@ClassyCat (1214)
• United States
7 Sep 08
I am addressing : { "ProudMuslimGirl" }
The reason you believe what you do is because of what you've been taught, and maybe you're not allowed to question your instructors, or debate with them.
Yes, it is true for Christians as well - we are 'taught.' But - there comes a time when I EXPERIENCED what I was taught, and that makes it solid and real.
No one can argue against what you've experienced - it is real.
The Bible speaks of a "veil" being over the understanding of one who rejects Jesus Christ as God's son. Jesus did die and rise again, and there's been proof down through the ages.
This could become a very heated and argumentative discussion, which I'd rather not do. But I wanted to tell you from MY part, that you have been taught things that you have not questioned.
There is positive proof that Jesus Christ was and is real. He did not lie. He spoke the truth, and the question that was asked in His days upon the earth are still being asked today: "Who do men say that I am"?
@rodelbulan (594)
• Philippines
13 Sep 08
I respect what you believe. But what we believe that what we believe it true... and we feel it, and it is unexplainable... the happiness and the joy that it gives. Jesus changed us. You have lots of reason but we have millions of reasons too... and these reason are backed with truth... I will try to read Koran but please try to read the bible too.
I am telling you this, not to defend a "religion" but to depend a faith, and this is my way expressing my praise to HIM. It is said that "the message of salvation" will be heard my everybody, the way you hear it numerous times already and after that he will come and reign. Everybody will be given the chance to repent...My reasons are not just thought in me... it is felt as well and I have millions of reasons to tell the world that jesus is the son of god.
@rodelbulan (594)
• Philippines
13 Sep 08
God sees the heart. Even if we do 10,000 rituals a day... It will not be heared unless you do it by your heart. That's why believing in jesus is not actually a religion.. it is a 'relationship'.
Anyweiz,,, this is my last response here. But I have learned from you proud muslim girl. Thank you for sharing information about muslim culture. I really gained a lot.
God bless you and good luck to all of us!

@djoyce71 (2511)
• Philippines
7 Sep 08
Hello rodel.
I do believe in Jesus Christ. He is our savior, our guide to the path of salvation. Have a nice day!

@ClassyCat (1214)
• United States
8 Sep 08
I appreciate your kindness in your response. And it is not religion that I live by, but "relationship." You advise me to read the Koran - would you read the Bible? Even exchange of ideas is good.
I think this discussion could be quite lengthy here, and MyLot may not want something that would be long and drawn out.
But if we emailed it would be different.
When you read the Bible in the book of Genesis (which means 'beginnings) - it says: "In the beginning GOD." The first part of the Bible was translated from the Greek transcripts, and the word "God" here, is taken from the Greek word: "Elohim" which means God in PLURALITY. Later on in Genesis it says:"Let US make man in OUR image. God made mankind as a 3 part being: spirit -soul & body.
It is almost like a family. You have father - mother and child. They are 3, but yet 1. God the Father - God the Son & God the Holy Spirit, are ALWAYS united in unity of purpose and plan.
God cannot ne known by the human mind, according to the Bible, but by "revelation" and or "divine encounter."
I will quit here. Bless you, and I hope we shall visit again.
Classy Cat
@letsplayfast (44)
• United States
8 Sep 08
Its just a story Joyce. But I will say that if it makes you and yours happy, go with it, but don't let it destroy like it has done to so many, living for god instead themselves, doing without and have your family do without in order to please god. I'm not just talking out of left field here, I know the bible, I know world history and I know how detrimental god and religion can be for family, children, lives can be ruined in the name of god, not just your god, but any god any religion. So ask yourself when and if it ever comes up, would a god that loves me and mine do this? put us through this? I don't believe a god that loved you would create any hardship for you at all ever.
@letsplayfast (44)
• United States
8 Sep 08
No I don't. God and more than god, religion, are the biggest fallacies ever contrived, contrived to control the populace and build wealth for those propagating said subjects. We know for a fact that the bible is nothing more than would be tales from many years ago as people tried to reason among themselves what the world was doing here, what they were doing here. The bible is a host of offering for the "why" that people have wondered about for as long as people have been around and able to reason. The bible contradicts itself repeatedly, even the simple story of creation is told differently depending on where you read about it. We also know for a fact that many contributions to the bible were written by one person and the credit given to another. For instance: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" the "Golden Rule" right? Plato wrote that eons before the bible was put together, but, the credit is given to jesus! The bible was a guide book that religious leaders have used for centuries for their own personal gain, strict laws were enacted to keep people in line and it is the same today. I would love to own a church! millions of tax free dollars every year? yes! ship it! Don't be taken in by religion, it will drain you as long as it can, keep you down and unhappy just so you can believe you are doing the right thing.
@ClassyCat (1214)
• United States
5 Sep 08
Absolutely - Jesus Christ is real, and when you admidt the part that your sins had in putting him on that cross - ask forgiveness and invite Him into your life - - he does indeed come into your earthen temple to live, for as long as you want Him.
He brings a joy that is unexplainable. He gives a peace that is marvelous.
When you read God's word, the very Presence and character of Jesus begins to form within you. As you remain humble, and obedient to His call in your life - DESTINY begins to unfold, and His plan begins to be laid out for you to follow.
I could go on, but must allow space for others to add their comments.
Classy Cat
@bubba123 (22)
10 Sep 08
I am a muslim and i believe in Jesus (pbuh) as a noble messenger of god who will come again for his second coming and kill the anti-christ.
I believe in him as he is mentioned in the Qur'an as a messenger sent by god to the children of israel. Not believing in him takes a muslim out of belief and into disbelief
I hope i have shed some light on Jesus (pbuh) in Islam.
@awapak (1275)
• Pakistan
7 Sep 08
Yes,I believe in Prophet Jesus(pbuh)as a prophet of God Almighty like all other prophets and not as a God or son of a God.Mind you Gods never take birth from woman's womb,require food and water to live and then die for our sins(as Christians believe about him).No doubt we Muslims love him b/c he is coming to us before the End Day to unite all Muslim and Christian believers in one universal faith(Islam)to fight a holy war against the last Antichrist and his followers.He will kill the Antichrist in israel with his own hands.Then he will create the first IDEAL WORLD STATE on this earth,basing on the last divine Book,the holy Quran, to fill it with complete peace,prosperity and justice.........We or our coming generations will shed our blood on his orders and will never leave him alone as his followers had done before...........This is our promise to one God Almighty and Prophet Jesus(pbuh).We are anxiously awaiting his second arrival..........
@cristine3276 (893)
• Philippines
4 Sep 08
Yes I do believe in JesusChrist. Without Him, there is no hope in my life so there is no hope found in this world. He is the one who makes life beautiful and gives meaning to it. Because of His sacrifice on the cross, man can enjoy an eternal life, man can look forward to a beautiful future.
@newlands6801 (986)
• United States
4 Sep 08
yes i believe in christ,he is the one who put us here on earth.without him there would be no us,animals,earth, or anything else.god is the one who created heaven and could you not believe in christ i don't understand???not judging anyone just why don't you believe?
@razor123 (979)
• India
2 Sep 08
Yes I do believe in Jesus Christ because he is my Lord and my God and I love him very much.
He gives me all that i need to survive in this world and today if I'm alive its because of him.
I believe he is present and exits and always by my side taking good care of me. I go to church every Sundays and pray to him.